Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 119

Moreover, due to Fujitang's recent appearances at Shumu's house, some rumors and whispers still passed into his ears.

For example, "Why can that wild boy be taught by Master Fujitang!"

"This is the so-called famous door!"

"After all, it's no different, Shumu Family and other nobles!"

Although Fujido can often appear at Shuki Shrine, Suzaku is very happy, but this is still problematic. Fujido has other duties.Especially after hearing certain rumors, he became even more worried.

If it is just for coaching oneself to give up the duty of a soldier, Suzaku will definitely blame itself very much.

When the conversation between the two was interrupted, a voice calling Fujitang came from outside.

It's a maid who works at home.

"Master Fujitang, the master is calling you."

Fujido frowned slightly.

But he quickly recovered his expression.

"Really. Then I'll go right away."

While talking, Fujido glanced at Suzaku.Suzaku also nodded.

"I will practice more."

"No, that's it for today. If you are too reluctant at your age, it will cause serious adverse health consequences."

Fujitang shook his head and stopped.Effort is good, but if you work too hard, it will be too late.


Suzaku still hesitated. He knew Fujido was doing it for his own good, but he really wanted to fight that person once.In the past, it was to behave well in front of the person in his mind and show that he had the ability to protect her, but as time went on, the two sides got along longer and longer, and he also developed a sense of competition.

Who is it, stronger, or in other words, how big is the gap between them!

"I know you want to gain the strength to fight against that person as soon as possible, but listen more to the teachings of the elderly, Suzaku. Maybe, on the day you choose to challenge that person, I will also choose to challenge again!"

Fujitang understood the disciple's mood very well, he himself was the same, and wanted to fight that person again.

"Is it Miss Tolia?"

Suzaku remembered the teacher's challenge to Tolia last year.

"Well, although I'm not completely sure, even if I taste the taste of failure again, I want to see where the opponent's limit is!"

Fujitang stretched out his fingers and looked at the palm of his hand. The thick cocoon was like a hard stone, but it couldn't stop the man's sword energy.If you are right now, maybe you can make that person a little more serious.

Recently, the provocation of the Bunitan Empire has become more and more serious!

"Time is running out!"


Suzaku asked incomprehensibly when he heard this inexplicable sentence.

"No, it's nothing, I'm leaving first, and I will come back tomorrow!"

After speaking, Fujitang left the dojo, his slender figure gradually faded away, disappearing at the end of his vision.

Chapter 107 The Last Frozen

As soon as Fujidō's back disappeared from the end of his vision, Suzaku collapsed to the ground.

Suzaku couldn't bear it for a long time against Fujitang who was far better than him.From this we can see how accurate Fujitang’s reminder is. If you continue to persist, it will not only do no good for Suzaku himself, but will damage his body.

Who is calling himself.

"Suzaku! Hey, Suzaku!"

There are some nostalgic voices, as if calling for a close brother, as if being admired by a cute younger brother, soft, soft, with an inexplicable warmth and sweetness.

What silly thing to say!

I don't have such a thing at all, it is impossible to have.There is one cousin, but she can't call herself such a gentle voice. Instead, she likes to call herself "disgusting guy", "physical idiot", and "stupid"!

However, the clear voice sounds so comfortable, if you can always listen to this voice, it must be a very happy thing!Coupled with a touch of attachment, it's even better!


"Damn, what is this guy dreaming about, laughing so disgustingly!"

After receiving no response, the soft voice already brought a hint of anger.Then, just when Suzaku wanted to respond to the voice's call, there was a sudden pain in the back of his head.

The beautiful dream suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Suzaku opened his eyes and sat up all of a sudden. A figure suddenly appeared in his field of vision. After blinking, the blur effect gradually became clear. Standing in front of him was Lelouch with a surprised look.

"Three bowls of tea and rice!"

The vision is clear, but the sane seems to stay in the dream.

"It's really funny how you sleep when you are faint! And, three bowls of tea and rice, what are you dreaming of!"

The strangely colored pupils reflected his figure sitting on the ground.

Suzaku looked around, then sighed in relief.

It was an ordinary dojo. It seemed that I fell asleep tiredly afterwards.The sun shining from outside became obliquely long, with a blush of sunset.Is it already evening?I didn't expect to sleep for such a long time.

Suzaku sighed again, and stretched.

"What? It's you! Lelouch, it's really rare that I didn't accompany Nanali and Kagura today!"

"This morning, Kagura Ye suddenly received a call and hurried back! There has been no news. Nanali was a little worried, so let me ask you what is going on?"

"How do I know, you don't know her attitude towards me! Besides, I'm not interested in their royal affairs!"

Inheriting part of Fujido's character, Suzaku has no interest in politics or the emperor. If it weren't for Kagura Ya is his cousin, he didn't even want to have any relationship with the emperor.

"However, it's really a boring way to get up."

Seeing Suzaku breathing while wiping the dirt off his eyes indecently, Lelouch opened his mouth in dissatisfaction in front of him.

"Obviously there are four people with such noble status around you as a comparison, you still don't know the etiquette! It is rare that I am afraid that you have a cold to wake you up. Also, it is disgusting to wipe your saliva!"

"Who can catch a cold? My exercise method is different from yours. Also, don't speak in the tone of Kagura, you will be infected!"

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