“Damn, I actually caused Lao Tzu to lose his arms!”

Blood Axe Douluo, who had retreated thousands of meters away, looked at the sea of fire ahead.

His eyes were full of resentment.

“At the center of the explosion, you deserve to melt into slag!!”

“How are you feeling?”

Sniper Douluo looked at Norco worriedly.

For the first time in how many years, I saw a good brother so badly injured!

“It’s okay, I sealed the wound with soul power.”


Seeing Blood Axe Douluo’s arms being destroyed.

There is no other way to go down the river but sigh.

And not far away.

Bei Hao Fu frowned.

I have clearly reminded him.

With his reaction speed, there is no reason why he can’t come out?

But now I can’t see anyone anywhere.

What the hell is going on?

“Hey~ Still too young?”

After watching for a long time, Bei Hao Fu clenched his fists.

Most of them were careless, underestimating the power of this soul technique!

It’s a pity!

Such a young title Douluo turned out to be…

“Sixth Soul Ring First Soul Technique: Ice and Snow!”


A voice came from the sea of fire.

Followed by.

At the center point of the sea of fire.

There was a hint of ice blue light lit up.

The light flickered for a moment.

Inside out.

All sides were frozen into ice sculptures.

It seems to have experienced a blizzard.

The chill is intimidating!

And Mo Bai always stood in place.

Not a single step!

He was unharmed!

“This kid…”

Shunhe and Norco were shocked in their hearts.

“I thought I could do it!”

“Half a day?”

Hearing Mo Bai’s disdainful voice.

Both wanted to rush over and teach him a good lesson.

Especially Norco, I can’t wait to unload him!

“We are no match for this kid!”

Sniper Douluo Shunliu saw the gap between the two sides.

It was wiser to say to the good brother: “Lao Nuo, let’s go back to regain our lives first, and call Lao Fan together!” ”

“That’s all!”

Although the heart is very unwilling.

But Noko could only grit his teeth and nod.

He now has lost both arms and his combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

And Downstream, as a ranged attack type soul master.

Fighting this kid alone will definitely not be good.

“Boy, I’ll let you go today.”

“Wait, what you did.”

“The empire will hold you accountable one by one!”

“Let’s go!”


“Where are you going?”

As soon as the two turned around, Mo Bai’s voice followed.

“Come here, don’t leave!”

Sound in the ears.

The two instinctively turned around and wanted to say something.


But only halfway around.

I felt a strong wind blowing by.

Looking again, Mo Bai had already appeared in front of them.

At this time, he had wings on his back.

Stuck in the air, staring at the two of them with looking down.

“In this way, I will give you two choices!”

“One, he who submits to me, live!”

“Two, those who continue to resist, die!”



The two looked at each other like that.

Let them submit to this yellow-haired boy in front of them.

How is this possible?

As the protector elder of the Dahua Empire.

They would rather die than give in!

“Submit to you?”

“Wait for the next life!”

After speaking, the two turned around and ran.

And at this time.

Because the battle is moving too much.

The law enforcement officers of the city defense team arrived.

Just collided with the two.

“Elder Shun! Elder No! ”

“What’s wrong with you two, are you on a mission?”

The captain of the city defense team came over as soon as possible and asked respectfully.

Although there are many people, there is no threat to Mobai.

It’s like a flock of shrimp gathered in front of a shark!

“Quick, you guys keep the prisoner behind!”

This gang came just in time.

As long as it can hold Mo Bai a little.

They can get out!

“Eagle Blade Realm!”

Between lip openings and closing.

Black fog shrouded instantly.

Eagle Feather solved the people of the city defense team in an instant.

Blood arrows everywhere, corpses all over the ground!

And in front of Sniper Douluo Shunliu, Blood Axe Douronoko.

Hundreds of eagle feathers were hanging in the air towards them.

It seems that if they move one more step, they will be attacked!

He took two steps back and turned around helplessly.

“Mo Bai, you still have time to turn back now!”

“As long as you…”

“That’s a lot of nonsense!”

Mo Bai’s patience is limited.

The mind moved.

The eagle feather attacked.

“Ring bell ~~”

Although the two of them have soul power protection around them.

But under this non-stop attack.

They also feel the pressure!

There is no other way but to fight back!

“Lao Shun, you go first, I’ll cover you!”

In a hurry, Norco’s double axe condensed.

Although you can’t take it by hand.

But relying on soul power drive is still possible.

It’s just that the combat power is not as good as before.

“No, I won’t leave you behind!”

“I’ll drag him, you hurry back and inform the country lord and let Agni Douluo come over!”

After speaking, a blood-red light erupted from the Blood Axe Douluo.

“Seventh Soul Technique: Blood Axe True Body!!”

Soul Technique Unleashed.

Behind Norco, two blood-colored giant axes appeared.

It is about tens of meters high!

There is a trace of blood on the surface of the axe!

The inscription on it buzzed.

There was a burst of trills.

The powerful soul power fluctuations belonging to Title Douluo continued to leak out.

Blow the corpses around you to a hundred meters away!

(ps: Kill is over, collapse is over, readers are happy, the follow-up has been adjusted accordingly, thank you for your valuable comments!) If we don’t say it, the author bacteria will be combined to prevent it, and strive to make the subsequent content reach everyone’s satisfaction! If there is something uncomfortable before, please forgive me! )

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