Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 125: At Last, The High Elf Arrives


After breakfast, we made our way back to town. Anne had returned to her former self, or rather, she was even better than her former self. She was now smiling more often and she no longer gave me a frown like she often did.

Well, that’s what you got when you broke through the “barrier” of a tsundere. She had now come to terms with her feelings towards me and that significantly improved her attitude. Not to mention the satisfaction of knowing everything she desperately wanted to know about me.

I too felt better now, knowing that I didn’t have to hide my true identity from her. Still, I hadn’t decided yet whether I should ask her to keep it a secret from the rest of her party.

Oh, and I never forgot what she did last night. I only pretended that I did, just to save her the humiliation. Why brought up things we would rather forget? She would no doubt start to sulk and distance herself if she knew that I knew of her attempt at seduction.

We made a stop on the logging outpost at the entrance of the forest, just to tell the head honcho there about the treant. His face went pale, as he couldn’t immediately process the fact that such a massive monster was living right inside the forest they were chopping down. However, that pale face was also proof that he believed in our story. He must have heard the roar and felt the quake. And he probably had already heard some reports about a giant shadow standing above the forest from the adventurers he had hired to guard the place.

He was the guy who hired Anne and the others by the way. Their task was to clear out the monsters, just so not a single one would wanter into where the lumberjacks were doing their thing. He didn’t apologize for getting Anne into a life-threatening situation though, nor I expected him to. Being an adventurer meant risking your life to do dangerous jobs after all. Any deaths on the mission would be on the adventurer, and not on the employer.

We arrived back in Feila once the sun was already up high in the sky. And we didn’t need to even enter the city before we saw them, standing at the front gate.

“A-Anton! Look! That’s… that’s Charles! A-and Anne’s with him!”

Amelie was the first to take notice. She didn’t even wait for the older man to reply. She immediately took off running towards us, throwing herself towards the older girl.

“O-oh Anne, y-you’re safe! O-oh thank the Saint you’re safe!”

She burst into tears of joy, hugging the archer so tightly I was surprised the latter didn’t start to scream in pain. Anne returned her hug, patting her head and back in the process.

“Of course I am.” Tears started to gather in her eyes as well. “Charles is on the case after all.” She smiled, giving a short glance in my direction.

Anton soon came running as well. Never before I saw that huge of a smile on his face. And before I know it, he gave me a hug as well.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

The warmth he gave made me smile as well.

Once he released me, he put his hands on my shoulders and said, “Tell me. What can I do to repay you? Feel free to name anything.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” I replied, still keeping up my smile. “I did it because I wanted to. Nothing more and nothing less.”

He paused for a bit before forming a grin. “Then we would be on your debt. If you ever need anything, just say the word.”

“Actually… I do have something that you guys can do for me.”

I then told them about the high elf and how I had been spending these past two months running around looking for her.

“I see…” Anton scratched his chin once he finished listening to my story. “Unfortunately, we haven’t met her. We certainly have heard rumors about her though, how she would appear for one moment, only to disappear when you looked away. She has become somewhat of a folktale among the adventurers in this region.”

I sighed. Still no luck, huh?

“Don’t worry.” He smiled, putting one hand back on my shoulder. “We’ll help you search for her. Right, you two?” He turned to face Amelie and Anne.

“Of course! Leave it to me!” The former patted her chest with a grin.

“It’s the least I can do to repay my debt,” the latter answered, giving me a short look before averting her gaze with a light blush.

She really is a lot cuter like this, I thought with a grin.

“Well, I figure you’ll need a lot of rest after what you did,” Anton spoke again. “We’ll talk about the details later. For now, we’ll escort you to your inn.”

I nodded. Sleeping overnight on the dirt inside a cave wasn’t exactly refreshing.

We made our way through the small town. Nothing seemed to be different. The atmosphere was still as relaxed as ever and the streets were still filled with adventurers. Guess the news about the treant had yet to spread. The people who might know about it would be the lumberjacks and adventurers near that forest, and they probably decided not to send any news to the town right away. How much people would buy a story about them seeing a gigantic figure towering over the forest in the middle of the night? They would want to confirm it first for sure.

“Alright, I think this is far enough,” I said to them once we arrived at the front of my inn. “Thank you, everyone!” I gave them a smile.

“What are you thanking us for, silly?” Anne giggled. “We’re the ones that should thank you instead!”

“Heh, if you say so,” I smirked. “See you around Anne, Anton, Amelie.” I gave a short glance at the other two. “Make sure to get some rest, alright?” I said to the archer.

“Yeah, see you around!” Anne shouted, waving her hand as I entered the building.

I made my way to my room at once. The inn’s warmth was enough to invite me to bed as an enchantress would. I climbed up to the fifth floor, opened the door, and turned on the fireplace with a flick of my wand.

I opened the window to let some fresh air in. In the process, I saw the receding figures of the three walking away on the streets down below.

A sense of relief crept into my heart. I preferred it to be this way, with me being friends with them. Yeah, having friends is a good thing after all. 

I plopped over my bed. My thought then inadvertently returned to Anne and what she did in that cave.

To think that she actually liked me. A real life tsundere. And she wanted to sleep with me as well.

I remembered Fiora and how forthcoming she was with her affection towards me. Then I remembered Sherry, with the whole bathing incident, sleeping together afterward, and of course, her giving me her panties. Then Marina, with her teasing. Mother was similar too.

Are all girls in this world that forward? Not that it's a bad thing, of course.

Suddenly, I was hit by a sudden wave of drowsiness. As my mind drifted back to the events of the past, I slowly but surely succumbed, until I fell into dreamland.

I wouldn’t remember what dream I had that afternoon. Only it had something to do with all those people I just thought about.



“To think that you would wake up, just from my presence.”

Once again, a blizzard rained down upon the forest, drowning the green with white. And once again, someone was unfortunate enough to feel all its wrath as she wandered inside the cold and darkness.

And yet, she wasn’t bothered in the slightest, for a peculiar bubble was protecting her from all the ice and snow. It was one of the many magic the person possessed in her repertoire, and to her, maintaining said bubble didn’t even require any thought.

“Hmm? Someone hurt you? You believe he’s a danger to the forest?”

She stood in front of a large tree, resting her left hand on its trunk. If one were to see and hear her, they might think she was talking to it. A foolish thought, if not for the sharp, long ears she possessed. It’s a common belief that elves were able to communicate with the forest, even if the truth was far more complicated.

“...No, I won’t help you. The elves who once lived in this forest—they’re long gone. This is their territory now.”


“You’ll fight to the end?”


“I suppose it could not be helped. It’s your purpose of coming into being. Sooner or later, they would come for you. You might win once. Or twice. But one day, they would cut and burn you until there’s nothing left.”


“Then, I shall take my leave.”

She withdrew her hand from the tree, giving it one last look before she turned her back on it. It was a cold, dispassionate look. And yet, there was a hint of melancholy in that green as well.

“I shall pray for that day to come soon. For you deserve your rest.”



Another month had passed since then. The news about the Treant’s existence had spread, resulting to the immediate halting and ban of any logging activities in Merkel Forest, courtesy of the town’s mayor. The local Guild seemed to be in no rush to do any subjugation mission against the monster as there were not enough high-level adventurers around, so they simply assigned the place to be off-limits for any adventurers below S-rank.

Of course, they came to me and asked if I would like to take a bite at the monster. I refused them though. That thing wasn’t an easy opponent by any means. If there weren’t any good reason to fight it, then why should I bother?

As for my involvement in the whole thing, I had asked Anne and the others to downplay my part, so when we gave our report about the Treant, we simply said that I rescued her without fighting the monster, and she was simply an observer, not a victim. Even so, it didn’t stop another rumor to spread about me beating the thing.

Speaking of rumors, that nosy elf bard had turned full-paparazzi mode. Not only she went after me, but she went after the Flaming Arrows as well. She was especially interested in the romantic notion of me saving Anne, saying stuff like how it fit her vision of a knight in shining armor saving the maiden in distress like in all those tales. I could only sigh. Bards are creatures like that, I suppose.

As for my search, well, it still remained fruitless, even with the Flaming Arrows helping out. I was starting to think the elf was purposefully avoiding our search. There was no way she could elude us for so long. We searched one day at the north, she was sighted at the south. We went to the south, then she went to the north. And so on and so forth.

Winter was slowly coming to an end. And when it did, I had promised to myself that I would leave. I couldn’t stay in this place for any longer. In fact, I was starting to regret my decision on chasing after this elf in the first place. If I had headed northeast straight away, I would already have months of crawling that World Dungeon where I might have better luck in finding the Orb.

But then, one day, after another fruitless day of searching, it came.

“Hey boy! You got a letter!” The innkeeper called, stopping me before I could climb the stairs.

I walked to her desk with raised eyebrows. I had no idea who would be sending me a letter. For a short moment, I had the fancy idea that it was a letter from Marina or Sherry, but naturally I knew it to be impossible. They wouldn’t know where to send their letters.

“Thanks!” I gave her a polite smile before taking the letter off her hands. I then went upstairs to my room first before I opened it. No sense in rushing it after all.

I looked at the cover first from top to bottom. It really was just a plain white cover, with no decorations or embellishments in the slightest. Not a single identifier can be found either. No address, no name, nothing. Judging by the good condition of the cover, it’s safe to say that it hadn’t traveled far. So it was most likely a local who wrote and sent it to me.

I opened it as gingerly as I could. Inside was a plain piece of paper. And on it was a bunch of letters, written in cursive.

I am the person you seek. If you wish to find me, then carry your feet to where you fought the treant.

Come on your own. I am only interested in you and you alone.

My jaw dropped.

N-no way… This… this can't be real, can it? Am I dreaming?

I gave myself a good pinch. Nope. Not dreaming.

I reread it over and over again, making sure that I wasn't missing anything.

W-wait, don't get too excited, Hugo. This can still be a prank. O-or a trap even. There's no guarantee if this is really from her.

I quickly ran back downstairs. "M-Miss!" I half-yelled to the innkeeper. "Who sent the letter?"

"Eh?" She raised her eyebrows. "Just a courier boy. Didn't say any names or address, if that's what you're asking."

Damn it!

Well, of course she won't deliver it personally. With her wanting to meet me with secret at that forest, she probably is still there, and she can't be bothered to go here just to meet with me.

Should I do it? Should I go there and risk it?

...Of course I should! After three months of fruitless searches, I'd take any leads I can find!


The next morning, after a humble inn-made breakfast of vegetable soup and bread, I made my way back to the forest.

As expected, the logging outpost had been completely abandoned. Well, maybe not completely. There were still a number of guards assigned there, just to watch after the treant. When they saw me, however, they didn't tell me to go back like they should. Instead, they welcomed me like I was a celebrity, saying that I must be there to check up on the creature.

Yeah, whatever. They're free to think whatever they want.

I asked them if they had seen any other adventurers. They answered with a no.

After paying them a short visit, I continued on into the forest. 

On my way to where the treant was, I had to fight off quite a number of monsters. It seemed ever since there weren't any adventurers who periodically exterminated them, their numbers had multiplied quite significantly. Still, nothing I couldn't handle.

When I arrived, not finding any elf around, I used Wind Step to get a better view of my surroundings. It could still be an ambush—bad guys trying to kill me and rob me of my belongings. Though knowing my reputation, I doubted anyone would want to try that with me. Uhh, not to brag or anything.

"You've come."

My heart nearly leapt out of my chest. I just heard a voice. And it wasn't just a normal voice. It was a whisper, almost as if the person was speaking right into my ear.

"Come down. I'm to your north, in a clearing."

It was a girl's voice, that much was clear. Her tone was neutral, almost emotionless, with only a bit of commanding tone to it.

"W-what?!" I looked around frantically. There was no one else with me up here.

Calm down. It's my magic.

And now there was an annoyed tone on her voice.

I had no idea what kind of magic she was using. Telepathy? Like the one Myrilla used all those years ago? That wasn't a magic spell. It was just her demonic ability.

With caution, I followed the voice's instruction. I went north, found the clearing she talked about, and landed there.

There was a person there, standing with a staff on her side.

Finally, after three months of searching, I met her at last.

I would’ve jumped with joy, if I wouldn’t be embarrassed doing it in front of a complete stranger.

, face to face—the high elf with the orb I needed.

And she… was simultaneously exactly what I expected her to be, and exactly what I expected her not to be.

She indeed had silver hair, tied in a twintail that went all the way to her waist. And she indeed had the longest elven ears I had ever witnessed, signifying her race as a high elf. As for her petite figure, it was there as well. She was barely taller than me, and her chest was as flat as a board. As for her clothing, she wore a white robe and skirt that ended above her knees, followed by a pair of black stockings and brown boots. The staff signified that she was a mage, another match with the description Flameu gave me.


Really? Elves are supposed to be tall, busty onee-sans, right? She looks more like a gnome than an elf!

"So, tell me.” She spoke with the same dispassionate tone from before. “What do you want with me? You’re the one who's been busy looking for me, right?”

Guess I should go straight to the point.

“I just want your Dream Orb, that’s all.” I told her. “And I’m ready to pay you the necessary amount for it.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Who told you I have it?”

“The alchemist you visited. You know, the court mage of the kingdom. A redheaded woman.” I almost said big-chested but I didn’t want to be seen as a pervert by her.

“I see. So you’ve made an acquaintance of her.”

Her eyes continued to judge me. I immediately knew she wasn’t the type to care about politeness or any of that human stuff.

“You’re Charles Pendleton, correct? The Divine Tempest. The one who slayed a Frost Dragon on his own. And, if I had to guess, you were also the one who fought the Forest Treant here and won.”

...Welp, she really has done her homework on me, hasn’t she?

“I didn’t do anything to the Forest Treant actually,” I corrected her. “I was simply rescuing a friend of mine that night. The Treant appeared and disappeared on its own.” 

“Oh? Is that so?”

The tone of her voice was one of distrust. She clearly didn’t really buy my lie.

“Very well. You can have my Orb if you wish.”

If she had stopped there, I would be the happiest man in the world.

“However, I would ask you for a favor in return. I have no need for your gold. What I want is your assistance instead.”

I let out a deep sigh internally. I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.

“Well, what do you want then?” I replied.

With a victorious smile, she responded, “Help me gather my flowers. Then I will give you the Orb.”

...Oh great.


Maybe she's supposed to have longer ears than the ones on that picture. I'm still not sure how big the average elven ears should be.

And I've been watching Elaina. Not actually an action anime, but the fight scene in the first episode was pretty cool. Mages really become so much more versatile in a fight without the necessity of chanting their spells. Even so, the current Hugo still can't actually cast that fast. No rapid fire Boom Cannon. Needs some time (a few seconds) to shape the mana in his mind.

Storywise, I find it interesting how she takes the opposite approach from Hugo in her journey. Maybe I can use that as an idea for this story.

Also, been reading Sousou no Frien as well, as you can guess by the image I just used. That's another series I'm taking inspiration from.

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