Leave the academy.

Mo Bai did not return home.

Instead, sneak out of town.

Came to the nearby Soul Beast Forest.

The level of the forest soul beast here is not too high, and the strength is very low.

According to the textbook, there are mostly soul beast cubs under ten years here, and the maximum is not more than a hundred years!

With its current strength, the ten-year soul beast is completely capable of killing.

As for the Hundred Year Soul Beast, it was not too difficult to make up the gap with the quality of the Nine Heavens Xuan Ice Bow.

Mo Bai recalled as he walked.

His own martial soul is a weapon martial soul, the Nine Heavens Xuan Ice Bow.

It is a long-range weapon in the weapon martial soul.

Therefore, it is best for the soul ring to be able to attach attributes to the arrow, or to add a certain amount of defense to itself!

According to the introduction in the comprehensive textbook, there are two kinds of soul beasts in this soul beast forest.

One is the silver hook scorpion, which is highly poisonous, and it is said that there have been people above the soul saint who were accidentally injured by it and violently killed on the spot!

The other is ice ants, which are characterized by strong reproductive ability and can quickly reproduce visible to the naked eye in minutes and seconds.

The strength of a single person is very weak, but if you encounter a group, even if it is a Contra level, you will die here!

Both characteristics, no matter which one, can be used for Mobai!

He also wanted to come up and give his Nine Heavens Xuan Bing Bow a 10,000-year or even higher-level soul ring, but his strength did not allow it.

After shuttling through the Soul Beast Forest for about an hour.

Mo Bai came to a lake, and the silver scorpion and ice ants both lived in places with water sources.

This is Mo Bai’s first hunt for soul beasts.

So there is also a little nervousness in my heart.


Suddenly, there was a noise from the woods not far away.

Hiding in place and waiting, Mo Bai found that two people came out of it.

Old and young, young and young, they looked about their own age, and they were wearing the uniforms of other colleges.

The old man looked sixty or seventy years old, and he was ordinary, but it made Mo Bai feel a danger.

“Young Master, as far as I know, there is an ice ant in this lake that has reached a thousand-year cultivation level, and is the king of ice ants!!”

“If you absorb its soul ring, you will definitely get a soul technique that matches your martial soul!”

The old man put his hands behind his back and glanced into the lake.

“Then what are you waiting for Elder Chen, you can do it quickly!”

A flash of heat flashed in the man’s eyes, and when he absorbed the soul ring, he was a true soul master!

“Then young master, you back off!”

The old man took two steps forward, protected the young man behind him, and stepped hard in a flash.

“rub ~ rub ~ rub ~”

One soul ring after another expanded outward from his feet, encircling him.

White, gold, gold, black!

Soul Sect!

This old man turned out to be a Soul Sect master!

The Soul Sect is at least level 40 or above with soul power!

In the next second, I saw the old man jump into the water.

Immediately afterwards, the calm surface of the lake trembled, and water droplets jumped on the surface.

Then, two shadows rose into the sky.

One of them was the old man named Old Chen.

As for the other, it is an enlarged version of the ice ant.

The whole body is blue, the eyes are red, there is a pair of ice crystal tentacles on the head, and the six legs are composed of ice crystals, crystal clear.

Its barbed palate is extremely aggressive!

This is the king of ice ants!

“First Soul Technique: Whirlwind Slash!”

The voice fell, and two axes emerged from in front of Elder Chen, and he pushed it with both hands.

The axe spun at high speed and flew towards the Ice Ant King.

But something strange happened, this ice ant king actually took two steps back and cleverly dodged the axe.

And the palate closes, clamping one of the axes.

“It is worthy of being the king of ice ants, and the reaction speed is quite fast!”

The young man nodded in satisfaction, and only such a soul beast was he interested in absorbing.

“Elder Chen, please be sure to take it down! This soul ring, I sucked it! ”

“Don’t worry, young master, the old man will cripple it and let you kill it!”

After speaking, the black soul ring around Old Chen’s body trembled.

Two axes returned to his hands again.

“Fourth Soul Technique: Combo Slash!”

In the next second, there was a blessing of soul power on the double axe, and Old Chen’s body flashed and came to the ice ant.

The ice ant opened its upper jaw and was ready to attack, but Chen Lao slashed down with an axe.


The upper jaw of the ice ant was split by an axe, and some green blood fell off.

“It’s not over yet!”

Immediately afterwards, Elder Chen continued to attack.


Another axe, the tentacles on the head of the ice ant were cut off by Qi brush.


The third axe slashed at the ice ant’s forefoot, slowing down its movement.

“It’s over!”

Just as he raised his axe and prepared to slash his head, an ice crystal arrow shot out from the dense forest.

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