Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 3.5 Chapter 15: Marina’s Tale — Menito

The two had their breakfast afterwards, before readying themselves for their trip to the royal palace. Marina took a quick bath before dressing herself up in her mage attire. No point dressing up in that stuffy clothes anymore now that she wasn't going to the ball.

She and her grandfather departed in their carriage, heading straight to the large castle located in the middle of the city. The town used to be a simple castle town in the old days before it grew and grew until it became the city it was now.

The guards lowered the drawbridge as their vehicle approached. Leading the pack was a knight on a horse, who had come to them as their escort.

Their ride ended right at the front doors. A guard opened their door, bowed, and asked them to follow him. Marina walked outside first, proudly carrying her staff with her. The guard eyed the large branch-like stick with a worried look but for not more than a second, quickly returning to his professionalism.

As only Marina was invited to meet with the king, the Earl was told to wait inside one of the guest rooms instead. Each would be escorted by their own guards.

"Be on your best behavior, alright?" The Earl smiled, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"You don't need to tell me that." Marina grasped said hand. "There's no need to worry. I have had my lessons with Emma after all."

While her grandfather waited on the first floor, Marina climbed the large stairs to the second floor where the throne room was. On the way, the luxury of the place didn't escape her. Every step of the floor was covered in the finest red carpet, with no signs of dust whatsoever. Armor statues filled the corridor, while paintings of all sorts decorated the walls. Some of them caught her eyes as they were portraits of the previous kings and queens who used to rule this kingdom. This nation was decently old, as it was founded around 300 years ago after a devastating war consumed the northern part of the Southwestern Continent. Though of course, it was nothing compared to the millenia-long history of the Empire and Magocracy.

After walking for what felt like an eternity, she finally arrived at the large, ornate double door where the throne room was behind.

"Announcing the arrival of Lady Marina Archimond!"

Marina stepped inside, looking right towards the person sitting on the other end of the room.

He's… the king? He looks far younger than I expected him to be. He looks to be just around Father’s age. He even has the same body type, with wide shoulders and toned muscles. Was he a fighter of some sort in his youth?

He was wearing a tightly-fitting white shirt and blue overcoat over a red fur robe. If it weren't for said robe, Marina was sure she would be able to see his ripped biceps.

Marina knelt once she was fifteen steps away from the throne, give or take. That was what Emma taught her, just one of the many etiquettes one must observe when meeting a head of a nation on their throne.

She glanced at the dark-haired woman beside her. It was, who else, Cecilia Xander, the court mage. The prince didn’t seem to be there, however.

“Please, stand.”

The king’s voice was loud and clear, brimming with confidence of a ruler who knew what he was doing. Marina had no choice but to obey.

“So, you’re the Verdant Witch of Death. You’re younger than I expected you to be.”

The king had a smirk on his face and he was slouching ever so slightly on his throne.

“Yes, some had called me that,” Marina answered, locking her gaze at him without hesitation. “However, my true name is Marina Archimond, granddaughter of the Earl of Grandfort.”

“And, you are here because you are willing to accept my offer, I take it?” He scratched his hairless chin.

“You are correct, Your Majesty. As long as the conditions I have negotiated with Miss Xander is fulfilled, I am willing to serve as her right hand aide.”

“Conditions? Ah, of course! You want to stay at your Grandfather's side! How honorable of you! And we certainly could use a mage of your caliber up north. So no, I have no problem with your conditions whatsoever. However… I have a condition of my own."

Marina frowned.

"I want to see your strength, Lady Archimond. So come. Show me the best spell you have on your repertoire."

Marina paused. What? What does he want from me? She glared at the court mage's direction. Hey, you didn't tell me about this!

"...I apologize, Your Majesty. But if I were to do as you ask, this castle would be no more."

"Fascinating!" A glint appeared in his eyes. "Are you truly that strong? A mage that equals the military might of a small kingdom. I only knew one person who fits that description." He glanced at Cecilia. "How about it? You want to go for a little spar with her?"

The court mage scowled and sighed, turning her lithe body towards her lord. "No, there won't be any sparring today. Or tomorrow. Or ever. I am not going to show her my magic and neither would she. So stop messing around, you idiot king."

Idiot king? Did she just nonchalantly insult him?

"Fine! You win yet again, as always!" He threw his arms up to the air. "You can't believe how boring it has gotten lately! Here I thought a king is entitled for some entertainment once in a while." He let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Just so you understand, we're your court mages, not your court jesters." She frowned.

How can she act that casually towards him?

...No, Emma's not wrong. This king is just an oddball.

"Well, enough of that." The king stood up. Now that he did, I realized he was a tall and large man. Cecilia's height only reached up to his chest and since she was around my height, I should compare the same.

He walked down the small stairs, going straight towards me. Stopping at just a few steps away, I had to tilt my neck upwards to be able to see his face.

"Marina Archimond." He offered his hand. "Would you promise to defend Grandfort with your life?"

"...You won't ask for the rest of the kingdom?"

"I know your kind. You're just like Miss Gloom back there. Selfish mages—the two of you. It's folly to expect you to fight like a knight would. You'd only use your strength to defend those you care about. Thus, I only task you to defend the territory of your grandfather."

...Call me surprised.

This king… he might be not that bad after all.

"Very well. I accept the duty you've bequeathed to me, Your Majesty." I accepted his hand. His grip was firm and resolute, to the point that it hurt a little.

"Excellent!" He grinned, releasing my hand. "Now, feel free to go to that meeting of yours or whatever." He gave a shooing gesture before walking back to his throne.

So he really is not going to be there.

...Hold on. I have an idea.

"Your Majesty."

He halted his steps and turned around. "Hmm? Anything else, Lady Marina?"

"I have a request to make regarding that meeting."


“You’re quite the bold one, aren’t you, making demands to His Majesty after you already agreed to his terms? You’re lucky he’s fond of you.

With her audience with the king over, Marina was now going towards the guest rooms where the Earl was waiting. But not without Cecilia forcibly accompanying her.

“I thought I should leverage what I can from him,” Marina replied. “In case the upcoming negotiation was to fail.”

“How shrewd. You sure you’re a mage and not a merchant?” The court mage smirked. “Well, I’ll be waiting in my workshop for you to sort out your business. Just ask the nearest guard and he'll take you there."

Cecilia waved her hands nonchalantly, taking a different path from where Marina was heading. Judging by her direction, Marina estimated that her workshop was located somewhere at the back of the castle.

Putting off the court mage on the back of her head, she resumed her walk.


The meeting was set to take place on the eastern wing of the castle. Entering the room with her grandfather, Marina was greeted by a large roundtable in the middle, designed so everyone who sat on it would see each other as equals. An old grandfather clock ticked ominously in the north of the room, right behind one of the seats. Its friend, the large continental map, hung on the other side of the room. Completing the trio was the magic lamp shining its light from above, replacing the job of the nonexistent window.

What a dour, stuffy room. Just as expected from a room to play politics, I suppose.

They arrived last. The dukes and earls they would speak to were already there, chatting amongst themselves. It took the Earl's cough to stop their chat.

"Ah, the guest of honor! Finally, we can begin!"

The one speaking was Duke Treble. Just like last night, he looked as toad-like as ever.

After they took their seats, a squad of butlers and maids came with their teas and biscuits. Marina, finding the liquid drink to be especially delicious, drank a full cup before the Earl finished his opening speech. Luckily, her maid refilled it in an instant.

What is this sweetness? I've never drank tea this sweet before.

As for the speech itself, The Earl began by saying how honored he was that they would listen to his proposition, followed by the general plan of his project and the reason why he needed their support.

At least, until the toad-like duke interrupted him.

"I apologize, but I would rather hear the explanation from your granddaughter instead. She's the true mastermind behind this project, correct? It would be far clearer for all of us if she's the one speaking." A vile, predatory grin decorated his face as he glanced towards Marina.

...I see. You want to test me, don't you? You believe me for a naive, foolish girl who needs to hide behind Grandfather.

Very well. I'll rise to your insolent challenge.

"He's right, Grandfather. As one who suggested the project, I should be the one to speak."

Staring right into his beady eyes, Marina continued.

"As he was saying, the resources needed for the project would be…"

Marina then proceeded to explain every aspect of her plan flawlessly. No matter how he tried to question or belittle her with his questions, she answered them all in a way that he could not rebuke. And so, when she was finished, the entire table was convinced that aiding her project would benefit them as well. Even the toad-like duke himself, albeit begrudgingly.

Marina couldn't help but smile when she exited the room.


"That was wonderful, my dear." The Earl placed his hand on Marina's shoulder, beaming with pride. They were now standing in a corridor not far from the meeting. "I never knew you're that proficient of a speaker."

"I simply told them the truth, that's all." Marina smiled, looking back at him as she grabbed his hand.

"You carry yourself with perfect confidence, answering their every question without a hitch. I especially love the way you told them that you're the Verdant Witch when they questioned the efficacy of your seeds." He grinned. "Do you see the look on their faces?"

Yes, Grandfather. They're afraid of me, the Great and Terrible Witch of Leaves.

As they should.

"Excuse me, Milord, Milady."

Marina turned her head. It was a maid.

"The court mage requested for Lady Marina's presence in her facility."

How impatient.

"I assume you'll escort me there?"

"Of course, Milady." She bowed.

Marina looked back at the Earl. "Go." He smiled, releasing his hand. "I can return to the hotel on my own."

"Please, follow me."

Giving one last look at her grandfather, Marina obeyed.


The maid brought her all the way to the other end of the castle, passing through multiple hallways and a small courtyard. The place was large, larger than she expected. On the way, she passed by a number of servants and soldiers, all bowing once they were aware of her presence. Their curious gazes didn't escape her notice however.

Their trip ended in front of a tower, isolated from the rest of the castle. It was easily as tall as the castle itself. The maid spoke to the guards standing on the entrance and like the others, they gave their bows as well. "Please, Milady. Miss Xander is waiting." One of them spoke.

Marina craned her neck upwards. This is her research facility? It's too small horizontally. I don't think it would be convenient, having to go up and down every time you want to go to a different part of your lap. She placed her left hand on the structure. Still, it's just an ordinary stone tower. I feel no mana flowing through it.

Or, she's just that good at hiding her runes.

With the maid still escorting her, she entered the tower, where she was promptly greeted by the sight of two spiral staircases going up and down, with the one going up being wide open, allowing anyone to just jump from the highest floor, and the one going down, which was the opposite, as it was going down a tunnel.

This tower has a basement? How curious.

Raising her eyebrows, Marina followed the maid who opted for the latter.

"This place has a basement?" She asked.

"Yes. It was built by the request of Miss Xander," the maid replied. "Her laboratory is down here while upstairs hosts her personal library and observatory."


"Milady is quite fond of watching the stars in her free time." The maid glanced back with a smile. "Though she claims she's not an astrologer by any means."

Their footsteps, followed by the rythmic knocking of Marina's staff, accompanied them all the way to the bottom. Magic torches lit the steps they had to take, so there was no fear of falling. The air, however, was stale, due to the lack of ventilation, making it somewhat hard to breathe.

Just how deep this basement is? We've taken at least a hundred steps now.

Just when she was about to protest, she saw the end of the stairs. The tunnel ended with a wall and a small wooden door on the side.

The maid opened the door, light bursting out from the room inside. 

"Please, follow me."

What lied beyond that door took her breath away.

This is…

A massive cylindrical room awaited her, filled with magical tools and instruments, a lot she didn't even recognize. Mages went back and forth, each busy with their own research. But of course, the big elephant in the room was the giant floating crystal smack dab in the middle of it all. It was pure black, and she could sense a peculiar pulsation emanating from the mysterious object. A quiet hum filled the air as well, the source being the crystal.

This really is a mage's laboratory! Back at the Academy, we have one for students to use, but it can't compare to this! Not in the slightest!

Stepping inside, she felt a shift in the air, almost as if she just walked into an invisible bubble. She could breathe normally now, as if she was back outside. This is magic, isn't it? You can generate fresh air with wind magic for sure.

"Ah! Finally! My new right hand woman!"

Floating above the crystal was the court mage. She had seen that technique before, from her little brother. Though her version seemed to be less of a jet and more like a ripple. Perhaps she's hardening the air where her feet are.

She landed in front of her with a smile. "Thanks for your service. You can go now, Chamille." She told the maid.

"You're welcome, Milady." The maid curtsied. "Please excuse me." She bowed to Marina one last time before leaving.

"Cute, isn't she?" The court mage grinned once the maid was gone. "Chamille's my personal maid. Brought her along since she's good with the papers. She looks like that but she's already married. Her husband is a soldier though so I had to be the one keeping her company at night."

Marina scrunched her forehead. "...You're admitting you're sleeping with her?"

"Why, yes." She folded her arms as her smirk continued.  "As the court mage, I have the authority to sleep with whoever I want, as long as the other party gives their consent. The king is pretty liberal in that department. Oh, and that includes you, of course. You look like you could relieve some tension yourself. How about it? Tonight, in my mansion, nine o'clock. I promise you'll feel good~♥"

"Enough." Marina scowled. "I'm not here to joke around. I'm here because of the leylines. Not to be the receiver of your inane flirtations."

"Alright, alright, geez, are you always this uptight?" The court mage shrugged. "Follow me. I'll show you around."

The court mage resumed her levitation, floating beside Marina as she walked down the spiral around the tall room.

"Be careful now. Don't walk too close to the edge or you might slip and fall down." She giggled. Marina didn't know why she never installed any railings and she couldn't be bothered to ask.

Now at the first floor, she noticed how all the other researchers were females as well. How convenient for her, Marina scoffed internally.

"Alright. Let's just get straight to the point, shall we?" She walked over to the base of the giant crystal. "This, my friend, is a dowsing crystal. A massive one, built specifically under my instructions. You see this hole, and the thin string going down into it?" She pointed her staff right underneath the floating crystal. "That goes really, really far down, about one farna, believe it or not. Using this configuration, I can catch even the subtlest motion in their normally harmonic stability."

Marina followed. Sure enough, the string and hole were there. She wasn't lying, at least, not in that part.

"I've heard of dowsing crystals before." She turned to the court mage. "But I was under the impression they're to detect metal and underground water, not to detect leylines."

"That's why it's so big!" The court mage smiled. "I need it to be this size to be sensitive enough to detect the leylines. It's hard work, you know, getting the gnomes to build this thing." She knocked on the crystal. "And even then, I still need the additional string. Leylines are located far below precious rocks and underground rivers, near the planet's molten core. You… do know about how this star is structured, right? Do they teach that in the Academy these days?"

Marina furrowed her eyebrows. "You used to be a student there?"

"Oh no." The court mage smirked. "If you want to know my personal history, you have to take me out to dinner first."

"I'll pass then."

"Miss Xander. Apologies for interrupting, but you might want to see this."

Their conversation was interrupted by one of the researchers. Judging by her firm eyes behind her spectacles, Cecilia immediately realized it wasn't a trifling matter.

"It's another large one, isn't it?" Cecilia frowned. Cocking her head towards Marina, she said, "Come. You have to see this too."

Marina followed the two to the corner of the room with raised eyebrows. A peculiar machine sat there—something she wasn't quite familiar with. It was a pitch black square with an inking needle hovering above it, held by a simple hand that came out from the square itself. A long, yellowed parchment sat on top of the square, obviously designed to be the medium the inking needle would write with.

"This is also a gift from the gnomes." Cecilia smiled, seeing Marina's befuddled expression. "They call it the Menitograph. 'Menito' being the gnomish term for leylines. It records the pulses from the leylines automatically. All we need to do was to feed the parchment. As for how it communicates with the giant crystal, well, I'll leave the boring technical stuff for later."

Marina peered onto the device. The inking needle, and the hand that was holding it, were moving on their own. Up and down and up and down they went, forming squiggly lines on the parchment under them. The lines didn't stay forever though as they soon vanished mere moments after the needle drew them.

"Memory Parchment." The court mage explained further. "It can store so many more lines of texts than your ordinary parchment. Another terrific invention by the gnomes."

The bespectacled researcher lifted the hand, taking off the parchment from the device. She then muttered something under her breath, most likely a magic command, making a swarm of lines appear on its surface.

"Here is the graph from the last five minutes." She placed the parchment beside the device, on an empty spot on the table. Marina's eyes followed. That spike at the end. That's the pulse?

"According to my calculations," the woman adjusted her glasses. "The standard deviation of the graph has increased 100% from the usual. And it lasted for four minutes and thirty three seconds. The chance for this being a natural phenomenon is a mere 2%."

"Meaning, this is most likely their doing again." Cecilia put her thumb near her lips. "Calculate the energy fluctuation at once. I want that report an hour from now."

"Right away, Miss!"

The scientist took the parchment away, but not before replacing it with a fresh new one from the stack to the left of the device.

"Well," Cecilia returned her attention back to Marina. "That's the kind of work we're doing here lately. Originally, I wanted this lab as a forecasting station for incoming natural disasters, but thanks to those snobby mages, this is my life now." She smiled wryly.

"Standard deviation?" Marina tilted her head. "I believe that's a runemancy term, correct?"

"Yes. To be more precise, it's part of arithmetic runemancy. Using math to craft magical runes and items. It's a pretty neat discipline, if I do say so myself."

"I take it you're fond of runemancy?" Marina continued. "You did catch my familiar with it after all."

"I know a thing or two, yes." She gave a prideful smile. "How about you? You have any interest in it?"

"No, unfortunately." Marina smiled grimly. "I was never that good at it in the first place. Which is why I question why you brought me here. I can't help with this. I don't even know how to read that graph."

"It's simple." The court mage replied. "All you need to know is that normally, the line would be smooth with little disturbance. But you remember how it keeps going up and down? That's a sign of leyline instability. Something is disturbing its natural state. And, using advanced calculations by comparing different energy states over several months, we can ascertain that disturbance comes from inside the Magocracy's territory. I'll give you the calculations but I doubt you'll understand."

“You don’t have to rub it in my face like that.” Marina pouted. "Though once again, I don't see how I can help here."

"No, your job is a lot different than ours." The court mage raised her staff and a book popped out of thin air. "Here. Read this book."

Marina gingerly took it off her hand. Reading the cover, she found the title written in golden letters. A Hypothesis Towards Leyline Manipulation. Looking further down, she found the name of the author. Makina Albatross.

Albatross? Have I heard that surname before?

“Take your time. The subject’s pretty heavy after all. It discusses a hypothetical way an earth mage can manipulate leylines. Something about growing a tree with roots that could go all the way down there. Personally, I don’t see how that would be possible. But I’ll leave it up to you, O Verdant Witch of Death.” The court mage smirked. “Oh, and I’ll send you the occasional letters. Please respond to them. You don’t want me to get lonely, don’t you?”

Marina only responded with a silent, unamused glare.

"Hmph, and here I thought us genius mages should stick together." The court mage pouted. "Study it. Tell me if you really can implement what the book is saying. I demand a progress report at least every month. That's the task I gave to you as my second-in-command."

"Fine." The book vanished once more. "I'll look at it. If that is all, then I will—"

"One more thing. Do you like the tea in your meeting back there?"

Marina furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's a local product from my territory. I was granted the rank of baroness when I took this job so I have my own land. If you like it, then I'd be willing to sell them to your grandfather. I'd do it myself but I really can't be bothered doing all that merchant and territory management stuff. Left it all to my head maid back home." She smiled.

"... I'll tell him about it."


Finished with her visit to the laboratory, Marina was now free to return. A different carriage had been prepared for that purpose by the court mage.

Without a word to her driver, she climbed inside, resting her head on the window immediately afterwards.

"Straight to the hotel, Miss?" The driver asked.

"Yes, straight to the hotel."

With a crack of his whip, the carriage moved.

On the road, she remained without a word. Thoughts swam in her head like a school of fishes, all vying for her attention. The court mage, the leylines, the project, even the tea. Before she knew it, all these problems were now hers to carry.

Inadvertently, her thoughts wandered far, far away, to her little brother, who was still out there on his own in the world. Should she just abandon all this and chase after him?

No, he wouldn't want that. If he wants to come back, he will. There's no point in me chasing after him. He can take care of himself just fine 

Sighing, she crossed her legs. A drizzle just started outside, forming droplets all over the window, blocking her sight.

Hmph, I drank too much of that tea. Now I need the privy.

Still, it was a delicious tea. Maybe Grandfather can benefit by reselling it all over the country. Or I can study it and grow my own. I'm not sure if Cecilia will be happy if I do that though.

She summoned the book from before. Might as well start reading from now.

If I can tap into the Earth's leylines themselves, I can create an extremely powerful treant, I imagine. And with it, I'll finally have a chance against the Magocracy.

I was right to take this position after all.



Some more worldbuilding, introducing more magic that isn't just throwing spells at each other. Math magic is only a thing in runemancy, and it's not really intended for direct, offensive use, unfortunately.

Also, I was tempted on elaborating more on the business meeting, but eh, it's not really that important. I already got flak by writing too much without the plot moving enough.

After this, I think I finally will return back to Hugo. I have a Nicole chapter in the works but timeline-wise, it will happen quite a bit after Hugo reaches the Demon Continent.

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