Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 131

Why did you draw the knife?

Guard the living!

Drawing swords for Lulu Xiu and Nanali, and they are still waiting for me to guard!

Fujitang, who was standing at the door of the room, gave the old man a quiet glance.

The old man nodded slightly.

Fujido bowed and went to chase the boy.

I don't know when it will rain outside.

The dripping rain wet Suzaku's hair, shoulders, and arms.

The clothes were not the jackets stained with blood just now, and they were very ordinary shirts. Fujitang helped him take a bath and changed his clothes.However, these things are completely meaningless to the current Suzaku, he has no memory at all.

Suzaku stood in the rain, just looking up at the building in front of her.

In the darkness, only a lonely red light appeared there.

Small hut.

Suzaku stared at it.

Finally, he turned around.

Planning to leave the building.

I have committed an unforgivable sin, even for the promise of a friend, even to save the girl I like, but still cannot refute the fact that he personally killed his father.

He is no longer qualified.



He stopped moving physically, no, he was stopped.

He slowly turned around.

The black-haired boy was rushing out of the hut.

He ran over, panting.

Then, he, the empire about to go to war with his own motherland, the prince of the Bunitania Empire, Lelouch VI. Bunitania, stood in front of Suzaku.

"Suzaku, you finally came. What happened?"

"Lelouch, are you okay? Where's Nanaly?"

Suzaku asked blankly, pressing down on his words.

"Ah... well, of course, it's just a skin injury. Tolia has taken care of the wound for me! Don't think I am thinner than you, but my body is much stronger than you!"

"Don't worry, Nanali has come back just now and was inside. But because she was a little frightened, she fell asleep! Thank you, Suzaku, I believe you can save Nanali!"

Lelouch said, lightly hammering Suzaku's chest, which was obviously a very light force, but knocked Suzaku to the ground.

"What's wrong with you, Suzaku! Is it hurt? Where?"

"No, I'm okay, it's okay for you to be fine, it's okay for you to be fine!"

"I just woke up just now. Compared to that, what happened? According to the situation, Suzaku, even you..."

"It doesn't matter, it's over, it's over..."


Lulu Xiu's voice became more embarrassed.

There is no way.

Suzaku grabbed Lulu Xiu's chest tightly.

Just like what Lulouch, who was hazy, did to Suzaku a few hours ago.

No, not even that can last.

He grabbed Lelouch's shirt on his chest, but it couldn't support his body.Suzaku knelt on the wet ground and bowed her head like a confession.

"Zhu, Suzaku? Hey, let go... No, just explain to me. What happened just now, what happened to you, Suzaku?"

"Lu Lu Xiu, I won't..."

At this time, Suzaku's voice mixed with tears for the first time.

Unbearable words, no, words that even patience had forgotten came out of Suzaku's throat.



"Me! I will never use my power for myself anymore!"

"Zhu, Suzaku?"

"Absolutely not, you can't use it, Lelouch!"


The one pulled out, no, is the home of the blade that cannot be sheathed after being pulled out.

The rain is still gloomy.

Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

Mansion by the sea.

Although the densely growing pine trees seem to be natural and wild, in fact they are not. They are all specially planted around the villa after careful planning.

The blue-white beams are thick cypress pillars. At first glance, people think that it is a high-end hotel building. The north side of the villa is a cliff, and below the cliff is a wide white sandy beach, and the south side of the villa It is a dense pine forest, and the sparse private houses are farther outside the pine forest.

It is not appropriate to say that this place is far away from the village. It is quite close to the village, but there is no people here. The quiet atmosphere and leisurely feeling around are very suitable for living in seclusion.

At the same time, in a sense, it is beyond the realm of human life.

This mansion is the property of the No. 1 giant in Japan, the Shumu family. It is also the Japanese prime minister named Shumu Xuanwu. It is a summer vacation villa. Although he is energetic, he has never lived here.

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