Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 116: Marina’s Side — The Jealous Wife

“Hehe, you like that?” He rubbed his nose with his finger, smiling proudly in the process. “Magic is easy! I don’t get why you’re so bad at it, Erika! I got that book just a week ago and I’m already this good at it! And I don’t even want to be a mage!”

“Pervert!” Erika yelled as tears formed in her eyes. Her expression was that of a mixture of embarrassment and anger. Perhaps more on the former.

As for me though, I had the same expression. Only that I had far more of the latter compared to the former.

I walked forward without a word, and then…


I slapped the little brat, right on his right cheek.

He froze, seemingly shocked that I would actually do such a thing to him.

And then, he started to cry as well.

“U-uwaaahhhh! Y-you can’t do that! You’re not even my mother yet!”

“Lady Marina! How dare you?!”

As if Fate was having a laugh, it seemed I had been caught in the act by the boy’s mother, who stormed into the scene as if I just murdered her child. I didn't even notice that she was there, watching from the distance. At least, not until it was already too late. Even though she was wearing her usual white poofy-sleeved shirt, red ankle-length skirt, and a large feather hat colored similarly to the latter. Not exactly the most inconspicuous attire.

I cursed under my breath. I should've known something like this could happen. I let my temper get the better of me.

Still sobbing, the boy ran to his mother and hugged her. She immediately kneeled down and hugged him back.

"Uwaahhh! Miss Marina is mean to me!"

"Shh, don't worry. Mother will take care of her. So wipe your tears. You're your father's son, aren't you? Be brave and don't show your weakness to the enemy."

Did she just call me an enemy?

She then walked over to my direction, put on her most angry expression, and said, "How dare you hit my son like that? Who do you think you are? Just because you're the Earl's granddaughter doesn't mean you're above us in stature!"

"I did it for a good reason," I replied coldly. "He had done something inexcusable. He intentionally used a wind spell to lift Erika's and my dress."

"So? Do you think that gives you the right to hit my child?"

"It gives me the right to discipline him since you yourself seem to be unable to do so."

I’m not going to back off, even though I know provoking her like this would just make things worse. I have my own pride to consider. And Erika’s pride as well. I am not going to let some snot-nosed kid bully her.

“Oh? So you think you know better how to raise my son? Don’t tell me you actually are aiming to be my husband’s third wife? Just so you know that I will never—”

Suddenly, she paused mid-sentence, as something seemingly had latched onto her mind.

“R-right. You! If you’re going to hit my child like that, then I would only allow it if you become Reinhard’s third wife!”

I raised my eyebrows at this sudden shift. Until I realized what she was doing.

She wants me to marry her husband so that his position as Grandfather’s heir would remain secure.

I am surprised. And impressed. It seems that even in her anger, she still keeps a clear head. She’s willing to sacrifice her own pride—as I am sure she doesn’t want me to be anywhere near her dear Reinhard if she can help it—just so the future of her husband is guaranteed.

“Yeah! Please marry Father, Miss Marina! He’s fond of you, you know!”

The kid had seemingly recovered fully, now back to his usual, cheerful self as if he hadn’t been crying just five minutes ago. Don’t tell me that he’s faking all that.

“I do not want to hit your child,” I replied to Emma, looking her straight in the eye to show that I wasn’t lying. “But I do want him to stop doing this kind of action to me or Erika. And you should agree with me in the matter, for a boy who grows up thinking this kind of thing is acceptable would grow up to become an irresponsible womanizer who will play around with every woman he fancies. Do you want that to be his future?”

“...Impressive." She folded her arms under her chest, giving me a defiant, almost sneering look. "So you believe that just because he’s a little prankster who likes lifting skirts, he’ll grow up to be an irresponsible adult. You do know he'll grow up from this phase, sooner or later. nd Once he’s ten, I’ll send him off to the most prestigious boarding school where he would be taught to be a perfect gentleman. So it’s fine for him to fool around like this for a bit. Kids his age need it after all. And that’s Reinhard speaking.”

“I doubt Reinhard approves of him being a mischievous little runt like this though.” I fired back.

“Watch your tongue. I won’t accept you or anyone else calling my little angel a “runt” like that.”

...Oops. Perhaps that’s a bit too much.

“Very well then. If you think there’s no problem whatsoever with him acting like that, then I assume you would have no problem with me doing this.”

With a flick of my wand, I cast a Wind spell, just like the one he did. Only this time it was a bit more powerful. And the wind would surge out right underneath his mother’s skirt.

It was enough to lift her long skirt all the way upwards, revealing to the world her undergarments, just like how mine and Erika’s had been revealed.

This wasn’t done out of any perverted intentions. I simply wanted to show her how embarrassing it was for a lady to have her private region being exposed like that.

When the wind died down, the lady’s face had turned pure crimson. I chuckled a little. See? She’s just as embarrassed as I am. Or even more so.

And then, her hand flew right towards my face for a slap.

Too bad that my vine caught it in mid-air.

“See? You’re really embarrassed, aren’t you? So please understand why I want him to stop. The maids might not complain about it, knowing your status as this household’s madam, but I will. I am Marina Archimond, the granddaughter of Philip Archimond. So I have the same status as you are, Lady Emma.”

With those words, the woman could only turn around in anger, dragging her son with him.

Once they were gone, I let out a deep sigh.

Well, this will only worsen our relationship.

After our little dramatic confrontation, Henrietta arrived to inform me that Grandfather had summoned me. I told her I would be there at once. Erika on the other hand opted to return to her room. She was in no mood to use the rest of the day to play in the garden, it seemed, especially after what just happened.



Wow, that was amazing! To think I would miss such a lovely sight if I had arrived just a few moments later. This must be my lucky day!

I don't know exactly what happened, but it seems Young Master had lifted Miss Marina's skirt with his magic. She wouldn't know Young Master was capable of such a feat since I believe he only learned it 5 days ago, judging by when he started going on a rampage lifting the skirts of us maids. I was also one of his victims, but I didn't really mind. A cute boy like him can peek at my panties anytime he wants~♥

I have to applaud his bravery. Sure, I saw Miss Marina's panties already when I helped her change, but seeing her all flustered like that when her skirt was blown upwards, it was a divine sight. Aah, Miss Marina. Why are you so lovely?

But then, something even better happened. Miss Emma's skirt got lifted as well, and it's by Miss Marina too! I never got a chance to see her undergarments, so you can just imagine my excitement.

And my oh my, it was an even lovelier sight. She wore long white stockings and garterbelt. Her panties were sheer lace, colored white as well. It was an extremely erotic sight, especially since the panties showed a generous amount of her butt. No doubt she would wear them whenever she wanted to seduce Master Reinhard. But to think she would wear them in broad daylight as well… oh, how lewd!

...Alright, enough of that for now. I already got the image stored nicely in my mind. I can fantasize about it later. Now, I need to give Miss Marina her message.



I headed back to the study with Henrietta leading the way. Once she finished escorting me, she excused herself, citing that she would need to clean up my bedroom.

When I entered the room, I noticed that Grandfather was still busy with the documents. Only that this time around, he had Elise standing beside him as his assistant. The maid wasn’t present when I first met him, which meant he probably had dismissed her so that we could have a completely private discussion. It was somewhat of a sensitive matter after all.

“Ah, you’re here.” He greeted me with a smile. “Good news. I just received a letter from a friend and he said he knew a merchant who possessed that Dream Orb thing you wanted.”

My eyes widened.

“She is already making her way here. However, she expects to be paid handsomely for the item plus the fee of coming all the way out here."

"H-how much?" I stuttered.

"The letter doesn't mention the price, unfortunately." He shook his head. "However, the merchant would accept favors as payment."


"Most likely a letter of introduction to His Majesty." Grandfather sighed. "Any merchants worth their salt would want to build connections with a kingdom's royal family."

"Can you do that, Grandfather? If you can't, then there's no need to—"

"Hah! Who do you think I am?" He laughed. "I never go back down on my promise, especially after your excellent work on those bandits. I'll write this merchant a letter that will take them to His Majesty directly. I still have some pulls in court after all."

If a heart could grow wings and fly away, then mine would've done so already.

Finally! I can talk to Hugo again!


The following days went like a blur, as my excitement continued to linger on, even though I knew the merchant wasn’t going to arrive for at least two months, and maybe more. She was apparently a wandering merchant of the Hobbit race who had recently set up shop at the city of Trine, which was the capital of the Grand Duchy of Amereria. She specialized in magical items, so it wouldn’t be odd for her to obtain the Dream Orb. Especially since The Bottomless Chasm was nearby—a World Dungeon where such items would be able to be found.

After the incident, Emma refused to talk or even look at me while Roland continued his mischievous ways, though he stopped whenever I was present. It seemed my slap had actually scared him, at least for the moment.

After around two weeks, Reinhard finally returned. He reported that Marie had been delivered safely to her uncle's place. And from the short time he was treated to his hospitality, he seemed to be a decent enough guy, at least according to his gut feeling. Let's just hope that gut feeling of his is correct, or I'll feel really guilty of not taking in the poor girl instead.

And of course, since he returned, the noises returned as well. What noises you might ask?


“O-oh, Reinhard! More! More! Thrust even deeper inside me!"

"N-not fair, Emma! I want him inside me too! Stop hogging him all for yourself!"

I paused in my tracks. Once again, those outrageous sounds reached my ears.

I had just finished my seed research, which I performed in a small greenhouse constructed specifically for me at the gardens. On my way back to my room, I had to pass in front of Reinhard's room. And so, I could hear what's going on inside, even if I didn't want to.

And what I heard, as shameful as it was to admit, turned me on terribly.


My legs instinctively crossed themselves as I felt a familiar twinge down there. 

Really, to think that the normally prim and proper woman would act like this in bed…

But I suppose that's how a harmonious family is supposed to be. Mother was like that as well.

...I'm jealous. I want to have a lover and do all that stuff with him as well.

But for now, I have to settle with my hands instead.


Returning back to my room, I threw myself onto the bed and immediately began to massage my girlhood through my panties.

I imagined myself being hugged from behind by a man—his hands reaching forward and groping my breasts, as he whispered sweet nothings into my ears.

“Uuuhhhh… aahhnnn...”

I buried my face in my pillow as I became more and more aroused. I didn’t want any moans to escape outside the room. Not that I’m much of a moaner to begin with. I’m pretty good at stifling my own moans.

I then imagined the man going underneath my skirt, licking at my already soaking girlhood without hesitation. I begged him to go slower but he wouldn’t listen.


My fingers moved faster and faster as I came closer and closer into my climax. And then…




Splish splosh~♥

My fingers could feel my green panties significantly dampen as liquid spilled over from my girlhood.

It was shameful yet satisfying at the same time.

After I finished, I took a big relieved sigh. I hugged my pillow and drifted off into dreamland, as I would always get sleepy after I had my orgasm. In my mind, I imagined I was hugging my darling after we had our playtime together. I would lean on his chest and enjoy the sound of his heartbeat as I fell asleep.

I sighed again. When will I get the gentleman I always dreamed of? I don't need him to be a perfect one, since I'm not perfect myself. I just want a good-looking man with a good head on his shoulders that can understand me and my problems—someone that I can open my heart to.

Do I even deserve such a man?



"Dear, we need to talk."

The next morning, right after Reinhard woke up, Emma sprung her attack.

The two were still naked, cuddling together on their bed. Only Rina remained asleep. Emma had woken up first and she had woken up her husband by licking and whispering to his ear. She had no need for Rina to join in their conversation however so she let her remain that way.

She knew this was the most opportune moment to talk about the subject she was going to bring up. When they were displaying everything to each other like this, when their intimacy was at its peak, she could easily make him listen more to her point of view. After all, she knew how much her dear husband couldn’t resist her body.

“It’s about Marina. You see, dearie, when you were away, that girl actually dared to hit our son. Please, say something to her. She won’t listen to me. You’re the Earl’s heir. Even if she’s his granddaughter, she has no right to your title and inheritance. She’s boorish and uneducated, not fit to be a Countess in the slightest.”

As she said those words, she rested her body on his broad chest, pressing her breasts in the process. She knew just how much he loved those two mounds of fat.

"She hit Roland?" His expression was that of disbelief. "Surely there's a good reason why she would do such a thing. Perhaps he had been bothering her little sister a bit too much?"

To Emma's chagrin, her husband held a high opinion on the interloper. She didn't know why. She might be good at magic but that doesn't mean anything if her personality and looks are bad. The former is obvious, with that attitude of hers. As for the latter, average at best.

"H-he only did a little harmless prank on her." Her voice wavered. "Certainly nothing bad enough that warrants such a reaction."

"And what prank is that?" His eyes narrowed.

"H-he lifted her skirt."

Emma had turned meek under the commanding glare of her husband. She was about to lie but she knew very well how much he hated liars. And she didn't want him to hate her!

Reinhard sighed. “Then she’s justified in doing so. Really, Emma, you should stop spoiling Roland too much. I’ve told you before that him doing something like that is unacceptable. Roland needs to learn how to treat girls better, even at a young age. No, in fact, it’s something that should be taught early on. You know how much harder it is to change a child’s habits the older he gets.”

This was what Emma feared. Once again, her husband took Marina’s side.

Noticing her souring expression, he continued, “Emma, Marina, and Erika are as much part of this household as anyone else. You need to give them the respect they deserve.”

“Hmph! What is it with you and her? Don’t tell me that you’ve taken a liking on her or something!”

Hearing that, Reinhard chuckled, before pulling his wife even closer to his embrace.

“Don’t worry, Emma. You’ll always be my No.1 woman. You don’t have to worry about Marina or anyone else taking your position, alright?”

Reinhard knew just how the mind of his adorable wife worked. When she got pouty like this, it simply meant she wanted more attention for him. She must have missed him terribly, and she took that anger towards Marina.

A woman is a jealous creature. It’s something every man should learn, especially those who plan to have more than one sweetheart.

Emma’s poutiness immediately vanished, before she assaulted his lips with her own.

And thus, they were late to breakfast that morning.

Next chapter, I probably am going to go to Fiora's side. I think that's enough Marina for now.

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