Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 708: The Heart

The dreaded appearance of a thin skin affixed over the canopy crept up in the pitch-black darkness.

"... are you here... Lennon! ……

Shester shrugged so unexpectedly.

But Lennon did not give the Chesters in the cage a glimpse, and stared at the wretched dwarf wandering in front of him.

"... not against my life... you too, Libor..."

Lennon questioned Libeau as he included a quiet rage in it, albeit in an extremely calm tone.

Liveau then tried to excuse Lennon for not asking for forgiveness, either out of fear, or while he stepped back and slowly retreated again.

"... Dear Lennon, it is a misunderstanding... that I intend nothing to disobey your life, etc... at all..."

Liveau protested so with a trembling voice, but his legs were slowly retreating again, one step or two.

At last, however, Libeau's legs were touched by his heels, making a noise with Gachan in the cage where Lombardos were imprisoned.

Libeau glanced at the dreaded looking man before his own eyes again, checking his feet for a moment in surprise.

"... No, Master Lennon... I intend to disobey my hair..."

Lennon, who had listened to Liveau's excuses until then as he assimilated them to darkness outside the door, moved slowly and quietly there, one step closer, another, towards Liveau.

"It's Libeau. Good excuse. I heard your words with these ears, didn't I?

"... yes, no, that's... my name is Aya... never meant to be..."

"Seriously? I don't care what you mean. No one can see the mind of others. It is therefore the words that matter. And it's an objective fact. You have now certainly declared before my eyes that you are against my life. Whatever the reason..."

"... Yes, no, wait a minute, Master Lennon. Indeed, I said earlier that I would disobey Lennon's life. But it's in the bounce of things. It's about being put on these people. Not from the heart."

"So you're telling me it doesn't matter if you mean it or not? The only thing that matters is what you said against my life. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you're instigated to do. You did now declare that you were a man who would not obey my life if that were the case. That's where it matters. Because all I need is someone who will, in any case, absolutely follow my life as a golden rule."

To Lennon's cold-hearted words, Libeau broke from his knee.

"... Dear Lennon... please forgive me..."

"It's Libeau. Apparently you're not ready to be one of my men, are you?

When Lennon said so, he raised his thin upper lip edge to turn and grinned.

And he dropped his hips on the ground and looked down cold with a disdainful look on Libor.

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