Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 105

"I knew it!"

I stayed with Nanali most of the time, doing all kinds of intimate and ambiguous things every day, how could Lulu Xiu not discover anything about Nanali's changes.But he understood why Nanali did that. She concealed the real reason why she had recovered. In fact, it was to keep Lelouch loving her.

Nanali indulged in this time of being loved and occupied by her brother.Even Lelouch's behavior of wrapping her legs with bandages every day has become an indispensable daily behavior habit.

She hopes that this kind of life will be maintained forever, even if she has gradually opened her heart to the outside world, even if she is no longer hiding in the world of this small storage room.

Since this was what Nanali was looking forward to, Lulu Xiu, who was doting on her sister, naturally did not break her concealment of herself. She still bathed Nanali every day, kissed her body every day, occupied her every day, and gave her every day. Change the bandage every day...

"Lelouch, Nanali, are you there? Teacher Fujitang allowed me to take you to the dojo to watch us practice kendo!"

Just after breakfast, when Lulu was about to push Nanali out, the familiar voice of Suzaku came from a distance.This wild boy who always maintains excitement and vitality, as long as he is free, he will come to Lelouch and the others.

After getting acquainted, Lelouch and Nanali knew that the storage room where they lived was still the secret base of Suzaku!The mess they threw out just now was Suzaku's collection.

"This guy has clearly reminded him several times, but he still yells like this every time!"

Hearing that noisy voice, Lelouch's face instantly collapsed, but a smile could be clearly seen in his eyes.

In the past few days with Suzaku, Lelouch really felt that this was the normal childhood that a child should have.Friends of the same age, frolicking, quarreling a few occasionally, and then quickly getting back together.

Perhaps, it was not only Nanali who was saved, but also Lulu Xiu herself!

"Because Suzaku-kun has this kind of character!"

Nanali did not hide the smile on her face, Suzaku's arrival did make her very happy.Originally desperate for humanity, she has long forgotten the sight of the cold half-brothers in Aries, the words of her stepmothers who obviously despised her, and the maids who just responded mechanically.

Nanali is very satisfied with her current life. It would be more perfect if Queen Conelia and Euphemia could be together.Although it is not yet possible, Nanali believes that this day will definitely come.At that time, everything should be better!

At this time, the fast-running Suzaku had emerged from the corner of the trail, and then brought a gust of wind and stopped in front of Lelouch and Nanali.

"What's wrong today? If you still play with your collections, then forget it!"

Looking at Suzaku, who was still breathing, Lelouch didn't care at all that this person ran so anxiously to see him and Nanali as soon as possible, and deliberately said in an impatient tone.

He did not hide the fact that Suzaku's arrival disturbed the two-person world of him and Nanali.

"Huh, that's not it! Teacher Fujitang came back today, I already asked in advance! I can let you watch us practicing swords!"

Suzaku said excitedly, and at the same time looked at Lelouch with provocative eyes.

He always wanted to show his strength in front of Nanali. In the most proud fight, he actually lost to Lelouch every time, and lost all the treasures he finally collected to the opponent.

What's more, it was said to be some rubbish, which was thrown in the corridor casually, and then the maid was asked to treat it as rubbish.

The thought of this made Suzaku's heart aching.

My precious collection!(Everyone who has had a childhood knows that some strange and worthless things are kept as treasures. This kind of naive experience now is the most precious memory of our childhood!)

Therefore, if you can beat Lulu Xiu in the best swordsmanship, you can not only perform well in front of Nanali, but you can also avenge your previous count of arrows.

Chapter 93 The Four Sacred Swords (Part I)

In the middle of the dojo, a man of about 30 years old kneeled and sat there firmly, his waist straight, even if he was sitting on his knees, he was taller than the people around him.

The military-style standard short hair, his face is a little thin, his complexion is slightly yellowish, two long sword eyebrows are pointed upwards, and his slender eyes burst slightly. If he looks at him, he will probably lower his head unconsciously.His figure is also thin and slender. The simple black armor is lined with a white kimono with white cloth belts on the sleeves. His hands are on his knees, and he sits motionless, like a stone statue carved out of a block of hard marble. .

His eyes were staring at the two people in the game, and the sound of his breathing was so slight. If it wasn't for the occasional blink of his eyes, others would definitely think he was a statue.

On the field, two swordsmen wearing swordsman armor and masks were fighting.The figures of the two are quite different. One is very burly and huge, while the other is very petite.If you look at the size, that huge swordsman is at least two to three times the size of the petite swordsman.

Both sides set their postures, clenched the bamboo swords with both hands, and watched each other's every move.

The huge swordsman who occupied the advantage of size first launched a tentative attack.


In an attacking posture, he gave a loud shout, his legs swayed back and forth like springs, as if he would jump out at any time.After a while, he yelled "Ha" again. This time the sound was louder than last time. He almost lifted the roof, and the bamboo sword was raised above his head.

He is gaining momentum!

Several viewers clearly felt the swordsman's purpose, and with the help of shouts, he extended the deterrence of his oppressive body to the limit, and then launched the most violent blow.

However, in the face of the opponent's momentum, the petite swordsman did not move after pulling off the attacking posture. No matter what the opponent was, she remained unchanged.She is already at a disadvantage, so she can only try to keep her position intact.

Only with absolute calmness can you discover the opponent's flaws, and then hack up and win the final victory.


The huge swordsman uttered a third loud shout, like a drum of war, the momentum had been accumulated to the extreme.The only pity is that this kind of strong momentum does not match the murderous aura.

Of course, this is just a match in the kendo field!

But in spite of this, with the size of the swordsman, the momentum accumulated in the front is like a forward charge, still with irresistible power.If the mental power is slightly scattered, or the will is slightly weaker, facing this terrifying battlefield that impacts, I am afraid it will collapse and surrender!

Moreover, judging from the speed of the impact, he had exhausted all his strength, as if he wanted to smash the opponent's bamboo sword with one blow.

However, the petite swordsman on the opposite side was very calm, maintaining his original posture like a statue of a stone, until the opponent rushed to a distance of about one meter, and the bamboo sword held high was cut down. Flashing to the side as quickly as moving in parallel.

The huge swordsman made a cut with his bamboo sword, and when he wanted to change his moves, there was no chance. The tip of the petite swordsman's sword had already been slashed on his wrist.The sharp power was like a spike, pierced fiercely on the soft part of his wrist, causing his huge body to jump like an elephant pierced by an awl, and the bamboo sword in his hand was almost released without waiting for him. Screaming out, the real shock immediately followed.

Clicking on the opponent's bamboo sword and opening the door wide, the blade of the petite swordsman turned back to accumulate energy, and slammed twice in rapid succession against the position of the opponent's left rib.


The fourth scream of the huge swordsman was louder than the first three, but this time it was a scream.The whole person stretched out four or five meters in response to the cry, like a mountain of meat, with a bang, and fell heavily to the ground.

After the end, he realized that it was a failure, he forcibly endured the subsequent moaning, and it took four or five seconds before he struggled to get up, shaking his hands back and forth to explore the place where he had just been hit.

The victory is divided!

Although he did not cause very substantial harm to him, but in terms of the rules, he has indeed lost!

The two swordsmen bowed to each other, and then walked down together.The petite swordsman who walked off first took off his mask. He turned out to be a young girl with short black hair.The other huge swordsman was a middle-aged white-haired man with big ears and fleshy brows.

The two picked up bamboo swords and bowed to Fujitang, who was sitting on it, and saluted.

"Master Fujitang, I lost, and now Fengsha has surpassed me!"

Hearing the words of the opponent conceding defeat, the expression on the face of the girl named Fengsha did not change, and she whispered: "Xianbo, you are polite. I just barely won. Your strength is mainly on the battlefield. This competition is not fair!"

Although the other party said that she had completely surpassed the other party, the girl knew that she still had great shortcomings.If it is on the battlefield, if it is a real sword, with Xianbo's bravery, one's own skill and skill may not be able to take advantage of it, at best it will be a two-loss game.

However, from the perspective of their gender, figure and age, the potential of Fengsha undoubtedly far exceeds that of Xianbo, who has entered middle age. Maybe within a few years, even in actual combat, she can easily defeat Xianbo.

Therefore, the expression on Fujitang's face was as calm as ever, but he nodded gently.Not only recognized Xianbo's frankness, but also recognized the fact that the girl won the wind and sand.But still made a simple summary of the battle between the two.


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