Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 845: Convenience Operations

"... is that interesting? ……

Asio shouted in protest.

Then Shester looked aside at Azio's face and blew it out gently.

Asio let her mouth shut even more and said if she was dissatisfied.

"... you don't have to laugh so much..."

Then Shester honestly apologized to Azio's protest.

"No, sorry. I'm sorry. I saw you uncommonly complain. [M] I laughed, but I apologize if I offended you."

Then Asio shrugged his shoulder and said he had no choice.

"... well, if that's the case... fine. More importantly, as we talked earlier, is that interesting after all?

Asio once again questioned Chester's sincerity.

Shester nodded and answered.

"Oh, I think it's funny. Preconstruction, which has become old and almost forgotten, and convenience operations contrary to it. These are not supposed to be mutually compatible. If we value pre-construction, even if it is convenient, we cannot ignore pre-construction and operate it at our own convenience. However, if we prioritize convenience operations, we should revise the old pre-construction and then do the operation again. But in fact, even though it has gotten old and nobody cares about it, there is strictly pre-construction, and at the same time, there is a juxtaposition of what is supposed to be incompatible with carrying out convenience operations. Can't we just call this a big contradiction?

"... Well, it's true that the clergy still lives without being amended to forbid his wife's belt... but the commandment is what the Bible says, so hey... I don't think it's possible to be amended even after a hundred years, right?

"I guess. But just because we can't amend it, we all want to make a fait accompli, and no matter how much common sense makes the general public think it's common sense to have a clergy and a wife, as long as we can't amend the Bible, the Lowenglin clergy will never be able to have a wife."

"... uh-huh. I know what you're saying, but if almost every citizen thinks the clergy will also have a wife, how much would they miss for violating the scriptures?

Then Chester raised his mouth angle.

"Normally. But I think there's something in there that makes a thorough and rigorous judgment, right?

To what Shester said, Azio twisted his neck.

"... thoroughly strict...?... Well... what the... ah! Right, over there!

I remembered that Azio was on his way and accidentally shouted out loud.

Then Chester raised his mouth even bigger.

"Sounds like you got it, huh? Where you make a thoroughly strict decision on everything… yes, that's a court of law"

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