Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 108

Qianye Fengsha opened her mouth and uttered a sound. Although she had won Xianbo on the court just now, in terms of experience, she was far behind the middle-aged Xianbo.

Xianbo looked at the two people on the field and said in a low voice: "A real master, his strength is not shown by his appearance and physical superiority. It radiates from every part of his body. Take a good look, Chiba , Asahina, Bubu, what a real master is. After seeing this battle, this experience will become a valuable asset in our life!"

"Hi (*3)."

Fengsha three people should say in unison. From their perspective, only Fujitang’s back can be seen, the tall figure, in the slight erratic movement, slowly seems to be frozen there, motionless, moving. The remaining figure made him look blurry, as if countless Fujitang overlapped.

Chapter 96—The Unyielding Warrior


Tolia saw that Fujitang's body was in a hurry, and there were many afterimages. He couldn't help but see Lie Xinxi and launched an active attack.

The petite body brought a stream of light, and the heavy armor did not hinder her movement in the slightest.Faster than the impact from Fujitang just now, Tolia appeared in front of Shige Fujitang, like an indestructible battlefield, and cut it down with a single sword.

"So fast!"

Following the power, Fujitang was once again below the speed.Also, driving such a petite body with such a powerful force is not so fast.

call out!

Since both power and speed were at an absolute disadvantage, Fujidō naturally couldn't let the opponent attack.Although there is an idiom of avoiding his edge, the only thing Fujitang can fight against Tolia is his indomitable will and perseverance.

Losing the first mover, under Toria's attack, he would be defeated by Toria's next stormy attack.

and so!


The shocking shout shocked the entire dojo, and the air was frozen.Although Toria's speed has not decreased in the slightest, the overwhelming power has been opened by Tengtang's strong willful voice.

The keen Tengtang naturally didn't let this opportunity pass, and the bamboo sword was raised high and slashed at the weaker chariot.Many phantoms were gathered together, and it looked like countless Fujitangs attacked together.


The ear-splitting loud noise appeared again, and the overlap on Fujitang's body instantly melted away. The tall body staggered and was pushed back by the petite silver figure.

For the second time in the power loss to his opponent, Fujitang’s expression was no longer as shocked as before. His strong mental qualities made him remain absolutely calm even when he was defeated. The left toe touched the floor lightly, Fujitang was tall The body was as dexterous as a Feiyan, passing by the irresistible silver figure.The smooth bamboo sword rubbed against the sword body, and the unpleasant chirping sound lasted for half a second, then disappeared as the two figures separated.

Turn around the sword!

Tengtang, who had just staggered and hadn't stood still, slammed his right foot on the floor in front of him, his huge body twisted unbelievably, and the bamboo sword that had just been withdrawn was slashed toward Tolia's back mercilessly. .

Between the electric light and flint, this series of moves, without the slightest muddle, is as perfect as a calculated trajectory.


The Suzaku off the court was already facing Fujitang, and saw the teacher cut to Tolia's back mercilessly and let out a scream.


On the other side, Xianbo and others put down their tight face and looked at Fujitang's magical blow in surprise.Unless the girl has a pair of eyes behind her back, there is absolutely no way to escape this blow.

Tolia, who was facing the Four Sacred Swords and the others, naturally saw the surprise on their faces and smiled secretly in his heart.

"At this level, it's too early to be happy!"

The blue skirt flew up, and the silver armor on it also bounced up at any time.Tolia's left foot bent down sharply, and his right foot slid away to the right like lightning, and his small body instantly dropped to one-third of its original height.

call out!

A powerful sound of breaking through the air swept over, and the wind pressure brought a few strands of golden hair.


Except for Lu Lu Xiu, who knew the result a long time ago, and Nana Li, who was invisible, the expressions of everyone else were frozen and stunned at the same time.

However, they were surprised too early!

Like a strong bow pulled apart, Tolia held the sword with one hand in his right hand, drew a perfect semicircle, swept backwards swiftly, and slashed towards Fujitang's bottom plate.

Facing Tolia’s incredible dodge and counterattack, Fujitang’s expression was still cold, his left foot as a fulcrum pushed hard on the floor, enduring the sharp pain of the twisted muscles, and unexpectedly turned upside down in the air. Turned over and landed five meters away, near the wall.

However, just when Fujitang fell and was about to regroup, a golden figure suddenly appeared under his eyes. The strong wind stimulated his chills and his breathing was stagnant.

not good!

For the first time, the panic appeared on Fujitang's calm face like a rock.

Reluctantly put the bamboo sword in his hand in front of him!


The violent impact sounded again, and Fujitang, who was defending in a rush, had no time to release the huge force from the sword. His tall body was lifted up by the unstoppable impact, soared, and hit the wall behind.


The wooden window door was knocked out a big hole by Fujitang in an instant, and the broken pieces of wood splashed around, scattered on the dojo and the corridor outside.Afterwards, a petite silver figure jumped out and pursued Fujitang who had been slashed out.

"Master Fujitang/Teacher Fujitang!"

The Four Sacred Swords and Suzaku stood up together and ran out of the corridor.

"Don't come over, this is my battle with Lord Toria!"


Fujitang, who had fallen out of the dojo, adjusted his posture as he flew out of the corridor, landed firmly on the open space outside, and shouted sharply.The petite figure that came immediately retracted his follow-up warning, and the figure that had just landed withdrew again.


The second after Fujitang jumped open, the place where he had just stood was struck by a sword shadow, and a loud noise was made.The dust dissipated, and the hard bluestone ground had been split into a crack. The surrounding cracked ground told the horror of this sword.

how is this possible!

Unbelievable expressions appeared on Fujitang, Four Sacred Swords, and Suzaku's faces at the same time.

Even if it is a real steel sword, it is impossible to split the solid bluestone in such a simple way, let alone an ordinary bamboo sword.Moreover, looking at the bamboo sword in Tolia's right hand, who was slowly returning to a standing posture, on the surface, it was not damaged at all.

Jian Qi!

This word, which only exists in the legend, appeared in everyone's mind.

The Four Sacred Swords and Suzaku looked at Fujitang anxiously. At this time, they finally understood why Fujitang would so solemnly challenge Tolia, a girl who seemed to be underage, and why Fujitang placed himself below.

Because Tolia has this strength and this qualification!

"Do you want to fight, Fujitang!"

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