Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 758: Snowfields

"... so when are we going to get to hell?

Signus answered Chester's question as if it would be a hassle.

"... yeah? Oh, it won't be long now... we'll be there soon..."

Signus said as he gently opened his eyelids, again quietly closing them.

"Right. And you look tired, huh? Is it hard for you to talk?

"... Hmm. Not really. But still, you're a chatter, aren't you? Apparently you can sit quietly..."

Then Shester shrugged his shoulder.

"Because I'm bored? You guys put me on something I don't even know why, and you brought me to hell, and you have nothing to do with it?

Then Signus laughed happily.

"You were. Indeed it is...... yes or bored. Then take a look out the window. You can see something a little different, can't you?

Signus told me that Chester stood up in large measure.

Then Lombardo beside him stood up similarly, and the two of us moved up to the window frame and glanced outside.


"Snow!?... the ground is white..."

Shester was surprised to see the bright white landscape like a snowfield on one side, spreading outside.

But at the same time, looking upwards, looking for the open spaces that would naturally have to be opened if the white scene were snow, I made sure that the rocky skin was spreading as it had always been.

"... what do you mean? This is not snow... then what is this?

Shester asked the turning signal.

Then Signus shook his head sideways with a grin on his face.

"I don't know what it is. But when the ground turns white, there's no doubt that hell is close evidence."

"... you really don't know?

"I don't know. Because it doesn't matter to me what the hell entrance is made of."

"Are you saying it's hell itself you're interested in?

Then Signus thought slightly.

"... no, you're not even interested in making hell itself. There are people who live there..."

Then Chester's eyes lit up.

"Now I'm not interested... that doesn't mean I'm not interested at all?

Then Signus answered with a bitter smile.

"But you're a man who often captures people's language butts, aren't you?... but yeah... not at all interested..."

"Well... I'm also interested in what you're interested in"

"Are you interested in my interests... interesting? Let me tell you something."

Signus mostly woke up and turned to Chester.

"The making of hell... well in a nutshell, it has changed. Speaking of how things are changing, I don't know... where the whole hell is shining..."

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