Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 818: Singularities

"It's a singularity!?

Satan was by far the most astonished and unexpectedly provoked a powerful thought.

For this reason Astalot suffered by twisting his body to the point of bending his knee.

"... cum!... Not at all... you're a troubled man... now I won't have it..."

"I'm sorry, Astarot... I didn't mean to do that right now. I'm really surprised."

"By... you mean it was on purpose so far, right?

Astalot glanced at Guillaume and Satan.

But Satan said without any evil at all.

"Don't bully me like that. I have no other intention. More than that... is it true that the guy named Gaius is a singularity?

Although Astaloto was slightly angry that his complaint was lightly received, he grew up here and gave his feelings.

"... yeah, it's true. He… Gaius is indisputably a peculiarity of the world"

"... well... then the conversation will change..."

Then Astaloto pinned up one eyebrow root and asked.

"How do you say things change?

Then Satan spoke slowly with a low and quiet thought.

"Talk about it earlier... Whatever kind of dragon tears and what kind of things they are, I didn't think for a thousand years that dragons could control me... but when singularities appear here, the conversation changes a lot..."

"I heard that idiosyncrasies can affect a variety of events... but I didn't think you'd be scared enough, did I?

"Hmm... I'm not afraid of anything else. But it's true that it affects all things… it's troubling…"

Astalot, caught on Satan's last words, listened back.

"Trouble, what is it?

Then Satan laughed happily out.

"Interesting. Let's just say he's really interesting. But this singularity. I don't know why, but I've never been caught in my antenna before."

"What does that mean?

"Literally. In spite of my existence, I cannot recognize its existence. Don't you think that's strange?

"Sure if you ask me why you haven't noticed Gaius' presence before... I've never thought about this before but this is certainly strange..."

"Would it? But this isn't just about Gaius. I haven't even recognized it once, if I've never had contact with a singularity. Then naturally, it would be natural to assume that some power is working between us."

"... someone... who is that?

Then Satan said away in a mockery mix.

"Let's not even ask, shall we? Isn't that up to the God guy!

Did Satan make himself uncomfortable with the fact that God's name had been pronounced, from which he continued to send flashy thoughts for some time?

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