Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 148

Could it be!

Suzaku's head is not stupid, he guessed the possibility that embarrassed him extremely.

Hearing Lu Lu Xiu's sudden words, all the black-clothed men glanced at the headed man in black.The black-clothed man gave a wry smile, respectfully tidied his clothes, then knelt down on one knee and buried his head deeply.Seeing the leader's movements, the others knelt down.

"Who are you?"

Seeing the actions of the men in black, Lelouch nodded, he was 100% sure that they were indeed his subordinates.

The headed man in black looked at the Suzaku next to Lulu Xiu and said nothing.

"Rest assured, Suzaku is my friend, he is totally trustworthy!"

"His Royal Highness Lelouch, we are the guards of the Ashford Family. We are here to pick you up and Your Highness Nanali!"

After pondering for a while, the man in black still decided to believe in Lelouch.After all, the other party is the owner of his own master.

"Go back, tell Grand Duke Ashford, let him stay in Bunitania with peace of mind. The time has come, I will inform him, now, let me go back and leave Japan! Immediately, immediately!"

Lelouch pointed in the direction of the Bunitania Empire and commanded loudly.

Chapter 125—Determination and Consciousness

"Your Highness!"

The man in black who had bowed his head suddenly raised his head and shouted.

"The Grand Duke Ashford has already said that the war between the empire and Japan is about to begin. This country will become the cruelest battlefield. His Majesty the Emperor will never let you and His Highness Nanaly go. Please be here. Before the war came, Her Royal Highness Queen Cornelia had arranged a palace for you and Her Royal Highness Nanaly in Australia. When Japan was defeated and the time was right, she would take you and Her Highness Nanaly back to the Empire! "

"Really? Duke Ashford and Sister Cornelia have discussed it!"

Lulu Xiu closed his eyes and nodded gently.From guessing that these people in black might be his subordinates, Lelouch was already thinking about their identities and the purpose of their arrival.

No different from what he guessed!The only surprise was that Grand Duke Ashford did not act alone, but negotiated with Sister Cornelia.


"I won't leave, nor will Nanaly!"

Lelouch's answer was beyond everyone's expectations. Even the complex-looking Suzaku stared at his face in shock when he heard Lelouch's answer.


The black man clenched his fists and said tremblingly.

"Japan is too dangerous. The guy Tongyuan may tear up the agreement at any time, using you and His Royal Highness Nanaly as an excuse to provoke the empire to war against Japan! Even if there is Lord Toria, facing the real army, one person Your power is also limited! Please don't be self-willed, Your Highness Lelouch! In you, there are still hopes of countless people!"

However, this kind of words couldn't dispel Lulu Xiu's decision, not to mention that he had already planned the future.Is there any safest place in the world than the Chinese Federation!

And his future plans are not achievable in Bunitania.Under the eyes of that man, even Lelouch now had no confidence to hide his sense of smell.

And this time, if he fails, maybe he can only use the last resort, and if he does that, the whole world will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe, and the number of people who die will be far more than the war.

Lulu Xiu was not interested in accepting such a devastated world.

"Stop talking, I will never leave, at least, before the war really breaks out!"

"I'm very sorry just now, Lord Suzaku! But, I beg you, I must persuade your Highness, Japan will soon become a battlefield. At that time, there will be no safe place here, and the conspirators will not let go. This is a great opportunity, so..."

The firmness in Lelouch's words is beyond doubt, and the man in black also knew that he could not convince Lelouch, so he turned to the Suzaku and bowed his head deeply.

"Please persuade Your Highness to leave Japan (*12)!"

The other people in black also bowed their heads respectfully.

"Lelouch, you go, take Nana and leave Japan!"


Lelouch looked at Suzaku in surprise!

"They are right. Japan will soon become a battlefield. At that time, the army will not care about your identities! Not only Japan, but Bunitania will become the enemy of you and Nanali! Now! I can't protect you and Nanali at all!"

Lelouch took a deep breath, then slammed Suzaku's shoulder.

"Suzaku! You don't need to say any more, I will never leave you behind, and Nanali is the same!"

This was not a sudden impulse, but the most instinctive thought in Lelouch's heart.

A certain sense of despair and crisis can make children mature faster.Although this can also be called a form of growth, it is also more dangerous.If you leave it alone, you may go astray.

From this point of view, Lulu Xiu is quite precocious.Since he was just born, a strong will has been urging him to do an extremely dangerous thing.In order to achieve this goal, Lelouch must possess superhuman strength and wisdom.

And because of this, the world seen in Lelouch's eyes is very indifferent, very indifferent.In addition to the people you like, the people who care about are only actions that are implemented for that goal.

At the full moon banquet, he didn't get anything, only a group of loyal men.He doesn't have the normal childhood that a child should have.Especially, friends who can play with him.

There are no so-called friends anywhere.Even Keno, in Lelouch's heart, because of the relationship between the royal family and the courtiers, he can only be regarded as half a friend.

There are no real friends of the same age and sex, Lu Lu Xiu!

Therefore, for children with such thoughts, there is no warmth anywhere in the world.Lelouch didn't understand what the so-called friendship was.

Nanali needless to say, she is her most beloved sister, and the others, Euphemia, Cornelia, Mariana, Ania, Guinevere, etc., are also due to various For all kinds of reasons, the women who gathered around him or were compulsively possessed by him.

At that time, Lu Lu Xiu, who thought he was the king of mankind, was domineering and arrogant!

However, there is an old saying: "Stand high, you will fall hard!"

Since the plan was sabotaged by that man, Lelouch was about to become a mentally ill person.No, or he has more psychological problems than his sister.Humans are a kind of social creatures, Lulu Xiu who enclosed Nanali in the world he created, and at the same time shut himself in another smaller world.


Even if you have the status of a king, if you cannot move forward or grow, you can only go toward self-destruction.Just like the emperor in ancient times, he has the most noble status and the most powerful power, but the only thing he cannot have is friends who can share happiness and sorrow.

However, Lelouch met that boy.

The boy was neither an enemy nor a friend to Lelouch, but he was indeed an undeniable "person".

Sometimes Lelouch would think so.

Why did that young man appear beside himself and Nanali?

Just put people like yourself aside.

For such a self, there is no need to deliberately approach.

However, this is not the case.

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