Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 4 Chapter 18: Bathhouse Visit

Exiting the World Dungeon, we made our way back to the city. The sky was already dark, though not so much that we couldn’t find our way. It seemed we really had spent two full days inside.

But not before I asked Theo a question I had been wandering about for a while.

“Hey, if I may ask, Theo, why do you want to climb the dungeon? For a beginner adventurer like you, that’s pretty reckless.”

“Beginner? He’s a B-rank, you know!” As usual, his girlfriend came to the rescue.

“Apologies, but your combat skill doesn’t look like a B-rank. I’d say you’re a D-rank at most.” 

Oh yes, I was being blunt. If that’s what it took to keep a newbie adventurer like him alive.

I once lost three adventurers whom I could’ve saved. They were kids too, just like him. Took a job too dangerous for them. Gave me nightmares for weeks.

Honestly, he shouldn’t be in the Demon Continent in the first place if he couldn’t even defeat a C-rank monster. You could rank up by taking menial labor jobs in the city but what’s the point? The pay was next to nothing. You’d be better off taking a more permanent job.

“I… I wanted to repay my mo— I-I mean, my little sister’s kindness!”

Little sister? Oh, the silver-haired elf from before.

“She works so hard, day and night, just so we can survive. As her older brother, it shames me that I can’t help her more.”

He looked away with clenched, shaking fists. I didn’t need to see his watering eyes to know how he was feeling.


Hate for himself.

Hate for his weakness.

“Then you should get a normal job instead. You’re worrying her, you know, going into dungeons like this. Do you really want to be away from her for weeks, exploring this dungeon? And what will you do if you don’t stumble upon an escape teleporter? You have to climb all one hundred floors. Sure, the boss monster won’t come back for a month after the previous one’s death, but what if you misjudged your timing, making it so you’ll have to beat it to pass? You’ll have to rely on other adventurers. You can end up staying on the 100th floor for months.”

Escape teleporters are just like the name suggests. They take you out of the dungeon. And they’re just as rare as the shortcut teleporters.

“I know… but… I need money… lots of them… so she could pay her debt… the debt she took to save me…”

A debt? As in, a monetary one?

“I… fell sick one day. None of the priests and priestesses could cure me so she took me to the best alchemist in town. The alchemist cured me, but the medicine she gave was really expensive. Not to mention that I have to take more medicine every day if I don’t want the illness to come back. Said I have a weak constitution and I need her medicine’s aid to keep myself from falling sick again.”

Damn, that sounds rough. By “weak constitution”, I guess he meant he has a weak immune system. Yeah, that’s really dangerous, alright.

“…So, your sister… she went into debt to buy you the medicine, I take it.”

“Yes. That’s why… that’s why I have to go inside the dungeon. The only way she can ever repay all that debt is for me to find a really valuable treasure inside it.”

Ah, makes sense. If he gets to sell a Dream Orb for example, it can easily earn him at least a hundred gold pieces if he goes to the right merchant.

“Excuse me, Theo, if you don’t mind, do you have the medicine with you?”

All of a sudden, Felicia entered the conversation. Oh, that’s right! Felicia is a genius alchemist! Maybe she can figure out a better treatment for him!

“Y-yes, I have it right here.”

He handed over a small pouch from his pocket. Felicia opened it and took out a tiny crystal-like object from it. It was about the size of your usual pill.

“Thank you.” 

She gave the pouch back, before storing the crystal inside an empty vial she took out from her own robe pocket.

Guess I ought to explain to him what’s going on.

“Felicia here is a master alchemist, you see. Maybe she can give your sister a better deal for your medicine.”

“R-really?” His eyes lit up in a flash. “You can make that medicine too?”

“Perhaps. Or maybe I’ll make something even better.”

Ah, here’s that classic Felicia smirk again. When it involves alchemy, her confidence is just unparalleled. Fitting since she’s a genius at it.

“Oh, thank you so much, Miss Felicia!” He bowed. Good kid. Very polite.

How about Ms. Catgirl though? You’re not going to thank her?!

“T-thank you for helping Theo! I promise I’ll repay your kindness one day!”

Well, would you look at that? She’s bowing too. I guess she does have her manners.

“Miss Felicia really is amazing…”

“She is, isn’t she?”

I couldn’t help but smile hearing Victoria’s comment. It’s only natural that a man would be happy hearing his girl getting a lofty praise like that. Her happiness is my happiness as well. That’s how a lover should be, right?


Arriving at the city, we each went our own ways after exchanging our addresses, promising that we wouldn’t resume our dungeon exploration without them.  It should be fine. The monsters at the second stratum shouldn’t be that much stronger than the ones on the first. I just have to keep my wits on me.

“Milord, why don’t we visit the bathhouse first?”

“Really? You want to take a bath, Felicia? In this hour? I’d rather go to bed right away. Maybe after some light dinner.”

“Hmph, you don’t understand. I just want to… take a bath with you, Milord.”

My heart skipped a beat. W-whoa, where did that come from? I glanced at the redhead mage and sure enough, her cheeks had reddened quite significantly.

“I-I know a good bathing house we can go to. It has private rooms we can rent. So, you know, we can… do all sorts of things… in private…”

…Wow, she doesn’t even wait until Victoria isn’t here. She’s getting bolder and bolder every day.

I’d be crazy not to oblige.

“Alright. We can go there. I might fall asleep in the middle of our bath though.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure that will never happen.”

Yeah, that carnivorous smirk… I’m getting a handjob at the very least.

I just hope the owner won’t be mad if we use their bathhouse that way. She won’t be satisfied until I come for sure.

Then again, private rooms where you’re allowed to have one man and one woman in—they must know what they’re doing.

Heh, I’ve always dreamed of peeping on bathing women. Could’ve done it many times with all the girls I’ve traveled with. But I restrained myself since I didn’t want to become a full-blown pervert. I told myself I’d only do it to Sherry once we become a proper couple.

To think I’d be able to do it now, with a girl much more stacked than her… aah, what a delight.

“W-wait, what about me?! I want to take a bath too!”

…Oh, goddamnit, Victoria! Can’t you read the mood?

The smirk on Felicia’s face promptly vanished, replaced by a frown. Of course she’d react that way. She wanted her alone time with me and you just had to butt in.

“You can come. But you take another room. I don’t need to tell you that you’re not welcome with us.”

“O-on my own? I-I don’t know… I want to take a bath with you two…”

What is wrong with this chick?!

“…You know that means you’ll be baring your naked body to him, right?”

“I… I don’t mind… I’ll just… keep my chest under the water.”

Yep, she’s out of her mind alright. No girls will willingly show off her body to a man unless they’re—

Wait, don’t tell me that she has a crush on me?

…Sure, let’s say that she has.  But her crush is not like the crush Felicia has. She knows what it means to be in love with a man. Victoria on the other hand just admires me in a way one admires a celebrity. I’ve been awing her for a good while with my magic after all. She probably thinks I’m just like the heroes in her novels.

So yeah. Not a good basis for a relationship.

And besides, having both Felicia and Sherry is already a handful. I’m sure of it.

“The answer is still no. Now drop the subject or else we’ll leave you behind.”


Urgh, that forlorn expression. Reminds me of Spring Fairy’s face whenever she messes up her task.

Maybe she’s so naive because she’s a half-fairy? Most fairies tend to have simple minds after all.

As much as I want to see those giant boobs naked, I don’t want to take advantage of her cluelessness. Same with my fairies. I can teach them to perform sexual acts to me but I won’t. Because I’m a man with morals, goddamnit.


After our short discussion, we changed the trajectory of our walk—going to the pleasure district where the bathhouse was located. And, as usual for such a place, we could see multiple scantily clad girls promoting their establishments. Brothels, to put in more bluntly. Most of them seem to be non-human though with some even citing their exoticness as a selling point, like that motherly arachne who welcomed men who wanted to be dominated in bed by her kind or the slimegirl who offered men to basically have wet, slimy sex with her.

As for the patrons, most of them seemed to be adventurers. After risking their lives doing jobs no “normal” members of society would, it’s only natural they’ll relax in these establishments, especially since it’s a common thing to forbid having relationships in a party. Apparently, it’s to prevent internal drama from happening. There’s a certain sense in that rule, I have to admit. A couple breaking up could get real nasty. Love rivalry as well. “All is fair in love and war” as they say.

The bathhouse we were going to was actually the largest one in the entire city, named The Mermaid’s Basin. It was a pretty famous establishment, at least according to Felicia (really, when did she learn all this info?). Pretty pricey, but with all the money we had, there was nothing to fear.

This is the bathhouse?

The building was as large as a mansion, if not more. It had tall walls surrounding it, presumably to protect the guests bathing in their open air baths from being peeped by outsiders. As for the architecture, it was certainly designed to attract attention, standing quite differently than the other buildings in the district.

“Welcome, honored customers.”

Entering the front door, a greeter came to meet us, bowing her head as she placed her hands in front of her kimono.

Wait, kimono?

Black fabric with flower patterns all over. That’s a kimono alright. So there are kimonos in this world?

She was an ogress, though nothing like the shotacon I encountered some time ago. She was elegant and refined, almost like your classic Yamato Nadeshiko.

Heh, to think I used to think all ogre women are brutes like her…

“Two private rooms, if you would. One for me and him, and the other for this girl.”

Felicia took the initiative, not letting Victoria have the first word. She really wants this, huh?

The ogress responded by glancing at Victoria, and then to Felicia, and then finally to me.

“Two rooms? Apologies, honored customers, but we allow up to five people to enter our private rooms at one time, so—”

“You’re mistaken. I’m his girlfriend. She’s not. So, two rooms.”

What is up with people automatically thinking Victoria is my lover too? Guess it’s true that polygamy is more commonplace in the Demon Continent.

“…Apologies, honored guests. It seems I have been mistaken. Two rooms it is. Please, follow me.”

After giving another bow, the ogress took us to our private rooms. Each room had their own small changing room with lockers on the front. We were also offered maids to attend to us, but naturally, Felicia refused. 

Our two rooms were right beside each other. Victoria took the left while Felicia and I took the right.

“A-are you sure that I can’t—”


Sheesh, she sure is persistent.

“Hey, if you don’t want to be on your own, why don’t you get a maid to help you clean up? I’ll pay for it so don’t worry.” I flashed a reassuring smile. If she just needs a friend to be with, then that should suffice, right?

“N-no, I don’t need it. I’m fine on my own.”

…And so she says.


Once we were inside, it didn’t take long at all until Felicia striped herself bare. After putting her staff to the side, she unbuttoned the clasp on her robe and pulled the straps on her dress down, her naked breasts bouncing in the process. Letting the fabric drop down all the way to her feet, her plump butt was now revealed, covered only by her skimpy red panties.

“Oh my, please don’t stare at me so much, Milord. You’re making me nervous.”

Saying that with an inviting smirk and a blush. Yeah, you’re not fooling anymore.

She then bent over, purposefully peeling off the lace fabric in the most sexy, titillating way. No wonder she’s seduced so many men before. She really knows how to move her body in the most erotic way. If this were an ecchi scene from a harem anime, I’d praise the director to the seventh heaven.

Noticing my pants tightening, I took them off along with the rest of my clothes, all while locking my sight at her swaying buttocks. When she finished her striptease, I was standing there naked as well, and fully erect. Still, I couldn’t help but cover my manhood with my hands. Look, I’m still new to this sort of thing. As hypocritical as it sounds, I’m still not fully comfortable standing naked in front of a female. If she laughs at my size, my self-esteem will be ruined!

“Hmm? What’s the matter, Milord? Why are you covering it like that? I want to see, you know.”

“R-right…” Damn it, Hugo! You’re acting like a virgin again!

With my hands out of the way, her sight was now locked right on my sword.

“There you go. It’s not like you to be shy, Milord.”

“W-well, it’s just that…”

“Oh? Don’t tell me that you’re concerned about your size?” Damn it! Is it really that obvious? “Rest assured. Your size’s perfectly fine. In fact, it’s so fine I want to do this to it.”


Without hesitation, she gave my sword a good, firm grab.

“A-alright. Point taken.”

That hungry look on her face… she might be an even bigger shotacon than that ogress.

Let’s just hope she’ll keep that hunger when I grow older.


Grabbing our towels, we entered the bath proper. It was an enclosed one, quite sizable considering our number. Placing our towels near the entrance, we entered the water. It was warm and pleasant, just in that sweet spot between room temperature and boiling hot. Sniffing the air, I noticed that it was also somewhat aromatic as well. I wonder how they could set this up. There wasn’t any internal plumbing in the inn we stayed at. Maybe they employed a mage?

The water reached up to my chest. Sure enough, if Felicia stood, her breasts were fully exposed, bouncing with every step she took. Seriously, watching those two was almost hypnotic in a sense.

“Relax, Milord. I’ll be your dear maid for the night, alright?”

Pressing her soft chest onto my back, she wrapped her arms around my waist, rubbing the brush she had (lent by the bathhouse) back and forth my chest. All the while her other hand felt up the same area, in the guide of spreading the liquid soap. In this world, both solid soap and its liquid form are available thanks to the alchemists. No mass production though, meaning, they can only be enjoyed by the well-off few.

Heh, you like my chest that much? I’ll admit, it has some decent muscles there. Nothing like the ones Alan had though.

“Hold still, Milord. I’m going to wash your back now, right?”

And then, she proceeded to move her boobs up and down my back, using it like a sponge to lather the soap all over my back.

“You like this, Milord? It’s much more efficient than normal sponges, no?”

“W-well, I guess so…”


Without hesitation, she followed by squeezing my manhood under the water with her hands.


“Relax, Milord. Let me do all the work.”

An embarrassingly girlish gasp escaped my mouth as I clamped my manhood from firing its load. G-gah! This is too much! The insanely soft lumps of meat rubbing back and forth, her hands massaging my manhood in the perfect spots, and her whispering into my ears—I can’t last long at this rate!

Her ultimate three-pronged assault technique! It’s too much for a virgin like me!

Still, I tried to hang on. I had my pride as a man after all. I even attacked back, using my right hand to grope around her crotch. She readily took the challenge though, rubbing her womanhood into my fingers.

“Oh my, watch where your hand is, Milord. You’re lucky I’m really horny right now or else I might have slapped you for it~♥”

Oh please, you’re enjoying this. It’s just you talking dirty as usual.

And then, two of my fingers actually slid into her folds by complete accident, making her shudder and gasp.

Got you!

Slowly, I pushed those fingers into her hole, making another moan escape her lips. Heh, look at how wet she is. She really is horny.

“A-ahn, Milord, I—”

“Since I can’t use my sword to thrust you down there, I’m using my fingers instead.”

Rub rub. Back and forth and back and forth with increasing speed. That’s how you do it, right?

The ex-necromancer was now panting heavily, a slight drool trailing down her half-open mouth. Damn, so this is how an ahegao looks in real life?

“How about it, hmm? Enjoying my service?”

“N-no fair! I’m supposed to be the one—kyaaahhh!”

That’s right! Feel free to squeal as much as you want!

As her moans became louder and louder, however, her grip on my junk became stronger and stronger as well. At this point, it’s only a matter of time until we—

“Heeeelp! Sir Hugo, please help meeeee!”

No… not now, goddamnit! We’re in the middle of—

An all-too-familiar girl stormed into the room, jumped into the water, and ran straight at me.

All the while showing off her smooth, naked body, her massive breasts flopping up and down in the process.

What in the name of—

“Sir Hugooooo!”

She leaped right on top of me, pushing me down into the water, making my head hit the hard stone below. If I hadn’t protected myself with my aura, I might actually get a concussion from that!


As water entered my mouth, all I could see was her two mountains, pressing right onto my face. And her knee… well… it kneaded my junk.

Like a powder keg catching fire, it exploded, firing its seed right onto the elf’s leg and thigh.


Quickly, I pushed her off my body, standing up and coughing the bathwater I just drank.

And naturally, Felicia exploded with the rage of a thousand sounds.


“A-a ghost! There’s a ghost chasing me! Please help me, Sir Hugo!”

Going in for her second assault, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me as tightly as I could, not caring in the slightest that I was naked, or she was naked, or Felicia’s murderous glare on the side.

“Help meee! I don’t wanna dieeee!”

“H-hey, calm down, Victoria! I don’t understand what you’re saying!”

“A-a ghost… it… it appeared in the baths… it’s going to curse me…”

Ghost? Curse? Is this girl for real?

…Goddamn! Her boobs! Not only are they immensely big, but they’re absurdly soft as well! Unlike Felicia’s, whose breasts are smaller and firmer, I could just imagine my hands sinking into them if I grab them now.

She’s shaking though. She really is scared.

Putting my hands on her shoulders, I pushed her off a little bit. “Shh, it’s alright. Now that we’re here, no ghosts can get to you.” I put up my most comforting smile.

All the while glancing downwards to those huge lumps of fats of hers.

Amazing… they might even be bigger than—


Oh right… I have to calm down Felicia before it turns ugly.

I wonder if she managed to come too. Probably not, judging by how furious she is now. No one likes being left hanging like that. I remember that one time in my old life when I yelled at Hanako for barging into my room when I was masturbating. Thinking about it, her eyes were all teary back then. Later on, I learned she had been treated unfairly by her teacher at school, and so she came to me for comfort.

And I spit on that trust.

No wonder she grew to hate me.

“Now now, Felicia, calm down. Let’s hear what she has to say.”

“…Fine. Speak clearly, you stupid elf.”

Victoria took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. All the while her right hand rested on top of her chest, drawing my eyes back to those treasures.

“So, I was in the water, when suddenly, a pair of hands came out of nowhere grabbing my chest from behind!”

Wait what? What kind of a perverted ghost is that?

“I felt something cold and slimy touching my back! Try as I might, I can’t escape from its grasp! But I’m too scared to look behind me, so all I could do is to stay put and hope it will go away! And then, I heard it—a female voice whispering into my ears. ‘Go to your friends. Or else I’m going to curse you~”

What. That’s not something a ghost would say.

“And then, it disappeared! I used the chance to run all the way here! Ooh, thank goodness our rooms are right next to each other!”

I exchanged looks with Felicia.

It’s a prank, isn’t it?

Definitely, Milord.

If I had to guess, it’s probably a slimegirl camouflaging herself inside the bathwater. Though I wonder why she would send her to us. If she’s just a pervert, she’ll molest Victoria even more instead of releasing her like that.

Felicia sighed. “Alright. I think that’s enough bathing for the three of us. You go back to your room and get dressed.”

“W-what? But what if the ghost—”

“It’s not going to come back. I’m sure of it. And besides—” She sent a glare in my direction.



Yeah, we still have to tell her about her fairy heritage, don’t we?

“—we have something important to discuss.”

“T-then, why don’t we just talk here?!”

“No. Your naked body is too distracting for Milord.”

“I-I’ll just do this then!”

With a splash, she lowered herself into the water, putting her chest out of view. Well, almost anyway, as a bit of the top was still visible.

“…Fine. I’d rather go straight to sleep after this anyway.” Sighing, she moved a strand of hair from her ear as she glanced at my direction. Victoria might have hid her breasts but Felicia still stood there proudly with them fully in view. Wow, she’s still sexy even in her annoyed mode.

“So, should I be the one explaining, Milord?”

“I’ll do it. I was the one who realized it first after all.”

With my own sigh, I began my explanation.

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