Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 132: A Relic From The Past

I landed safely, aided by my Wind Step. The bubble rain had stopped, though the normal rain hadn't.

That Elun woman was coughing red, and she was pressing her hands on her abdomen, trying to prevent any more blood from escaping her body.

And in front of her stood Ilymhyrra—her expression unreadable. 

"I have to ask you a favor." She spoke. "Leave her."

She stared right at my eyes, unblinking.

"I can't. She'll come after me again. I never told this to you, but I'm a fugitive of the Magocracy on the Southwestern Continent. And she's here to hunt me down."

She paused, taking a few steps forward closer to me.

"Why are you a fugitive?"

"Because I killed one of their leaders. It's a long story."

"Tell me."

It wasn't a request.

It was a command.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to do so. She's not the only one who's after me. There's also a slimewoman with her. And she's going after my friends."

"She won't harm them. I've made sure of that."

“Really? And why should I trust you when you’re siding with them?”

To be honest, I didn’t really believe she was really a Magocracy agent or anything like that. There was just something about her that made me feel she couldn’t be one of their puppets. But how else should I interpret her actions? Unless she’s some hyper-pacifist or something that hates killing, no matter who does it to whom.

Once again, she paused for a bit before answering.

“I’ve frozen her. I met her before I got here. She would’ve killed who I assumed to be your friends if not for me stopping her.”

Her eyes showed no hesitation. If I had to guess, she wasn't lying.

"Then, explain why you're protecting her."

"I have my reasons. If you're not going to explain why you're being chased by them, then I won't answer."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you the abridged version. It all started when—Oh no you don't!"

In the corner of my eyes, I saw the blue-haired mage opening a small bottle. A healing potion! Like hell I'm going to let you heal yourself!

I drew my wand, firing a Boom Rifle to destroy said bottle before it could reach her lips.

Only to find that the spell didn't come out at all.

H-huh? My mana… I-I can't—I can't shape it at all!

No matter how hard I tried, it always dissipated into nothingness. In this state, I couldn’t cast any spells at all!

Then, I noticed it—the shine from the large red gem Ilymhyrra’s staff had.

“Disturb Magic. You won’t be able to cast anything.” She spoke in a cold tone. “Don’t worry. She’s not going anywhere either. I too have some questions I would like to ask from her.”

First, she erased my Boom Cannon like it was nothing. And now, she’s doing this to me. What is this, some kind of an ancient elven magic? I certainly never heard of anti-magic spells being a thing before.

Without me to stop her, Elun drank every drop of liquid from said bottle. And then, just a few moments later, she stood up, all with a grin on her face. Of course she would grin. She had just been spared from certain death after all.

“Oh, thank you so much for saving me!” She clasped her hands together. “That boy might be young but he really is a monster! Can you believe it? He assassinated one of our elders in cold blood!”

Her demeanour had changed completely to a sickening degree. She was now pretending to be an innocent, happy-go-lucky person, no doubt to garner more sympathy from Ilymhyrra, so she would side with her instead of me.

“So it’s true?” The elf gave her a cold glance. “That you came from the Magocracy?”

“Yes, I did! We all came from there!” she answered, still keeping the same cheerful expression.

“Stop the act. Or I will hit you with my staff.”

Responding to those words, she immediately reverted back to her haughty self.

“Haah, alright. The jig’s up, I guess.” She shrugged. “I have no idea why you saved me back then, but rest assured, I will pay you handsomely once all of this is over. So, if you would just help me capture that boy (killing is fine too, of course!), I would give you a pouch full of gold coins. You’re a high elf, aren’t you? High elves are really good at magic, I heard. Far beyond what us humans could accomplish in our short and miserable life.”

“Ilymhyrra! Don’t fall for her lies! If you want gold, I have a lot of them as well!”

At that moment, I knew if I was to let her be persuaded to be on her side, I would lose. With those anti-magic spells she had, my only choice would only be to use my sword. And I was not good enough of a swordsman to be able to win against a mage of Elun’s calibur.

She glanced at me before looking back at her.

“Is that true? That one of your elders was killed by a mere child? Have the magicians of your land degraded so badly over the ages?”

Elun let out a chuckle. “Who she killed wasn’t really one of us. She didn’t share our Founder’s bloodline. She's just a cheater who didn't win her position fair and square."

She then turned around to face me.

"Why did you kill her?"

"Because she's—"

"He's an agent of a neighboring kingdom. A child genius in magic, sadly used as an assassin. Aah, how sad."

You little—

"Don't listen to her! I killed Vera to save my sister! That vile woman had kidnapped her and forced her to marry her grandson! And she… she killed my parents as well!"

I shouted from the top of my lungs. Anger rose from my stomach, bubbling like magma inside a volcano.

"That's a lie. He's just—"



Drip… drip…

Ah, I did it again. I started crying again.

I've promised Fiora not to cry over their death again too.

I quickly recovered, wiping my tears with the right sleeve of my robe.

"Ha, nice acting, kid. Too bad it won't—mmmpphhhh!"

A surge of vines appeared from the ground, covering the mage's mouth in an instant. She immediately tried to cut it with her magic, only to find that said magic was sealed as well.

I couldn't help but smirk, seeing the fearful expression on her face.

"Tell me more." The elf ordered. And so I did.

I told her everything, from how the news of Marina's kidnapping reached us, and Elun's involvement in it, to our climb at Vera's mountain, and how she killed Alan and Renee. I even told her about me running away like a coward all the way here.

When I finished my story, however, her cold expression hadn't changed in the slightest. She only made the vines fall from Elun’s mouth. The mage didn’t say anything however.

"It's your turn now. Tell me why you're protecting her."

To my surprise, she immediately answered.

"Because I had made a promise, to protect her children once she's gone."

"Her children? Whose children?"

"Mira's children."

This revelation, naturally enough, shook me to my core.

And noticing Elun’s wide-open mouth, she had the same reaction.

“W-wait, Mira, as in, the Legendary Archmage Mira? One of Arthur's companions a millenia ago in their fight against the Demon God?”

“Correct. I was her master. And she was my apprentice.”

Silence. Not even the birds or the wind made any noise. It’s as if nature itself was taken aback by her words.

“Aha...ahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahaha!”

It was Elun’s laugh. And it was quite the laugh indeed. If I had to compare it with something, it would be a banshee’s laugh. She tried to stop herself by covering her mouth with her hand, but the laughing fit continued anyways. Only after it died down that she could speak normally again. She wiped a tear from her eyes before speaking.

“You’re hilarious, Miss High Elf! You? The master of our Founder? You’re going to make me wet myself! There’s not a single history book that says she had a master when she was still alive! She learned magic all by her own! She was a genius amongst geniuses! Even today, none of us could match her brilliance!”

Ilymhyrra responded only by a simple, disinterested glance. It was like she was thinking, “If that’s what the humans wanted to write in their books, then so be it.” To a high elf like her, human history would probably not hold any interest to her. That’s how elves tend to be in fantasy stories, especially those that are really, really old.

And, if what she’s saying was true, she's at least a millennia old, making her positively ancient.

And yet, not a slightest bump on that washboard of hers.

If you had asked me whether I believed her claim, my answer would be, “I dunno.” What Elun said was true. There really was no record of Mira ever having a master that taught her magic.

But on the other hand, if you thought about this situation like a fantasy nerd, then you would believe her. Her claim was so outrageous that it could only be true. It’s like not believing in prophecies. Logically speaking, you shouldn’t, but everyone knows prophecies always come true in fantasy settings. Not to mention the fact that protagonists of fantasy stories would often stumble upon legendary figures in the setting out of nowhere. Uhh, not that I’m saying I’m a protagonist or anything.

“Tell me.” She returned her glance towards me. “You said her name was Vera. Is she perhaps a teal-haired gnome by any chance?”

“Yes, that’s her, alright. Really smug too.”

“Then I made a mistake, saving her back then.”

“Saving her? You mean, you’ve met her before?”

“Yes, I have.” She looked away with a pensive look. “I’m not sure how many years ago, but I did meet her in the Demon Continent. I saved her from an elder dragon there. And now, listening to your story, I realize she hasn’t changed in the slightest. She had ignored my advice and continued on her own, doomed path.”

So she’s the reason Alan and Renee died, in a roundabout way.

...No. I can’t rebuke her for it. I’ll probably do the same after all. Like with those adventurers. If they ended up doing bad things in the future, would I be the one to blame? No. You can’t see the future. You can only live the present as best as you can.

“And you.” She turned towards Elun. “I’ve saved you, just like her. How would you live your life from now on?”

“Well.” She smiled. “I’ll return to the Magocracy after this. Even if I failed getting him.” She gave a look towards me. “I had finished my other objective.”

“And then?”

“And then, I’ll train again. I’ll become even stronger. Thank you, by the way, for displaying how much my strength is still lacking.” She smirked, looking again at my direction. “I’ll be sent on other missions by my mother, maybe finally found a mage worthy to be my husband.” She glanced at me yet again. “And then I’ll replace my mother in her position once I’m old and strong enough.”

“After that?”

“After that?” I’ll become a benevolent leader of the Brine Province until the day I die.” She chuckled. “To you, a High Elf, that day probably isn’t that far away though.”

“And what about him?” Ilymhyrra glanced at me.

“Him?” She focused her gaze on him once again. “To be honest, the Council would probably deem him to be too strong to be hunted down after I gave my report. So rejoice, Hugo Greenwood." She grinned. "You can travel safely now, wherever you're going. Though I can't say the same for your sister."

My arm moved on its own, aiming my wand towards her yet again.

"Tell this to your mother and the other Council members. Stay away from her or I would come after them."


She held her stomach this time.

"Then what are you doing here? You talk so big like some hero but you ran away from her for no good reason! And thanks to that, our other agents might have actually captured her! She'll be brought back to the capital and then executed in front of all our citizens! That would be a sight, wouldn't it?"

My mind went blank.

I charged forward with my sword drawn. If my magic was sealed, I could still use my blade. Ilymhyrra stood between us, but I didn't care. I would just leap over her and—

In an instant, it was all over.

The elf hit me multiple times with her staff, over and over at such an unbelievable speed even my training with Fiora couldn’t keep up.

Each blow hit a different place. My head, my neck, my chest, my stomach, my knees, and even my family jewels. It was a precise yet heavy blow.

I wasn’t even sure if Fiora could keep up with such a speed.

I collapsed to the ground, groaning and panting like a hurt dog as the pain overwhelmed me.

“Idiot. You already know I’m Mira’s teacher. Do you believe you can get past me that easily?”


"Gyahahaha! Look at you! So much for the dragonslaying Divine Wind!"

That hateful young woman exploded in laughter yet again. Combined with me being in this state, it brought back unpleasant memories of me being beaten up in my old life by bullies, all while they laughed at me.

It was enough to make me ignore the pain and aim my wand on her once again. It didn't even need to be my Boom Spell. A simple Fireball would suffice, just to wipe that smug face of hers.

Only for me to find that my magic had been sealed once again.

"Why?" I croaked. "Why are you defending *cough* bad people like her? I'm sure Mira would never *cough* approve of such a behaviour."

She was standing right over me, still with that cold expression on her face. From this angle, I could actually see her white panties, but I was too hurt to care.

"Perhaps. But it's not for you to decide."

She then turned to face Elun.

"It's been a while since I made a visit to your nation. You and your underlings shall accompany me there."

"Oh? You think you can just order me around now?"

"You're not stupid like him. You know you can't win against me. Consider yourself my hostage for the time being."

Elun sighed, before giving her a defeated yet content smile. "Alright. We can do that. Just so you know, the Council is much stronger than me or him. You won't win against them."

"As for you," She looked at me once more. "Do not worry. I'll make sure they won't bother you or your sister anymore. If you're telling the truth, that is."

“I have one piece of advice for you, Hugo Greenwood.” This time, it was Elun’s turn to speak. “Your redheaded friend… you might want to pay her a visit.”

Redhead friend? Is she talking about Anne? Urgh, I can’t think. My brain hurts.

With that cryptic message, the two left, with Elun giving me one last triumphant grin.

She might have lost the battle. But she had won the war.


"Uuuhhhh…" I let out a pained, pathetic groan as I laid down like that for a while, bitterly acknowledging my defeat. Not only physically, but mentally as well.

She was right. I had no business being here. I should be with Marina and Erika, protecting them from the Magocracy. Sherry could wait. She wasn't in danger.

As for that high elf, she might really be Mira's master. And she might actually tell those bastards to leave us alone. She might even be powerful enough to force them to do it. She could just seal all their magic with that strange anti-magic spell of hers.

I want it. I want that spell.

I could still feel it—the way her mana disturbed and scattered my own. How could she do it? How could she manipulate raw mana in that way?

Ah, look. The blue sky. It's coming back.

The rain finally subsided. It's too late though. My clothes were all dirty now. They were my expensive clothes too.

"Hugo! Hugo! Where are you?!" A familiar voice reached my ears. It was Anne's voice. And it seemed she was running straight towards my direction.

I took a breath of relief. She wasn't lying after all.

"Hugo, are you alright?! Where is she?!" She crouched down beside me.

“She’s… she’s gone. I made her run away.” I lied.

“And the elf? She should be heading this direction. Did she save you? She saved me and Anton, you know. Froze that slime demon like it was nothing. She even gave Anton some medicine, so she should be on our side. We didn’t dare to shatter her though. What if she survived. So we just left her there.”

“She’s—” I coughed. “She’s gone as well.”

“H-here. Let me help you up.”

“Argh, h-hold on!” I felt a sharp pain surging through my body when she tried to lift my shoulder.  I-I think some of my ribs might be cracked or something. She hit me pretty hard back then.”

“Move to the side, Anne. If it’s just cracked ribs, I can heal it.”

Anton was there as well. He crouched down and began chanting his healing spell. Warm light emanated from his hand, and slowly but surely, the pain subsided. “There. That should do it.” He smiled. “Here. Take my hand.”

I stood up with his help, returning his smile with my own.

“Once again, we are in your debt, Charles. Or, I guess I should call you Hugo instead.” His smile turned into a soft grin.

“No.” I shook my head. “This time, it was me that endangered you two. Those guys… they’re using you to get to me. And for that, I apologize.” I lowered my head.

“Well, if you view it that way, then that makes us even.” He patted my shoulder. “Now I understand why you are always so secretive about yourself and your abilities. Anne told me a bit about it when we rushed here. Makes sense that you would want to keep a low profile.”

“You didn’t bring Amelie with you, right?” Anne asked, her eyes looking around for a sign for the fire mage.

“No. I left her behind. It’s too dangerous for her.”

“Good. That’s the right choice to make.” Anton removed his hand. “That blue-haired lady… she’s on another level entirely. She might be equal to an S-ranked adventurer, or maybe even more.”

“She’s another genius mage like you basically,” Anne commented. “An elite mage from the Magocracy. Maybe you can also compare her to the magic corps of the Empire.”

“And she’ll be back.” Anton narrowed his eyes. “Even if you finished her off, they could just send more agents down your way. I hope you’d be ready then, Hugo.”

“I would.” I lied again. I might be able to win against a mage like Elun, but if they manage to persuade Ilymhyrra to go after me, I don’t think I’ll be able to win.

A mentor to the legendary Archmage. How am I supposed to win against some like that? I don’t have any cheats like your typical isekai protagonist has. I’m just a slightly stronger NPC, that’s all.

“As for us, well,” He sighed. “It’s hard for me to say this, but we’d better separate ourselves from you.”

“What?!” Anne’s temper flared up. “How could you say that? Aren’t we friends with him? Shouldn’t we be supporting him instead? Why are we kicking him away like this?”

“We’re not kicking anyone away, Anne. It’s just… we’re a burden to him.”

Anne’s eyes widened.

“Our strength is nowhere near his level or his enemies. If we fight with him, we’ll just end up making it harder to win. He’s too kind for his own good. He’ll never just abandon us to gain victory.” 

He gave an apologetic look towards me. “We’re going to head west since you’re going east. We’ll try to put as much distance between us as we can. But, if we still ended up being captured again, then you should just ignore us and fight with your full strength.”

“You coward! I won't agree with this! And neither will Amelie!" Without hesitation, she grabbed my hands. "Train us, Hugo! If we're too weak to fight side-by-side by you, then we just have to get stronger, right?!"

I shook my head.

“No.” I released my hands from hers. ”I have to resume this journey alone. I’m sorry, Anne. You, Anton, and Amelie have your own path to take. You shouldn’t be involved with me any further.”

She looked at me as if I just slapped her in the face. And I might as well have done so. I basically just agreed with Anton that she was too weak to be by my side.

Tears pooled in her eyes. "Hugo, you idiot!"


Her hand flew to my face. I could easily stop it but I chose not to. She deserved the slap.

She then ran away, with Anton soon following her.

...Yeah, it's better this way. Now they won't be dragged into my mess.

With that melancholic thought, I followed them as well. I still needed to make sure they got back safe and sound.

After that, it would be goodbye for real.


Longer chapter than the usual. I can't stop midway through, can I?

And there's the reveal of the true identity of the elf, if she isn't lying about it anyways. And one of you actually guessed it correctly.

Next chapter might be the Vera flashback I had mentioned before. And then, maybe a detour to Marina? Who knows?

After that, the final part of this arc will begin.

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