Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 128

Since the New Year's Eve, Kaguraya returned from the palace to Shugi Shrine again, and moved here completely.Her feelings for Lelouch have been unreservedly revealed in front of Lelouch during this time of getting along, just as she said in the hot spring, let alone repentance, she became more and more fond of it. Lelouch even reached a point where he couldn't help himself.

Sometimes, even Nanali feels ashamed of Kagura's determination.

The decision to move away from the palace and live with the princes and daughters of the empire in a simple hut is not an easy decision.And from then on, the two-person world of Lelouch and Nanaly truly joined a third party.

Naturally, Lelouch didn’t really possess Kagura. She was neither heroic nor too young. Even if she was willing, Lelouch couldn’t hurt this girl who really liked herself for her temporary happiness. body of.

At most, just like Nanali before, staying in intimate contact with the body.

"Well, there are ghost hunters and ghost hunters. First choose a ghost hunter, but the rest will be ghosts, find a place to hide, and if you find it, you lose!"

Kagura Ye's tone was a bit weak, watching Lulu Xiu and Nana Li Lovelove doing things that can only be done between husband and wife, saying that it is deceptive not to be jealous.Although he also received some grace, it was the rain and dew, which was so insignificant compared to Nana Li's body that was carefully watered by Lelouch.

"Yes, that's it! I will be the ghost hunter, Kagura and Nanali will be the ghosts, as long as the sun sets, if you can't catch it then, I will lose!"

After Lulu Xiu cleaned up Nanali's body, he took the bandage from one side and carefully wrapped it around Nanali's crystal clear feet, then changed her clothes and gently hugged her into the wheelchair.

"If I lose, I can agree to any of your requests. On the contrary, if you are caught by me, you must also agree to any of my requests, okay?"

"Okay, I agree!"

When Kagura heard this, the lost expression disappeared from his face instantly, and he clapped his hands excitedly.From her glaring eyes, she won the request after winning, no need to guess, she must have become a real couple with Lu Luxiu, not the unmarried relationship of the fake phoenix.

But, judging from Kagura's tone, she didn't seem to think that she would lose at all.However, this detail was ignored by Nanaly, who also fell into fantasy because of Lelouch's promise.If Nanali understands the tone of Kagura Ya, maybe Suzaku's tragedy may be avoided.

Unfortunately, there is no possibility!

"Kagura, Nanali please!"

Lulu Xiu gave Kagura a meaningful smile, leaned over and kissed Nanali's thin lips, then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Outside, Tolia waited faithfully.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Lulu Xiu coming out, Tolia bowed respectfully.

"Well, Tolia, let Ashford inform Tongyuan that the plan can begin!"

Lelouch nodded at Tolia, and ordered that after Tolia understood to leave, he continued to walk towards the dojo of Shumu Shrine.Fujido has been staying at Shuki Shrine these days, and this time is usually when he teaches Suzaku swordsmanship.

The night is gradually falling, and the sun has completely disappeared!

Nanali was sitting in a wheelchair, and the silence continued. She could only hear the sound of the clock's second hand moving somewhere outside, and she could only feel her breath.

This situation has been going on for three hours!

The game should be over!

The sun has set, and Ounisan hasn’t found me yet!

I won!

A smile appeared on Nanaly's face, and she pushed her wheelchair to the window sill.Mingming's eyes were tightly closed, and there was not a trace of light in the room, but this double darkness seemed to be non-existent for Nanali.

Nanali has felt it since she first arrived in Japan!

Your body is changing!

First of all, the energy becomes stronger and energetic. Even if you don't sleep, you won't feel tired. If you don't eat, you won't feel hungry.The wheelchair she was sitting on was made of the latest alloy steel from the Empire, but in her own hands, it was as soft as the cotton candy she had ever eaten.

Then, she felt that she seemed to be able to see it!All directions, three hundred and sixty degrees, can be seen.Then, the legs regained their feelings, strong and powerful, as if they could step on the ground with a single foot.

It was the change brought to her by her brother!

Nanali knows!But she didn't tell anyone what happened to her body.During this period of blindness and disability, her brother's unprecedented love and care for her made her gradually addicted.Like the delicious poison you have smoked, you can never get rid of it after you become addicted.

Therefore, Nanali continues to be blind and remains disabled!

Even if Kagura joins their two-person world, even if there is a friend like Suzaku!

Thinking of those cousins!

Nanali laughed loudly, and the happy memories of this time flashed in her mind!

At this moment, there was a strange movement in the next room!

It was the voice of Master Xuanwu and Master Fujitang...

The silence continues!

Nanali, who was waiting for Kagura to bring herself back, felt a trace of tiredness. It was not physical, but mentally lazy and tranced in the longing for Lelouch.

But suddenly, the door of the room was opened with a creaking sound.

Nanali raised her head in the wheelchair, and the sound of footsteps approaching brought her body temperature.

"who is it?"

Even if she asked that, she didn't answer.

Not his brother, nor Kagura, but the breath of Suzaku!

Even though the eyes cannot see, Nana Li can clearly "see" the figure of the incoming person.

Isn't it a ghost hunt?Why is Suzaku, brother?Where is Kagura?

Although Nanali's head is simple, she can guess what unexpected changes may have occurred, and this change must be controlled by her brother.

There was still silence.

As if no one answered until forever, the darkness continued to silence ruthlessly.

Nanali was a little disturbed.

Just now, tired of the strange dialogue between Xuanwu and Fujitang, Nanali lost her hearing after listening to a couple of sentences and continued to enjoy the scenery outside the window.Therefore, she has no idea what happened!

I don’t know the dialogue between Fujitang and Xuanwu, and I don’t know that Fujitang has been captured by Xuanwu, let alone, just now, Suzaku gave his own father, the prime minister of Japan, Shumu Xuanwu...

The silence continued, but Nanali could clearly feel the existence of Suzaku!

This is the first time she and Suzaku are alone in a room!

She was a little disturbed!

Nanali couldn't help but want to scream.

Just then.

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