Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 141

Fujido still agrees with the army's strength of the Chinese Federation.Five million people live the minimum conditions, but maintain the world's most intensely trained standing army, enough to dispel any enemy who dares to offend them.

"At that time, the news of Shumu’s death will be announced. Then he declared that he decided to surrender for the sake of the stability of the people. Then, the hard-line members of the military department committed suicide by incision although simple, but very convincing. In fact, it needs to be controlled. It's just me and you. However, the script of this plot must be arranged. After all, at present, the nominal leader of this country is Shumu Xuanwu. Even if this person is dead."

The old man's words were full of firmness.Although there was still no turbulence in his voice, Fujitang could still feel unquestionable confidence in the old man's tone.

However, for Fujido, he still couldn't easily agree with the old man's point of view.The old man's plan was to ask Japan to temporarily surrender the Bunitania Empire, and then find an opportunity to drive out the invaders again.

However, this point seems to Fujido.

Isn't this the same as that man's policy?

The man of course refers to Prime Minister Shumu Xuanwu. In his script, Japan's defeat is also an inevitable result, and then he used the war to purge the consortium headed by Tongyuan in one fell swoop.And now, the old man’s method is the same, just a change of executor.

This is not a commendable method of warfare.

Because, as long as it is occupied by Bunitania, Japan's military institutions will be quickly disbanded by the Bunitanian Empire, and the colonial army of Bunitania will be replaced.At that time, it would be very difficult to cultivate a powerful military force capable of resisting Bunitania.And what can an underground guerrilla organization do?

Moreover, as long as there is war, there will be sacrifices.

Whether you really want to go to war or not, the war itself is very chaotic.Many lives will die in the war, not just professional soldiers, even ordinary people will not escape the fate of being killed in the war.Moreover, if resistance is to continue after the reign of Bunitania, the sacrifice will continue.

If you don't really want to fight at the beginning, then just don't go to war.

On the contrary, if the fight really starts, then it must fight to the end.

Fujido thought so.

Since we want to go to war with Bunitania, and then find a breakthrough for seeking peace, why not fight with all our strength from the beginning?Even the sacred Bunitania Empire must have its weaknesses.If you can grasp the opponent's weakness well, then the opponent is not invincible.

In Fujido's mind, there is still such an ideal argument, no, it should be said that it is an optimistic argument.

However, the old man said as if seeing through Fujitang's mind.

"It's really good to have good wishes, Fujitang! But now the situation is that Bunitania has reached our doorstep. We must use everything we can use, the dead Shumu, and you, and I."


"Moreover, all our citizens now have a proud spirit, which will become stronger after experiencing a failure. When everyone’s beliefs are concentrated, the foundation of the giant Bunitania There will always be a day of collapse. At that time, it will be the time when your wish comes true."

Having said this, the old man suddenly turned around. This was the first time he had turned around to face Fujitang.

The thick gray pupils under the old man's pale eyebrows shook slightly.

His eyes were full of firm will. At this moment, he was no longer an old man, but a samurai who could step on the battlefield at any time to welcome the battle.

"But only good wishes will not bring hope for the future to this country. What do you think? Fujitang."


Fujido stared at the old man's gaze, just watching quietly.

at last.

Fujido sighed deeply, his shoulders dropped weakly, after thinking for a while, he said in a different tone.

"I see. So, what should I do?"


The old man turned around again.

"As I said just now, you just have to do your best to resist Bunitania’s aggression. This is also our country’s policy after the war. The defense of Itsukushima is left to you. Our consortium will do our best. Work hard to complete the supply of strategic materials. Don't think about the situation of the entire war. At least, you can't lose in the battle in a local area. If you can, it is better to achieve a certain victory! Can it be done?"

"I will do my best to complete your order."

Fujido's waist subconsciously stood upright, and replied loudly.

"If there is any need, I will try my best to help you, but before that..."

Very satisfied with Fujitang's attitude, the old man added.

"prior to?"

"Well, there is one thing that must be dealt with. It's not something else, it's what Bunitania put in us before!"

Fujitang took a deep breath.

Not paying attention to Fujitang's reaction, the old man continued to say in a calm tone.

"Although that is one of Shumu's trading materials, to me, it is a useless extra thing. At least at this time, hostages and other things have no effect on Bunitania. It should be. Said, no matter what time, it has no effect!"


"No, that's even a very dangerous bomb for us. Although I don't know how Shumu thinks about it, it would be too dangerous to leave it alone like that. That guy is really a Bunitanian wolf, for You can do whatever you can to achieve your goal. It's worthy of being a modern man! Our little trick is too naive compared to him."

"But that's also one of the bargaining chips between you and the Ashford family! Although they have fallen, tearing up the agreement without authorization will not do much to Japan after the war!"

"Oh, you know!"

There was a hint of surprise in the old man's words, but thinking about it carefully, with Fujitang's wisdom, it is not surprising to guess that he secretly teamed up with Bunitania.

"However, the transaction is over since the death of Shumu Xuanwu! Our agreement is only to prevent Shumu Xuanwu from taking action against the two little guys, and that group of guys have been driven out by Shumu Xuanwu! An agreement was reached with Xuanwu. The guys are also suppressing their forces in Bunitania!"

"Now, they have no time to estimate the situation in Japan. When the war comes, they can make the brother and sister disappear completely with any excuse!"

"After saying so much, in short, now that at this time, since the slogan of a complete resistance to the war has been shouted, keeping this kind of thing is good for your own citizens and for the other side is a kind of dishonesty. And now There is no chance to solemnly send them back."

"Then you mean to clean them up?"

There was a trace of hesitation in Fujitang's eyes. The siblings didn't say anything about it. With the girl's presence and without the help of external forces, they would never escape. The key was the girl knight named Toria.

Although it is impossible for her to abandon her master and escape with the other party's character, but in case...

Fujido dare not imagine the feeling of a knight who surpassed the limit of human existence peeping into Japan in secret, that would make this decision, no, anyone who participated in hurting the brother and sister lives in eternal fear.

"Of course not, I'm not that stupid!"

The old man shook his head. Although he didn't know Fujitang's worries, as the owner of a consortium, or more accurately, from the perspective of a businessman.It is impossible for him to let the extremely dangerous pair of brothers and sisters have an accident when they control Japan.

Originally, Xuanwu cared so much about the brothers and sisters who had been abandoned by the man as abandoned sons, but when the forces headed by the Ashford family approached him, he knew that the man named Lulu Xiu Juvenile, in the Bunitan Empire, has as much power.

"However, in wars, there are always accidents!"

The old man's eyes fell on the decoration in the room.

In the vase, the rose arrangement is blooming brightly.

But not all the flowers are in full bloom. Among the brightly blooming flowers, there is only one, perhaps because it has lost water, or because it has already bloomed, this rose is half drooping.

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