Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 110, Tolia won half the move!

The red tide on Fujitang's face was dissipating, and his breath was exhausted in the hit just now.Next, take a rest for a whole month!Tolia's expression remained the same, breathing evenly and smoothly, and clearly told Fujitang that the shocking blow just now was far from her limit.

The wryly smiling samurai and the smiling knight held the broken sword in their hands, stood apart again, and the battle was over!

However, at this moment, a naive exclamation drew everyone's attention again.

Chapter 98-Kagura


A naive cry of exclamation once again attracted everyone who had just relaxed because of the end of the battle.Looking in the direction of the sound, the first thing that enters everyone’s sight is a rapidly rotating broken sword, and in front of the broken sword flying, there is the corridor, or in other words, the kimono in the corridor. little girl.

not good!

Everyone murmured in unison in their hearts, but at the speed of breaking the sword, it was impossible to reach them at the distance of them.


The upper half of the bamboo sword that was split by Tolia in the crowd of Tengtang revolved rapidly in the air, passing by in an instant, and flew to a pillar at one end of the corridor.The old cedar, which had been in disrepair for a long time, happened to be severely chopped into the fragile horns by the bamboo sword.


It was equivalent to the broken sword hit by Fujitang and Tolia, effortlessly splitting this pillar with a history of nearly a hundred years, the sawdust splashed, and the roof above the corridor began to slowly collapse downward.


The scream of fear of the kimono girl was quickly overwhelmed by the creak of the house about to collapse, and she was too scared to move at all.Seeing this lovely girl who was the same age as Nanali was about to be buried by the collapsed house.

"Be careful!"

With a soft drink, Lulu Xiu, who was originally standing behind Nanali’s wheelchair, shot out like lightning, and instantly appeared in the corridor ten meters away. He hugged the little girl in kimono and pushed her in. In your arms, use your body to protect her tightly!

Next second.


The broken wooden pillar smashed down and slammed on Lelouch’s back. The huge power passed through Lelouch’s body, causing the little girl to tremble, but with Lelouch as a physical shield, Although he clearly felt the shock of the collapse of the house, he did not suffer any harm.However, her immature body shrank even tighter in Lulu Xiu's arms.


A huge wooden beam with countless tiles fell heavily, slamming on Lelouch's head and back, and soon drowned him and the little girl in his arms.

"Your Highness!"


The loud noise here quickly alarmed several maids at the other end of the corner of the corridor. While shouting, they rushed over with the skirt corners.

"Kagura, Kagura!"

Suzaku's expression changed drastically when she heard the calls from the maids, and she rushed up quickly.However, just when everyone quickly approached the pile of ruins.


"Don't go there!"

Tolia and Nanali shouted at the same time, causing everyone to stop. When they asked, there was a slight vibration from the pile of ruins, and then.


An incredible force burst out from below, and instantly lifted the shingles above. The huge wooden beam broke into two pieces in mid-air and flew away.


It was stronger than the collapse just now, and the ruins where the dust had not yet dispersed disappeared instantly, revealing the two people who had just been buried underneath.

"It's okay!"

The ruins of the corridor were instantly emptied, and Lu Lu Xiu, unharmed, appeared in the sight of everyone.He gently let go of his hands, put the little girl in his arms down, and gently asked the little girl he saved.


The low voice of mosquitoes came from Lelouch’s arms. Although the little girl in the kimono was put down, her hand still held tightly on the placket of Lelouch’s chest and slammed towards him. Drill in his arms.To others, it was like a scared little hamster snuggling in his father's arms.

"Onixam, what are you doing?"

Nanali turned her wheelchair and said slowly in the direction of Lelouch. Although she closed her eyes, she seemed to be able to see Lelouch and the little girl clearly, with a strange anger in her voice. .

Lu Lu Xiu turned his head with a wry smile, opened his hands, and signaled his innocence.The little girl in the kimono still buried her head tightly in his arms.

"Okay, it's okay!"

The little girl gripped Lelouch's clothes harder, and was not moved by Lelouch's words.

"Don't worry, I won't leave!"

The little girl naturally felt her attachment to Lelouch. Although the danger had disappeared, the scene just now was really terrifying for her only six or seven years old.Thinking of Nanali's experience, Lulu Xiu was full of pity for the little girl who was still trembling, and he couldn't help bending down again, hugged her, and returned to Nanali.

"I'm extremely sorry, Your Highness Kagura Ya!"

By this time, Tengtang, who had fully recovered, had recognized the true identity of the little girl in Lelouch's arms, and quickly stepped forward, bowed nervously, and said.The others also woke up and bowed to salute. They also recognized the identity of the little girl saved by Lu Lu Xiu.

Kagura, the daughter of the emperor of Japan and the cousin of Shuque Suzaku.

"Well, it's okay, I'm fine!"

At this time, the little girl known as Kagura finally slowly let go of Lulu Xiu's clothes, and left the embrace that made her nostalgic.Although she was answering Tengtang and the others, her eyes remained on Lulu Xiu, and she did not move away.

"Let go, Ounisanma is mine!"

Nanali pushed the wheelchair, went up and pulled Lulu Xiu, blocking between the two, her eyes closed, "glaring" at Xiao Kagura.

When the two little things were competing for Lulu Xiu, suddenly, in the dojo, the phone ring of the theme song of "Doraemon" sounded on a hanger beside the court, and the owner of the mobile phone adjusted the voice very loudly, and the whole dojo echoed The music came out clearly.


Fujitang turned his head and shouted at Chiba Fengsha, the only female among the Four Sacred Swords on the corridor.


"Help me get the phone."

When Tengtang said this, everyone opened their mouths, including Lelouch and the invisible Nanaly. They all looked at Tengtang who had calmed his breath and looked slightly tired in surprise.

"Huh? Is that your phone?"

Chiba was no less surprised than others.

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