Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 155

Bismarck read the documents of the Chinese Federation with a solemn expression.

"If you don't agree, do you take it with your own hands? I don't know if it is the attention of the ministers or the emperor's own thoughts. If it is a private idea, it is fine, but the decision is made by the emperor, then it is troublesome!"

Now is the time for unprecedented unity of the Chinese Federation. With the current preparations of the Bunitan Empire, it is impossible to resist the attack of the Chinese Federation at the same time as the Japanese war.

In the empire’s combat plan, although Japan can be regarded as a military power, with the strength of Bunitania, the attack on it should be the same as the German attack on Poland in World War II. It only takes half a month. It was enough to defeat the Japanese army while occupying all of Japan.

However, once the Federation of China intervenes, although the Bunitan Empire's navy has an absolute advantage over the East China Sea Fleet, the aircraft of the Federation of China stationed in North Korea can directly envelop Japan and the Central Pacific.Their attack radius reached a thousand kilometers.

Since the invention of the first aircraft, military theorists have been keenly aware that air power will play a pivotal role in future wars.Losing air supremacy will inevitably have no sea dominance. Without the cover of aviation, any warship formation cannot cope with the saturation attack of attack aircraft.

The same is true not only for the navy, but also for the army. Forces that have lost air dominance are bound to be in a very disadvantaged position in battle, from being restrained by others to being passively beaten.Therefore, in modern warfare, the struggle for air supremacy has a decisive influence on the war, and it can even affect the direction and outcome of the war.

Even if the Bunitan Empire competed thousands of miles away with a well-known superpower, and half of its troops were stationed in colonies around the world, it would definitely only suffer a crushing defeat.

The Bunitanian Empire, which has risen by war, cannot suffer a disastrous defeat at present!In that case, not only will the ten colonies be unstable, but the last superpower, the EU union, will most likely fall into trouble and launch a war on the Bunitan Empire.

Bunitania, can't afford to lose!

Chapter 129 The War Parting

On August 10, 210 of the Japanese calendar, the shocking air defense sirens shook the whole of Japan.


The sound of the door being opened swiftly approached, followed by the shout of Suzaku.

"Lelouch! Nanali! Lelouch..."

"Really, is it finally here!"

The noisy sound naturally can't penetrate the walls with good sound insulation, but it still wakes up Lulu Xiu, who has just fallen asleep.There is almost no need to think about it. There is only one answer for Suzaku to make such a panic sound.

The war is finally here!

The holy Bunitania Empire, the war of aggression against Japan.

I thought it was summer, but I didn't expect to endure it until autumn. Although the summer in Japan is indeed a bit late, really is because of the relationship between the Chinese Federation, so have you made more preparations!

Lu Lu Xiu sneered in his heart and lifted the quilt. Nana Li’s crystal-free jade body immediately appeared in front of him. The leaked spring light exuded a refreshing breath, causing a blazing heat flow from Lu Lu Xiu’s lower body, which was originally buried. The clone in Nanali swelled again, filling the moist and soft dense tunnel.

The extremely refreshing sensation once again invaded Lulu Xiu's brain, and the beauty was in his arms, and the feeling that "the spring night has been so long and the day has risen, since then the king will not come early".

"Well, there is still time anyway, let's have another shot!"

Maintaining the union state with Nanali, Lulu Xiu rolled over and pressed her under her body, bowed her head to hold her blush, and her lower body shook quickly and hit Nanali's body.Nanali, who had long been accustomed to being violated by Lelouch during her sleep, was still awake, but her small cherry mouth let out tempting breaths, causing a pink spring in the room.

Zizi... slap...

The sound of moist water and the impact of the body continued in the room, but outside the door, Tolia, a loyal young knight, stopped the Suzaku who rushed upstairs. It was not until half an hour later that Lelouch had a face. Satisfied, he opened the door and walked out of the room.

He quickly closed the door, leaving Nanalie who had been ravaged by him again for half an hour on the bed. Lelouch was still immersed in the pleasure of galloping on Nanali's body just now, so the gaze looking at Suzaku contained With a trace of strong dissatisfaction.

"Lu Lu Xiu, it's not good... Hey, this smell is so strange!"

Although the careless Suzaku didn't see Lulu Xiu's abnormality, his keen sense of smell still smelled the strange breath leaking from the door the moment he opened.With a hint of sweetness, a hint of moisture, and a hint of warmth.

Fortunately, Lelouch closed the door quickly, and the leaked smell quickly dissipated into the air.Suzaku was also a little uncertain.

Hearing Suzaku's sudden change of words, Lelouch immediately interrupted.

"Suzaku, what's the matter? So panicked!"


When Lulu Xiu interrupted her, Suzaku also remembered her purpose.

"No, Lelouch, war... Bunitania, declared war on Japan!"

"Really, I get it!"

Lelouch replied calmly, but his eyes flickered. Tolia's gaze looked at him with a smile, which made him, obviously, Tolia had not completely dissipated from Lelouch's face to satisfy the red tide. And the strange heating that leaked out the moment the door was opened, guessing what happened in the room just now.

This guy actually did that kind of thing with his sister when there were two people outside the door.

"Don't worry, Suzaku, let's go out and see the situation first! Even if war is declared, it is impossible for Bunitania to enter Japan so quickly!"

In Lelouch's tone, he had no expectations for the Japanese navy and air force.Now is not before. Under the surveillance of satellites and radars, both sides of the warring military have nowhere to hide. With Bunitania, the world’s number one scientific and technological force, Japan’s communications system is estimated to be paralyzed at the moment and then deployed. The air force and navy of Netanya will directly find and annihilate the air force and navy of Japan.

There is no second result!

Suzaku certainly heard Lelouch's disdain for the Japanese army, but in the face of the world's largest power and the comparison of the strengths of the two armies learned from Fujido Kyoshiro, Suzaku himself has no reason to refute this.

It's just that I feel very bitter about the weakness of the motherland.

However, as Lelouch said, they stayed here now, not knowing anything.


"Toria, protect Nanali, Suzaku and I will go outside to take a look, maybe the result of the war will appear soon!"

Lelouch gave orders to Tolia, took Suzaku's hand, and ran towards a hillside outside the villa.

The two people with extraordinary mobility quickly came to one of the highest hillsides in the outside forest, and the moment they climbed the hillside and looked into the distance, the sky of Mount Fuji was shrouded in black clouds.

Looking at the bomber group in the sky, although I knew that this day was coming, when the attack war really came, both Lelouch and Suzaku were speechless for a while.

There are shocks about the war, and memories of the upcoming separation.

"Lelouch, you and Nanali..."

"Well, it seems that it's finally time for us to separate!"

Lelouch put his hand between his eyebrows, and looked at the huge fleet of aircraft in the distance.It seems that the Japanese navy and air force should have been defeated, otherwise, it would be impossible for such a large fleet to fly over the Japanese capital.

Moreover, that place is the Mt. Fuji mining area. Bunitania's strategy is very clear. First, occupy the most important Sakura Dite production area of ​​Mt. Fuji, and then use Mt. Fuji as a base to launch an attack on the Japanese capital Tokyo.It should be the same in other regions.Losing the air and sea dominance, Japan is like a stripped little girl wolf, completely opening up all of its own to the powerful and strong man of Bunitania.

Confirming the Bunitanian attack, no, it should have defeated the Japanese air force and navy, and set foot on the Japanese mainland, Lulu Xiu and Suzaku immediately returned to the villa.

Just when the two returned to the villa, the security team responsible for the surrounding security had already taken control of the villa.And Suzaku was also forcibly taken away from the seaside villa by other members of the Shumu family.

I didn't even see Nanali for the last time!

Subsequently, the guards responsible for guarding the villa and the servants of the villa also left one after another. The luxurious villas stretching across the coast, except for Lelouch and Tolia who stood at the door and sent Suzaku away, only the upstairs were left. Nanaly took a nap in the bedroom.

"Your Highness!"

"Ah, we should also prepare. When Nanaly wakes up, we will leave! The submarine of the Chinese Federation should be in place. Let's go to Kyushu first, then transfer to Jeju, and then fly straight to Luoyang Zhu Forbidden City!"

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