After resting for a day in MixC City, Mo Bai left alone.

Because it is only tens of kilometers away from MixC City.

So you only need to take the bus to get there.

In the past, buses were all drivers and conductors.

Now the conductor has been uniformly replaced by a guard!

There are also driving directions depending on the departure and terminus of the bus.

The operation department is equipped with soul masters of different levels!

Take Mo Bai’s bus, for example, it is equipped with a soul master at the level of a soul Venerable!

With him, everyone in the car felt very relieved.

Although there are special people on the route who have cleaned up the soul beasts.

But not afraid of 10,000, just in case, so it was equipped with guards.

This time, there were about 20 people on the car.

The man held the small ticket and stared at Mo Bai and kept casting his gaze.

“Young man, are you going to the Soul Beast Forest?”

I heard that someone was going to get off at the Soul Beast Forest Station.

Everyone else turned their attention to him.

Soul Master?

Because only soul masters will go to the soul beast forest, after all, they have to obtain soul rings.

Ordinary people can’t hide too late, how can they go to such a dangerous place?


Mo Bai didn’t say anything more, but nodded gently.

“I think you still look like a student, right?”


“Are you going alone?”


“You’re too dangerous, let’s find a few adults together.”

The guards already understood the kid’s intentions.

I’m afraid I just awakened the martial soul, and then I can’t wait to come out and get the soul ring!

“It’s okay!”

From beginning to end, Mo Bai was very calm.

Even answering questions is unusually concise.

“It is said that the high-level soul beast forest over here is not very peaceful!”

“Don’t talk about you, even if it’s me, you have to be careful!”

“Listen to your uncle’s advice, don’t get off later!”

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the Soul Beast Forest Station.

The guard persuaded out of kindness.



Suddenly, there was a sound of birds chirping from the forest.

“It’s the Thousand Shadows Purple Goldfinch!”

The guard immediately leaned over to the window and took a look.

His face was a little solemn: “Why did this Thousand Shadow Purple Goldfinch, which should have inhabited the center of the forest, appear on the periphery of the forest?” ”

Thousand Shadow Purple Goldfinch, if he can obtain its soul ring, Mo Bai is also very happy.

Just as the so-called martial arts in the world, only fast can not be broken!

For the increase in speed, there is no bottom line!

“I read the soul master news, it seems to say that this Thousand Shadow Purple Goldfinch is a high-level soul beast!”

“Dude, if you run into it, are you sure?”

Someone patted the guard’s shoulder and couldn’t help but ask.

“Don’t worry, with me, I will protect your safety.”

“It’s just a young man, we can’t park in a while!”

“For the safety of all the people in the car, we have to get away from the Soul Beast Forest as soon as possible!”


For a while, the whole car was staring at him.

“It’s okay, leave me alone!”

Although the soul beast’s cry was afraid, Mo Bai was very confident.

Twenty-level soul power, plus mythical-level martial souls, and tens of millions of year-level soul rings.

His current strength is not at all good at all against the thousand-year soul beast.

Even if it is ten thousand years, there is the power of a war!

“Hey, why don’t young people listen to advice so much now!”

“Why are you so selfish!”

“It’s impossible to ignore the safety of all our people just because you’re going alone, right?”

“If it attracts the attack of the Thousand Shadow Purple Goldfinch, who will bear this responsibility?”


Almost the moment these people spoke, the call of the Thousand Shadow Purple Golden Sparrow came again.

“Not good, speed up!!”

After that, the guard opened the door and jumped down while driving.

At the moment of going down, Mo Bai clearly saw the other party release the soul ring.

“rub ~ rub ~ rub ~”

White, yellow, purple!

Three soul rings!

Seeing the escort get out of the car, the others seemed to have put their minds at ease.

After all, in their cognition.

Guards are absolutely able to keep them safe.



Soon, there was a loud noise from the rear.

Immediately afterwards, the soul power fluctuations spread out, and invisibly helped a bus.

The car was directly overturned and rolled several times on the ground.

“Wow, I don’t want to die!”

“It’s over, it’s completely over this time!”

“I don’t want to be eaten by soul beasts, I don’t want to!”


There was chaos in the car, and people who were still awake began to smash the glass frantically.

And Mo Bai casually punched, broke the glass and stood on the car body.


A hundred meters away, a Thousand Shadow Purple Goldfinch with a body size of more than 2 meters was fighting with the guards.

After each exchange, it immediately lifts into the air, then reverses direction and swoops down.

However, this guard does not seem to be an opponent.

Because this Thousand Shadow Purple Goldfinch seems to be at the level of 10,000 years!

Losing is only a matter of time.

And it definitely won’t last more than three minutes!

But for some reason, the Thousand Shadows Purple Goldfinch, which rose into the air again, looked at Mo Bai.

This time, it didn’t dive down again towards the guards.

Instead, he flew quickly towards Mo Bai!

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