Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 156: The Girl Named Felicia Myne (Part 4)


They were a group of men and women, numbering at five, standing at some distance away from her. Felicia warily stood up, taking a step backwards. They wore brown robes, the kind that magicians liked to wear. And attached to their belts were holsters for their wands, proving to her that they were indeed mages. Not native to the village, obviously, as there weren’t any mage residents here.

“Oh look, you’re scaring her.” One of the women threw a short glare to one of her companions. “Hey, little one!” She put up an awfully obvious fake smile as she walked closer to her. “Don’t be afraid! We don’t bite! We’re just officials from Karkala, here to check on the plague. And as you no doubt already know, this whole place has been infected by it. Except for you, that is.” Her smile suddenly became a lot more genuine. “You are a mage, aren’t you? Or a mage hatchling, someone who simply has the potential, but not the training. I don’t know how there’s a mage child all the way out in these boonies, but I suppose you’ll have to come with us.”

Felicia took another step backwards. She looked as if she was ready to bolt into a sprint at any time.

“Those graves behind you… they’re your family, aren’t they? I happened to overhear your wailing when we’re walking here. What a shame. None of them shared your potential even though they shared your blood.”

The way she talked about her dead relatives so dismissively… it immediately made the little girl hate her.

“So come. We’ll take you to Karkala. The Lord is always interested in budding young mages such as you.”

“T-The Lord? You mean, Lord Garza?”

“Correct.” The lady smiled. “I see your parents have taught you well.”

Felicia thought to herself. She was supposed to see him, right? So she should be going with them. The road could be dangerous after all. And she might get lost in the city. Even though she disliked this lady, she should still go with her.

“A-alright. I-I’ll come with you.”

“Perfect. Then wait there with my colleagues.” She gestured to the other mages.

She nodded, warily walking to where she had instructed her to. She was greeted by a smile from an older-looking, bushy-bearded gentleman.

“Hello, little one. Your name?”

“F-Felicia, Sir.”

“Ah, Felicia. That’s a good name. A good name indeed.”

When she turned to see the woman she had just spoken to, she flinched from the two large hands that suddenly rested themselves on her shoulders. She looked behind her and saw the man smiling at her. Perhaps he was trying to comfort her, but somehow, it only made her more anxious instead.

“Now boys, we have a job to do.” The woman spoke.

The rest of the mages walked forward, leaving only the old man to keep Felicia company.

When Felicia saw that they brought their wands out, she immediately knew something was wrong. She lurched forward, only to find that the man was keeping her in place.

They began chanting. She didn’t know what the words meant, but why were they doing it in front of her graves?

And then, they aimed their wands right at said graves.

“Earth Rise!”

What happened next shocked her to the core.

The graves she had dug so hard… were destroyed in just a single spell.

Platforms burst out from each hole, carrying with them the corpses of her family.


She struggled to free herself from her handler’s grasp with all her strength, but it was completely futile. His grip was simply too strong for her.


“Relax.” The woman turned back with a smile to face her. “You don’t need their corpses anymore, do you? The Mana crystals growing inside them… they would provide great value for this province, so we’re taking them. And besides, you’re a mage, aren’t you? You should stop being so attached to your old, non-mage family.”

Felicia remembered the words of her mentor. “The mages of this country do not care about the lives of the non-mages in the slightest.” She thought she was just exaggerating, but now—now she witnessed it, and suffered from it. 

Anger filled her chest. Power surged inside her. It was the same power she felt when she had to fight against that wolf back on the mountain.

She gathered that power to her palm. She had to protect her family, no matter the cost.

Only for the man to punch her on the head.

She was knocked down with that single blow. The man barely reduced his own strength. He could sense the mana brimming inside her and how she was going to cast a spell to attack him.

Gone were his smiling visage. He was now looking at her with a grim, disappointed look.

“Ha, that’s a feisty one alright.” The woman chuckled. “Alright boys, like usual, store them in your dimensional pockets. As for the kid, drug her with some anti-magic drug and tie her up.”

“N-no, please… I beg of you… Don't take them away…"

To their surprise, Felicia remained conscious. She had fallen face first to the dirt, and now, she was slowly lifting herself up, only to find that her arms and legs refused to cooperate.

“Father… Mother… Aaron.. Pip… Byrn… Elt… please… let them rest… d-don’t—don’t defile their bodies…”

The woman responded by a roll of her eyes.

“Defile? Ha! There’s nothing to defile here! They’re dead! We’re not like those superstitious fools at the Holy Continent who believed a grave is sacred! We ran only by logic and wisdom here, not some belief in some morals bestowed by a higher being. The only morals a mage should have is the desire for more knowledge. And these crystals… Lord Vehta is going to use it for exactly that—a far better purpose than just to let them rot in the ground.”

“L-Lord Vehta…” Felicia replied weakly, tears in her eyes. “Did he… did he really cause this plague?”

Hearing her words, a scowl formed on the woman’s face. She walked right towards her and threw a kick at her face, sending the girl rolling on the ground a good few steps away.

“How dare you accuse him of such a thing, you stupid child?! If you want someone to blame, then blame your ancestors for being mindless monkeys who can’t cast magic! Yes, I see it now! You’re one of those mutants who by sheer luck managed to obtain the talent to use magic! You’re not one of us true magicians who shared the blood of the Founder!”

Felicia could barely hear her voice. Weak from the fasting she had been doing, combined with the blows she had received, she was hanging on a thin thread, barely holding on into her consciousness.

And yet, she still tried to rise up. With her small body, she slowly stood up, to the surprise of the mages.

“I-it’s true… E-everything she said… i-it’s true…” She wavered, nearly tumbling down to the side. “T-the mages… protecting us… i-it’s all… it’s all a lie…” She reached out her right palm. With whatever strength she had left, she gathered her mana for another spell. "I won't… I won't let you take them… I will protect—Aaaahhh!"

Before she could finish her words, one of the mages fired a lightning spell at her. It electrocuted her, not enough to do any lasting harm, but enough to knock her out for good.

The woman mage fired a glare of annoyance at the perpetrator, who was a man with a goatee and a bored look.

"You're getting too heated up, Larisa." He spoke. "You even spoke too much. We're supposed to keep this whole operation a secret, you know."

"Hmph." The woman threw her arms and shrugged. "These filthy non-mages don't know what's good for them. They're lucky we let them live in our land, considering what they did to the Founder."

The history taught to the people born in the Magocracy was that before the nation existed, magic users were persecuted by those without it. Only after Mira repelled the Demon God that magic slowly became more accepted and commonplace. She brought up magic users to be just as powerful as martial artists who could cut their opponents in a blink of an eye, by simplifying the chants and categorizing it into levels so it would be easier for her subjects to learn.

"That was a millenia ago." The man sighed. "I truly don't understand your obsession with her. For an outsider, you sure are quick to act like a native."

"And this, coming from another outsider like yourself."

The two were originally adventurers who were born on other kingdoms. They had become citizens of the Magocracy, after being recruited into becoming Vehta's underlings. They were paid well and given the same privileges as natives who held the same position. And the woman—she had forgotten her origin, believing herself to be a pure-blooded Magocracy citizen. After all, she was a mage, and the Magocracy welcomed all mages.

"Alright, everyone. Finish up here. And someone please carry that child. I'm not touching her."

The other mages followed her words. The burly man ended up being the one responsible for Felicia.

And thus ended the first chapter of her life, with her entire family dead and their graves being desecrated in the name of the Magocracy.

The veil covering her eyes had been lifted. There was no going back to her old, ignorant self.

From that day on, the old Felicia Myne, the daughter of a simple farmer, was gone.

Now, she was Felicia Myne, the girl who held vengeance and suffering in her heart.


When she woke up, she was in a completely different location to where she once was.

The first thing she noticed was the ceiling above her. It was a wooden one, made out of shiny mahogany that only the rich could afford.

The next thing she noticed was the bed she was sleeping under. It was soft and fluffy, far different from the straw bed she was used with.

She slowly sat up, where she saw how she was wearing a completely different dress. No longer was she wearing the patch-filled dull-colored dress, she was now wearing a dress of pure white. The fabric felt so much softer than her old dress. And it smelt much better too, as it was perfumed with a pleasant flowery scent. She kicked the blanket off her body, revealing her one-piece dress to be reaching down her knees.

Bewildered, she looked around: a fireplace, with a lit fire; two bookcases; a red carpet covering the floor; and many paintings of nature decorating the walls.

It came to her at last. She was in some rich person’s room. 

“Good. You’re finally awake.”

She jumped. She had failed to notice the person sitting behind her, right beside her bed.

It was a young woman with long, black hair wearing a blue maid’s outfit, complete with the white cap and apron. Her dark eyes caught with hers, and immediately she pinned her as someone stern, just from the sharp way she was returning her gaze.

“Welcome to the residence of Lord Garza.” Her blank face suddenly transformed into a light smirk. “Congratulations. He has taken an interest in you and he’s willing to accept you as a servant.”

“L-Lord Garza?”

The last thing she saw was the faces of those vile mages, and the lightning bolt that struck her from the side. She was about to fire a spell at them to—

“Father! Mother! T-their bodies! I-I have to stop them!”

She leaped off her bed and ran straight to the door

Only for her to lose her balance and trip, as a pair of cuffs made out of hardened soil bound her ankles together.

“Earth Cuffs. A good method to keep ungrateful young girls like you in place.”

It was the maid. She had pulled out a wand from her apron’s pocket and fired the Beginner-level Earth spell at her.

With a disgusted look, as if she was looking at a roach, she walked towards the girl; her boots’ steps absorbed by the carpet. She then fired another pair of earthen cuffs, tying her hands together this time.

“Let me go! Let me go! I have to— I have to—”

“Silence, girl,” she scolded her. “If it weren’t for Milord’s kindness, I would have been more severe than this. Your family is gone. And there’s nothing you can do for them. Now, it’s your duty to repay Milord by devoting your life to him.”

And yet, Felicia continued struggling. She even tried to wiggle her way towards the door like a snail, anything to get out from this place.

Of course, it was to no avail, as the maid picked her up with one hand and pushed her down on the bed.

“You are a mage, are you not? Then, once you are older, you shall serve him as one of his personal maids, just like me. He shall grant you education befitting of your status, something that your poor family could only dream of.”

“Don’t you talk about my family like that!”

Felicia sent her a glare like she never sent before, but the maid was not impressed. Her brown eyes remained cold and dispassionate. And yet again, that disgusted expression returned, as if she was looking at a rabid dog only fit to be put down by its owner.

“You shall learn propriety and manners. You shall learn how to speak and write. You shall learn how to serve. And of course, you shall learn how to do magic as well. Unless you wish to join those scullery maids in their filthy and menial tasks.”

Felicia barely listened to what she had to say, as she had started to cry once again.

“Stop your tears. Milord will prefer you to face him with a smile. Calm and ready yourself. I shall call for Milord and he would no doubt wish to meet with you right away.”

The maid then turned and left the room, not bothering to undo the cuffs that locked Felicia’s hands and feet together.

The moment she closed and locked the doors behind her, the fiery-haired girl immediately tried to free herself from her chains. Alas, the cuffs were tougher than they looked. The maid was a capable Earth mage and she would not be beaten by the strength of a nine-year old girl.

She then thought of just crawling her way out of the door, but she knew she wouldn’t get far without her legs. And so, she could only stay there, sobbing at how weak and useless she was. Not only had she failed to save her family and village, she had failed to keep their rest from being disturbed as well.

For what seemed like an eternity later, she heard a click on the door.

And then, it opened, revealing a tall gentleman behind it. If she had to guess, he was around his late forties or early fifties. He wore a set of aristocratic-looking clothes, consisting of a brown jacket with a long coat tail, a white shirt beneath it, and a pair of brown trousers. He also wore a cravat, and she could see a handkerchief poking out from his chest pocket. He had a bushy sideburn on his slightly wrinkled face, connected together at his short beard in the middle. He didn’t wear a hat, though she could imagine a top hat being a good fit for him.

“Esteena! What is the meaning of this? Why are you cuffing her like that?” His smile immediately turned into a scowl once he took notice of Felicia’s condition.

“Apologies, Milord.” The maid placed her hands in the front of her skirt before bowing. “She rudely tried to escape thus necessitating this treatment."

"Bah, you really don't know how to handle a kid, do you? Release her at once!" He ordered with a booming voice.

"Of course, Milord."

She bowed again before making a horizontal flick with her wand, disintegrating the cuffs immediately into dust.

Noticing that she was free, Felicia didn't hesitate. Once again, she tried to make a run for the door, only this time, the man was the one who swept her off her feet and stopped her in her tracks.

"Whoa, hold it right there, little lady!" He chuckled. "Where are you going?"

"Let me go! I'm going to save my family!” Felicia tried to free herself by hitting and kicking whatever body parts he could reach, to the man’s amusement.

“Your family? What are you talking about? Aren’t they all dead?”

“They are! But those evil mages stole their bodies! I have to return them back to their graves!”

“Ah, them!” His mouth formed a grin, showing off his pearly white teeth. “They’re already long gone though! You’re unconscious for quite some time after all! And you shouldn’t say they’re evil! They brought you here after all!”

Seeing that the little girl wasn’t giving up, the man shook her head. “I see why Esteena had to do that to you. You’re still in shock. Poor girl. To hallucinate like this, your trauma must be great indeed.”

“H-hallucinate? It wasn’t a hallucination! I saw them with my own eyes! With their magic, they dug up the graves of my family! I tried to stop them but I couldn’t do anything!”

“Tsk tsk tsk, what would they gain by doing that? Their job is to seek out survivors of the plague, not to be gravediggers!”

“L-Lord Vehta! He—he wants to use the corpses for his magic research! A-and he was the one who spread the plague as well!

“Oh dear, that’s not a very nice thing to say.” He shook his head again. “I owe a lot to him. He’s just an old man, albeit a bit eccentric. He would never do something so terrible, especially to his own people.”

“Shut up! You are a liar, just like the rest of this country’s mages! I’m not going to believe in your lies anymore!”

She ended her outrage-filled speech by spitting at the old man’s face. Naturally, that immediately drew the maid’s ire.

“How dare you! I should shear your tongue and—”

“It’s alright, Esteena. This girl… she just needs to be comforted, that’s all. Leave us.”

“But Milord, she’s—”

“Do not make me repeat myself. Leave us.”

That command, combined with the glare he gave her, was enough to make the maid surrender.

“...Very well. If, that is what you wish…”

She gave another, reluctant bow before exiting the room, leaving the two of them on their own.

“Well, now that the evil witch is gone…”

The old man placed Felicia back on the bed before sitting right beside her, causing the bed to sag and croak a little from his weight. Still with his gentle smile, he rested his left hand on her thighs, causing the poor girl to flinch. “You can tell me everything, alright? No holding back now. You’re now part of our family after all.”

Felicia didn’t know what to think. Looking at his smile, and the way he had been treating her, she couldn’t help but feel she could trust him. He was just as gentle as his father and even though he was a lord mage, he didn’t treat her like that maid or those evil mages from before. The only thing that differed was how big his stature was compared to the lanky and beardless man.

But then, he said that she was just hallucinating. But there was no way that could be the case! She saw it all happened herself! With her own eyes! She even remembered how she got kicked and punched and even electrocuted by them! Was he just lying to her, trying to deceive her just like the other mages?

"Come now, what's with the silence?"


It wasn't like she had any other choice. She wouldn't be able to run away.

And so she regaled him her tale, telling him everything that had befallen her. However, she omitted the truth her mentor had told her. She didn't think it was a good idea to say all that anti-mage sentiment to a mage, especially one as influential as him.

"I see. You've been through so much, my little angel…"

To her surprise, he lifted her up and made her sit on her lap.

"But don't worry. Everything will be fine, now that you’re with Daddy Garza.”

And then, he licked her right earlobe, sending shivers all across her body. W-what? What is he—

"Relax, my angel. Don't look so terrified. A girl is always cuter when she smiles, you know."

His left hand then went to her chest, groping the two nubile peaks beneath her dress.


Fear gripped her small heart. She didn't understand it, but she knew what he was doing wasn't right.

"W-what are you—"

"Shh, I told you to relax, didn't I?”

She could feel his warm breath behind her right ear. She tried to move, to run away, but his grip on her remained strong, far beyond what she could fight against.

He began chewing and gnawing on her earlobe. She could feel something hard pressing into her thighs from underneath her.

“N-no! Stop! Stay away!”

Once again, she struggled to free herself, pushing him away and pulling herself off him with all her might. Alas, his strength remained too much, even as she kicked him over and over with her feet. She even tried to use her magic, but she found she was unable to do so.

“Oh, my feisty little angel… Do you have to make this harder than it should be?”

With a laugh she would never forget, he pushed her down to the bed before he yanked her dress off.

What happened next… would remain in her nightmares for the rest of her days.


And so began the next stage of Felicia Myne’s life, as a prisoner of the mage lord Garza.

Oh, she wasn't chained or confined into a room like a normal prisoner. She was free to walk around his mansion as much as she wanted. And unlike what the maid said, she wasn't even forced to work around the house. The mage lord had declared her to be his adopted daughter, and thus, she was to be treated appropriately by the servants.

However, she was not allowed to leave the mansion without supervision. She tried to run many times but every single time she would be caught by her supervisors, usually the maids and butlers attending to her. They were nice and respectful to her, but ultimately, their loyalty was to their Master.

And, whenever her "father" wanted to meet her in his room, she had to comply. And every time, once he was finished with her, she would cry herself to sleep, as she prayed and begged the Founder to save her.

And when she refused, a servant would come and drag her there. Usually, the task fell to that sour-faced maid. She lectured her on how she had to be grateful to him and to stop being so selfish.

She knew. She and the other servants—they all knew.

And yet, none saw anything wrong with it. To them, their master was a superior being, and it was the duty for an inferior being like her to satisfy all his wishes, even his bedroom desires.

In public, the mage lord was a popular and benevolent ruler. But in private, he enjoyed the company of all sorts of females, from an older maid of his age to a young girl like her. He would grope and tease his maids freely even during the day, and they would respond with a joyful "Kyaaahh!" and "Aaahnn!"

It made her sick to her stomach.

And yet, she had no choice. She had to bear with it. Even if she could kill him or run away, preferably both, she would only end up ruining the only path she had to her dream.

To fulfill the wishes of her father and mother, who wanted to see her grow as a great mage.

To reveal the truth with her own hands and to seek revenge for her family’s death.

And, to prevent anyone from having to go through what she had suffered.

To accomplish those goals, she needed him. She needed him and his power; his influence; his wealth. Esteena said that if she were good, he might send her to the Academy. And that’s exactly what she needed.

And so she dried her tears. She would hold the bile in her stomach and act just like those maids towards him. She would become his favorite, manipulating him to give her what she wanted.

No one would save her. Not him, not his servants, and certainly not the Founder, whom she stopped praying to entirely since that day. The only person she could rely upon was herself. She and the talent she was bestowed upon.

And thus was born the new Felicia Myne, the dark seductress and future necromancer.

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