Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 904: Mistakes

Then Elba smiled gently at Nicole Comet.

"It's okay, Comet. Don't worry if I'm wrong. At times like this, you should imagine the worse. 'Cause if it's any better, you think I'm lucky, don't you? But I imagine only the good ones, and vice versa, if something bad happened, it would be awesome - so disappointing, wouldn't it? So you better think something bad's gonna happen."

That said Elba winked adorably.

Comette smiled back, though a little.

Then Shester also saw the exchange between the two of them and smiled.

"... and that's something we've gotten along with in a long, short time, huh?

Said as Shester was impressed.

Then Elba looked surprised.

"Really?... right... right. I guess it would be quicker if they did say... what do you think? Comet."

Then Comet nagged a little and often thought about it before answering.

"Right. It may indeed be quicker than normal. But I don't think it's particularly early."

"Hmm. Right... sure, if I traced my old memories too, I would have suddenly gotten along with the kid who sat next to me on my first day of class change at school..."

"Yeah, not all the time, but I think that's in the hope. Wouldn't it be the same with my sister's case?

"Mm-hmm. I wonder how much I felt about that classmate. I still have a relationship. Maybe he felt something when we first met."

"Really? Do you still have a relationship with that friend? Then we should get along much better, too, right? Sister."

Comet spoke to Elba with a flamboyant smile.

Then Elba nodded with a very cute smile as well.

"Right. Maybe, but until one of us dies, I don't think we're gonna get along... somehow."

That's what Elba gave me an even cuter smile.

Comet nodded greatly.

"Yes. I agree. We have to make a lifetime difference."

Then an Elba companion came to report.

"Thank you for waiting, Master Elba. The accommodation process is now closed."

Then Elba woke her body up reflexively.

"Yay! I'll finally take a bath. Come on, Comet."

Elba nodded to me and Comet stood up.

"Come on, show me. By the way, can you stretch your legs in the tub? Oh, yeah. You had no idea. [M] Fine, if you put it in your room, you'll see. Now, let's go."

When Elba curled up with a quick mouth, he walked straight to the stairs with his fast feet as they were.

Shester saw Elba and the back of Comet following that Elba, and with a clear mind, he was attacked by a sleeper and sank himself on the couch.

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