Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 160

Of the five major situation management areas, two of them have been mastered by Lelouch's men.

In these seven years, the power of the Aries family, headed by the Ashford family, has never disappeared, nor has it been recovered by other alien powers, but has lurked and waited for the opportunity.

If it were other forces, they would have lost their backbone and their own forces had been suppressed, they would have fallen apart a long time ago, and would take refuge in other exile forces.But the first series of the Aries Palace is slightly different. As early as the full moon banquet of Lelouch, he had already begun to replace the master of the Aries Palace, Princess Mariana.Especially with the assistance of Grand Duke Ashford, although in name, Mariana is still the leader of the Aries forces, but in fact, Lelouch has long taken the place of mother.

After Marianna died in the terrorist attack, everyone thought that apart from the Ashford family, a few more loyal families still followed Lelouch, but in fact, no family or official chose to betray.Although other powers from the palace were fighting for the right to develop the Knightmare Frame, they were once suppressed, but there was Cornelia’s virgin palace, the ruling legion, and the secret gang village of the first empress Genivier, the Aries detachment. In fact, the power of the United States did not have much loss.

Therefore, after the defeat of Japan, the family of Aries, headed by the Ashford family, quietly came to Japan with the help of the lord of Libra and the third princess, Gobriella.

The Ashford family established the leading aristocratic academy in the 11th district, Ashford Academy. Some of the other families stayed in Tokyo on loan, served in the Governor's Office and the army, and their children entered Ashford Academy to study.The other part was scattered to other concessions in the 11th district, entering the local government and army, and cooperating with the trial army to secretly develop its strength.

Therefore, Lelouch had to thank Clovis for his stupidity.

"Okay, let's go! We have to rush back to school within 20 minutes, or we will be late, even if Mi Lei doesn't say anything, she will definitely use pranks to retaliate afterwards!"

Ignoring the crowd standing behind him in silence, Lelouch walked towards the seat next to the driver's seat of the motorcycle.

"Hey! If you say this, be careful I report to the chairman!"

"It's okay! Mi Lei won't mind!"

"Ah, I'm so envious, the president is your girlfriend, of course I won't mind! Damn, you happy fellow!"

Speaking of topics such as love, Libal came up with an old attitude, and hammered Lulu Xiu's chest, which was nearby.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Drive your car carefully!"

Lelouch fastened the strap of his helmet and stepped onto the seat of the motorcycle.

"A lot of time has been wasted. We have to rush back in 20 minutes. If Cyclonus is crazy, we have to concentrate!"

"Hi, hi! Anyway, I'm the life of a driver! Or let's go to the 11th district, we Bunitanians..."

Lival said, stepping on the motorcycle and starting to start.


After a beeping sound, the motorcycle galloped in the direction of Ashford Academy.

At the same time, the Governor’s Mansion in the distance was still complaining on the TV screen of the atrocities of the terrorists, and the Governor of the Eleventh District, the third prince of the empire, Clovis LA Bonitania, who issued a declaration of anger. It was a completely different posture from before.

"His Royal Highness is really outstanding!"

"I can't see that you are still enjoying the happiness of PARTY just now!"

As he walked off the makeshift podium, two beautiful ladies with red wine underneath raised their glasses and praised.

Looking around, the spacious room is not like a governor's mansion for government affairs at all, but a grand party party, all men and women are dressed in gorgeous costumes.

"The Governor, as the signature actor in the 11th District, is justified in such a small amount of adaptability!"

Let the servants untie his uniform and cloak, Clovis loosened a tight tie and replied with a smile.The speech is over, he will continue to enjoy this wonderful PARTY.

"It seems you are very confident!"

One of the two ladies who praised just now took a wine glass full of red wine from the table and walked towards Clovis.

"Just being mentally prepared, self-confidence or something will only make everyone in the media happy!"

Clovis accepted the noblewoman's compliment with a smile, took the wine glass from the other's hand, gently sipped a sip of red wine, and then moved his eyes from the noblewoman to the person in charge of the TV station standing by the corner.

"No, no! As long as you can help His Royal Highness in power, you can do anything!"

At the edge of the banquet, the head of the HI-TV television station, a bloated middle-aged man with two horoscopes, rubbed his palms flatly and replied respectfully.Next to him, there were two assistants standing, looking at Clovis, the governor of the 11th district, with a similar smile.

In the passage on their right, the person in charge of the recording of this speech, Ditohart Little, a very rigorous-looking yellow-haired man, is leaning on the wall of the passage and reading the report of the recording program in hand. After hearing the dialogue in the ballroom, he said to himself in a mocking tone.

"Do you rule like an acting?"

Chapter 134 Human Indifference

"Your Highness!"

After Ditohart made a mockery, a bald man in a military uniform hurried past his eyes.


Ditohart's gaze was immediately attracted by the hurried soldier. As a journalist, he had a foreboding that another incident would happen.

The bald soldier walked into the ball venue and walked quickly to Clovis's side. The anxiety in his voice could be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

"Your Highness!"

"What's wrong, it's really rude!"

Clovis, who was about to return to a kind of sociable ladies and ladies, saw the bald soldier coming in hastily, said unhappy.The previous speech had interrupted his interest, and he finally recovered from the praise of the two beauties, and then a bald soldier with a desperate appearance came in, and anyone would be angry.

But the other person is a little different from the others after all.

General Batlle, not only his first confidant, but also the person in charge of several secret laboratories that he secretly established, has presided over a lot of research work. He has nothing important and will never disturb himself easily.

"I'm very sorry, but..."

Sure enough, General Bartlett, with an anxious look, approached Clovis' ear and said a few words in a very low voice.

"It's a special program again, at least the materials..."

Ditohart closed the report in his hand, stood up impatiently, and was about to go in to prepare for the next show.However, something unexpected happened.Clovis, who was originally calm and relaxed, changed his expression instantly after listening to General Barrett's words.

"Stupid! Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

An angry drink made the entire ball stop, which belonged to Clovis's voice.

"Originally, I seemed to be waiting for you to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect... But what I told the police was just ordinary medical equipment, if the army was mobilized!"

Although General Bartlett was startled by Clovis's roar, he still calmly observed his surroundings.Several noble ladies and attendants nearby bowed their heads wittily and walked away a little bit.

They are very clear that the next topic is not something they can touch.

"It's not the problem! Stupid! Send the direct troops, and the Knightmare Frame, must take that thing back! Activate the first level of alert, can't let that thing disappear again, understand!"

At the last cry, Clovis's tone had already brought a hint of coldness.

Since he knew the existence of that person, he has been following the trace of the other person. There have been several reports before, but the other person quickly disappeared from their sight.This time, he was stolen by a group of terrorists after he had caught the opponent.This result, Clovis is absolutely unforgivable.

As long as you get that person and get the power of the other party, Clovis will have the power to fight those two people, and even seizing the throne will no longer be impossible.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will never allow it to slip away.

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