Chapter 128: Three Dozen One Sneak Attack on People’s Homes, and Actually Be Killed Back? [Kneel for subscription! ] Customize yourself! 】。

“Why are you so sure?”

Yu Meng’s words immediately attracted Li Jianxing’s question.

The Wolf Tooth Squad is a squad of four ace pilots.

Among them, the strength of Captain Yu Feng can be regarded as one of the best in the entire Federation Fleet!

How easy is it to beat him?

And the body he uses is a specially customized body.

Because of technical problems, people’s performance is much better than Lin Yi’s experimental body! Say something ugly.

Their experimental body was developed after their customized machines. Therefore, even if Lin Yi is powerful, he will definitely lose on the body.

“I fought with him.”

“He comes and goes freely in the enemy army!”

Yu Mengtou explained without looking back: “And I don’t think his current body is really worse than Yu Feng’s!” ”

It was when the dream was just spoken.

I saw that Yu Feng’s body had circled around Mo Bai’s body several times. The speed is so fast that they can only see the flames of the thrusters moving with the naked eye.


While moving at high speed. Feather maple disconnects the gun and fires.

And Mo Bai is like being able to predict his attack. The body continues to shake from side to side.

The same is a small dodge action. Actually… Actually dodged it all again?

“Isn’t it!”

“How the hell is this done?”

“How could he react to such a high-speed attack?”


“It must be Yu Feng’s mistake!”

Everyone was looking for reasons for Yu Feng.

But Yu Meng smiled, she seemed to have been able to see the result of this game! So far, it was all Yu Kaede attacking.

On the contrary, Lin Yi has not yet started.

This is the same as the cat will play before killing its prey! Yu Feng’s heart was still shocked.

He used the second mode, he was actually able to react? What the hell is this guy!

“Is that all you can do?”

Mo Bai looked at the monitor.

Yu Feng’s body that kept circling around him said, “It seems that some people are going to retire today!” ”


Yu Feng was immediately furious.

The other party was clearly mocking himself.

“You’re less proud!”

Yu Feng straightened up and simply threw away the gun. Jerk pulled out the beam saber.

Beam rifles have a flight delay. Since he can hide every time. Then use your own melee weapons.

This maximizes the advantages of the body!


Lu Hai was the first to shout.

This is already a violation of the rules of the competition.

With the beam saber, this is no longer a competition. It’s a malicious attack!

But Yu Feng was the same as not being able to hear it.

Everyone saw his body rapidly approaching Lin Yi. The beam saber was raised and slashed down.



It is still easily avoided by the other party.

“Just this temper and still be the captain?”

Mo Bai shook his head with a smile and twisted his neck slightly. Ten fingers crossed and stretched.

“I see you’re better off retiring!”


The body driven by Mo Bai instantly turned into an afterimage. The speed is so fast, it seems to be close to Yu Feng!

“How did he do that?”

“Does this body also have that strong performance?”

Li Jianxing looked confused.

Not only him, but even the engineers rushed to surprise. This body was shipped out of them.

A few pounds and a couple of pounds, they know very well.

How does this feel that in Lin Yi’s hands, the level of customized body has been brought into play? As a matter of fact.

This airframe has been debugged by Mobai. Change remediation of the system.

So that all aspects of the body have achieved a perfect coordination. The performance naturally comes up.

In terms of speed, it is actually worse than Yu Feng’s customized body. But the speed is not enough, the technology to make up!

“biubiubiu~~~ fired three shots in succession.”

Yu Feng instinctively wanted to dodge.

But it turned out… Gun hit!

Not a single shot was dodged!

Such a scene made everyone sigh. Is this Lin Yi so accurate?

This feels like he is the ace pilot! And that’s not the end of it.


The beam of light is constantly shooting.

Yu Feng was not easy, but he dodged two ways.

But of course, he slowed down and wanted to see Lin Yi’s position. Only to find that it is gone!

“What about people?”

“Didi Didi Didi alarm sounded. He was suddenly startled. In the back! ”

Hold the beam saber and slash backwards.


The right hand of his body was grabbed by Mo Bai. Then raise your leg and kick it. Kick it straight out.



Due to constant flipping in the air.

He temporarily lost control of the body.

At this time, he was also shot several times again. In a sense.

He has already lost! Lost completely!

“Enough Yu Feng, the competition is over!”

Lu Hai roared out again.

Yu Feng’s body finally stopped moving.

It was as if listening to Lu Hai’s words.


“Are you all right, Captain?”

The remaining three members of the Wolf Tooth Squad flew towards him. But just as they passed through Lin Yi’s body.

“Do it!”

Yu Feng shouted.

Dongzi and Cuong attacked Lin Yi at the same time! The two also use beam sabers.

Left and right.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!……………

Especially Li Jianxing, including several people in Lu and Hai! Sneak attack?

Is this something that a military man can do?

“Stop, stop me!”

At this time, they can only stop like this.

It’s a pity that the Wolf Tooth Squad is now like a crazy wild wolf. With his mouth open, he bit at Lin Yi.

“Can’t afford to play?”

For the attack of the two, Mo Bai said coldly. Immediately, he slammed out the shield in his left hand.

Touch the two’s beam saber. But in the sight of the two.

Temporarily blocked by the shield, the other party could not see what was going on. When the shield is ejected.

The pupils of the two shrank sharply.

Because after the shield, what awaits them is Lin Yi’s attack! The same beam saber.

Lin Yi raised a knife upwards and directly broke the arms of the two machines.

“It depends on where you run!”

Behind him, there was a voice of Yu Feng. Mo Bai didn’t even look at it. Directly increase the thruster output.

Flip the body backwards while impacting upwards. It flipped perfectly behind Yu Feng’s body. The beam saber swayed.

The head of the feather maple body is directly disconnected! If only in a real battle.

He’s dead!

To be precise, all three of them are dead! This battle.

Refreshed everyone’s cognition of ace pilots! The Wolf Tooth Squad was actually abused!

Three dozen and one sneak attack on people’s homes, and they were actually counter-killed?

“Happy retirement!”

After that, Mo Bai flew back to the fleet fortress without looking back. And everyone looked at him, as if they were looking at a god of war for a long time!.

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