Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 742: To Hell.

"... that it's hell!? ……

Shester raised his surprise not too loud.

But Lennon expected it, without any surprise, but only a thin laugh.

"... you're not going to ram a thousand years of dragons in hell, are you?

Then Lennon finally unraveled his laughter, and opened his mouth.

"What are you going to do if you say you're going to do that?

"... well, I can't. Such a prisoner..."

"That's true. You will not do anything. But that's also why I was able to teach you."

"... you want me to thank you?

"I didn't say that. It's just that I like to tell you this…"

"So what? What are you trying to say?

"Don't you have to get into a fight like that? I'm just saying..."

Then Shester put a minute here.

"... fine. Then let's calm down and ask again. Are you sure you're going to attack hell?

Then Lennon nodded loudly.

"Yes, you're right."

"... are you insane? Really to hell...... no you mean there really is hell ahead in the first place?

Then Lennon nodded loudly once again.

"Yes, there is. Hell certainly exists ahead of this road."

"You mean this is the passage to hell..."

"Yes. That said, to be more precise, it will be one of the passages to hell"

"... that there is something else?

"Yeah, there seems to be a lot. I don't know the exact numbers, but there are a number of others... depending on what you hear, there are about ten other places in Lowenglin alone, right?

"... is that what Signus told you?

"Yeah, that's right. Speaking of which, Master Signus says that Elmur, where you both live, also has a path to hell, right?

"To Elmour!?

"Yes. They say there's an entrance in the middle of a suburban mountain."

"... suburban mountains... which mountains? ……

"Come on...... I haven't heard that far. Are you sure you want to ask Signus later?

"... oh, let's do that. But now I want to hear about this road. Originally this road wasn't connected to the ground, was it? How did you know there was a path like this in the basement?

"No, she said the entrance was once open. But I don't know when, but you seem to have blocked the entrance. I buried it with massive amounts of dirt, and I stepped on it and blocked it... I don't know why."

"If you don't know when, how did you know this path existed?

Lennon answered Shester's repeated questions with a grin.

"Come on, I don't know. Why don't you ask Master Signus later, including that?

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