Reincarnation Of Audemars
Chapter 61 - 61. Paying The First Visit To Aermagh
"It was a sight to behold. When the Ruler got hold of the vial, he asked one of his Wizards to look at it and confirmed that it contained the water from the Fountain Of Youth. The Ruler wanted to present me with his gifts but I flatly refuse and said we are doing this service for His Majesty without even asking anything in return."
"So, right there and then, the Ruler opened up the vial and was about to let that single drop of water drips into his mouth and you do you know what happened in the next few minutes?"
"What happened Uncle Prius? Tell us what happened next..." asked Ingles as they all were excited to listen to the tale, and were clamouring all around him as he builds up the suspense.
"The vial drop to the floor and break and the Ruler lapped it up from the dirty floor like a dog or something?" I asked as I thought that there's the most viable case for a clumsy old 65-year-old man would do...
"A great falcon swooped down and grab the vial and drank it up and became a Tweety Bird?" added Patricia as she imagined something had happened to the vial too as the Ruler was about to drink it.
"Hahahaha... Not really lah. Actually, when he drank the single drop of water that was provided by Audemars here, the Ruler went into a series of transformation. At first, his white hair had totally dropped off from his head, then all his wrinkles disappeared from his face, neck, arms and legs even I think."
The baldy head suddenly sprouted black hair and his stoop had mysteriously disappeared and it was straightened back again. Within a few minutes, his paunch had gone and he began to regain back as what he was 40 years ago and became a handsome man indeed."
"The whole Court was in total silence that you could hear a feather that falls to the floor...!!! After the transformation, he let out a terrifying roar and then he sent his Queen to the gallows because she was an old hag anyway. All his concubine were being sent to the dungeons and he chooses new petite 16 to 18-year-olds to be his bedmates."
"The Ruler took a peek inside his pants and discovered that his baby carrot had grown to be a huge cucumber and since he had regained his youth, Aermagh is celebrating 3 days and 3 nights of merrymaking."
"Frankly speaking, the Ruler regaining his youth is like hell rebooting and starting afresh. By the way, the Ruler seeks your attendance during the merrymaking. You need to be there soonest possible using the warp travel of my Map."
"I had no way to reject him because when he was a 65 old man he ruled Aermagh with an iron fist and how he's a 25-year-old dude right now, I don't think he would be much different, in fact, he would be much worse, and rules with an iron arm, body and legs too not just his fists. He would be fisting with his whole arm I guess. Yeah, fisting... " said Prius replied in a very dejected manner since in a way he felt that he had betrayed me somehow.
"Arch... Since he wants my attendance, what could you do about it? It's either your neck or the town of Ingmery... Haish... Sometimes doing something good would bring bad things to us. Haiya... Don't you worry about it then? Think positive, my man. I'd get ready a few things then." I said as I went to take a medium basket and place some shampoo and toothpaste in it as a present for the Ruler.
When I was away doing all those I can't help thinking aloud to myself, "WHAT KIND OF SHIT I HAD BROUGHT MYSELF INTO NOW...?!?!"
I regained my composure when I met Prius. Patricia and the children were worried about my being right now. I patted the children's heads and I kissed Patricia and took advantage of the situation. "Heh... When would be the time you could kiss your side characters, yeah?"
I had changed to my battle gear complete with my Nipple Buckler, Victory and my light crossbow as I bade everyone and they, in turn, bade me good luck as Prius and I stepped out in the cool evening air.
"Please forgive me, my good friend. I never knew it would turn out this way... I just hope everything turns out just right." Prius mentioned as we head out of Southern District, the only district which I had not ventured out and soon we reached outside called the Southern Plains.
Prius checked his map out and before he clicked Armagh City, he held on to my arm and we warped out from there. Soon, we had reached the outskirts of the magnificent city of Aermagh that looked somewhat like Disneyland.
"Hang on a sec, Prius. I need to do something first before I enter here. I better prepare something rather than do nothing." I told Prius as we stopped near the gates as I allocated all my unused 11k+ points into all my 7 attributes. It seems rather unnecessary at this moment but it's better to be prepared.
"Alright, come... Let's go in and meet the Ruler." I said as I beckoned Prius as he scanned me and find what he had done to myself but he just kept quiet for the moment. It's weird how he can readily scan me but I am unable to get a piece of single information from him. Is it because I hadn't activated my Third Eye yet?
We entered through the gates and a metal detector beeped while the scanner officers went through a body search as I presented my Nipple Buckler which made every scanner officer laughed hysterically and before I even removed my light crossbow or even dagger, I was ushered in because if not those security performing those scanners would eventually die of laughter.
It was a sight to behold, the streets were littered with remnants of firecrackers that made the path red, and there were lots of colourful streamers that hung around every house and every lamppost there is. People were milling about, drinking and eating merrily as though it was an orgy of fisting... I mean feasting.
The rats were bloated and were lying on their backs, literally enjoying and basking after they had their fills. The cats could not be bothered to chase after them as they too were as fat as Garfield. The Town was basically in a freaking mess, and not only streamers were hung, but even their panties, breeches, bra, tunic and every single piece of dirty laundry were also hung out to be aired.
"This is Aermagh? I don't recall this city to be damn messy and dirty as such..." I said as I was amazed at the overflowing rubbish bins all over the paths as it seems that no one bothered about clearing them when they were supposed to expect a visitor like me? Nggeekk... So yucky and icky place to walk through right now.
We passed through the streets and there are either groups of people spraying water all around them like having a Songkhla festival, another part there were people throwing tomatoes all around and colour the whole street reddish orangey while in another part of town, merrymakers were literally popping noisemakers and bursting confetti all over the streets, on their clothes and their bodies.
We literally had to slink away in between these merrymakers and avoid getting wet, splattered by tomato juice and covered with confetti and such.
"What do you think will happen back in Court? Does he want to thank me personally since he wanted to see me personally? What shall I address him? Oh mighty Ruler, meet your Protractor or something like that?" I asked since he was made up of the equipment of a mechanical pencil box.
"His Majesty or Highness would do..." Prius simply said as he gets more worried as we inched closer to the Court. Some medieval era called it a Keep, some would call it the Castle. In French, they called it Château which I know would come in dark green bottles with either red or white contents. Well... Here they call it a Court and it can be basketball, badminton or a tennis court. Hah hah hah...
We reached the Court and it was a large compound and guards on full armour plates surrounding the circular perimeter amidst the columns and were holding full-body shields, mighty two-handed swords, pikes and other single-handed weapons like a flail and spiked mace. I wonder if any of the warriors need to remove their armour or not when they take a dump or a leak. There's no rear or front trap door to release such excrement.
Furthermore, if one takes too many beans, they would suffocate in their own farts. Hah hah hah... We soon were greeted by the Court's jester, just like the Joker in the playing cards and had bells hanging from his headgear and on the top of his shoes as well... And it tinkled as he walked up to us and then announced our attendance to everyone present...
"The Lord of Keating and his companion, Macleod is here to meet the Ruler of Aermagh...." the jester announced as we entered and I noticed the armoured plated guards somehow moved some 5 steps ahead of them and closed in on us, making the circle a bit smaller... As if ensnaring us with their enclosures.
"So, right there and then, the Ruler opened up the vial and was about to let that single drop of water drips into his mouth and you do you know what happened in the next few minutes?"
"What happened Uncle Prius? Tell us what happened next..." asked Ingles as they all were excited to listen to the tale, and were clamouring all around him as he builds up the suspense.
"The vial drop to the floor and break and the Ruler lapped it up from the dirty floor like a dog or something?" I asked as I thought that there's the most viable case for a clumsy old 65-year-old man would do...
"A great falcon swooped down and grab the vial and drank it up and became a Tweety Bird?" added Patricia as she imagined something had happened to the vial too as the Ruler was about to drink it.
"Hahahaha... Not really lah. Actually, when he drank the single drop of water that was provided by Audemars here, the Ruler went into a series of transformation. At first, his white hair had totally dropped off from his head, then all his wrinkles disappeared from his face, neck, arms and legs even I think."
The baldy head suddenly sprouted black hair and his stoop had mysteriously disappeared and it was straightened back again. Within a few minutes, his paunch had gone and he began to regain back as what he was 40 years ago and became a handsome man indeed."
"The whole Court was in total silence that you could hear a feather that falls to the floor...!!! After the transformation, he let out a terrifying roar and then he sent his Queen to the gallows because she was an old hag anyway. All his concubine were being sent to the dungeons and he chooses new petite 16 to 18-year-olds to be his bedmates."
"The Ruler took a peek inside his pants and discovered that his baby carrot had grown to be a huge cucumber and since he had regained his youth, Aermagh is celebrating 3 days and 3 nights of merrymaking."
"Frankly speaking, the Ruler regaining his youth is like hell rebooting and starting afresh. By the way, the Ruler seeks your attendance during the merrymaking. You need to be there soonest possible using the warp travel of my Map."
"I had no way to reject him because when he was a 65 old man he ruled Aermagh with an iron fist and how he's a 25-year-old dude right now, I don't think he would be much different, in fact, he would be much worse, and rules with an iron arm, body and legs too not just his fists. He would be fisting with his whole arm I guess. Yeah, fisting... " said Prius replied in a very dejected manner since in a way he felt that he had betrayed me somehow.
"Arch... Since he wants my attendance, what could you do about it? It's either your neck or the town of Ingmery... Haish... Sometimes doing something good would bring bad things to us. Haiya... Don't you worry about it then? Think positive, my man. I'd get ready a few things then." I said as I went to take a medium basket and place some shampoo and toothpaste in it as a present for the Ruler.
When I was away doing all those I can't help thinking aloud to myself, "WHAT KIND OF SHIT I HAD BROUGHT MYSELF INTO NOW...?!?!"
I regained my composure when I met Prius. Patricia and the children were worried about my being right now. I patted the children's heads and I kissed Patricia and took advantage of the situation. "Heh... When would be the time you could kiss your side characters, yeah?"
I had changed to my battle gear complete with my Nipple Buckler, Victory and my light crossbow as I bade everyone and they, in turn, bade me good luck as Prius and I stepped out in the cool evening air.
"Please forgive me, my good friend. I never knew it would turn out this way... I just hope everything turns out just right." Prius mentioned as we head out of Southern District, the only district which I had not ventured out and soon we reached outside called the Southern Plains.
Prius checked his map out and before he clicked Armagh City, he held on to my arm and we warped out from there. Soon, we had reached the outskirts of the magnificent city of Aermagh that looked somewhat like Disneyland.
"Hang on a sec, Prius. I need to do something first before I enter here. I better prepare something rather than do nothing." I told Prius as we stopped near the gates as I allocated all my unused 11k+ points into all my 7 attributes. It seems rather unnecessary at this moment but it's better to be prepared.
"Alright, come... Let's go in and meet the Ruler." I said as I beckoned Prius as he scanned me and find what he had done to myself but he just kept quiet for the moment. It's weird how he can readily scan me but I am unable to get a piece of single information from him. Is it because I hadn't activated my Third Eye yet?
We entered through the gates and a metal detector beeped while the scanner officers went through a body search as I presented my Nipple Buckler which made every scanner officer laughed hysterically and before I even removed my light crossbow or even dagger, I was ushered in because if not those security performing those scanners would eventually die of laughter.
It was a sight to behold, the streets were littered with remnants of firecrackers that made the path red, and there were lots of colourful streamers that hung around every house and every lamppost there is. People were milling about, drinking and eating merrily as though it was an orgy of fisting... I mean feasting.
The rats were bloated and were lying on their backs, literally enjoying and basking after they had their fills. The cats could not be bothered to chase after them as they too were as fat as Garfield. The Town was basically in a freaking mess, and not only streamers were hung, but even their panties, breeches, bra, tunic and every single piece of dirty laundry were also hung out to be aired.
"This is Aermagh? I don't recall this city to be damn messy and dirty as such..." I said as I was amazed at the overflowing rubbish bins all over the paths as it seems that no one bothered about clearing them when they were supposed to expect a visitor like me? Nggeekk... So yucky and icky place to walk through right now.
We passed through the streets and there are either groups of people spraying water all around them like having a Songkhla festival, another part there were people throwing tomatoes all around and colour the whole street reddish orangey while in another part of town, merrymakers were literally popping noisemakers and bursting confetti all over the streets, on their clothes and their bodies.
We literally had to slink away in between these merrymakers and avoid getting wet, splattered by tomato juice and covered with confetti and such.
"What do you think will happen back in Court? Does he want to thank me personally since he wanted to see me personally? What shall I address him? Oh mighty Ruler, meet your Protractor or something like that?" I asked since he was made up of the equipment of a mechanical pencil box.
"His Majesty or Highness would do..." Prius simply said as he gets more worried as we inched closer to the Court. Some medieval era called it a Keep, some would call it the Castle. In French, they called it Château which I know would come in dark green bottles with either red or white contents. Well... Here they call it a Court and it can be basketball, badminton or a tennis court. Hah hah hah...
We reached the Court and it was a large compound and guards on full armour plates surrounding the circular perimeter amidst the columns and were holding full-body shields, mighty two-handed swords, pikes and other single-handed weapons like a flail and spiked mace. I wonder if any of the warriors need to remove their armour or not when they take a dump or a leak. There's no rear or front trap door to release such excrement.
Furthermore, if one takes too many beans, they would suffocate in their own farts. Hah hah hah... We soon were greeted by the Court's jester, just like the Joker in the playing cards and had bells hanging from his headgear and on the top of his shoes as well... And it tinkled as he walked up to us and then announced our attendance to everyone present...
"The Lord of Keating and his companion, Macleod is here to meet the Ruler of Aermagh...." the jester announced as we entered and I noticed the armoured plated guards somehow moved some 5 steps ahead of them and closed in on us, making the circle a bit smaller... As if ensnaring us with their enclosures.
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