Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 162

Chapter 135 The Terrorist

"Really, even if this is right, I still want you to stop. Put down your unnecessary self-esteem, or you will be late for class! This is terrible, it must be better than the president and Xia Li preaching together! Those flower-lovers, they will tear me up when they see me coming back alone!"

Lival pushed the motorcycle out of the parking lane and started again, but he was nagging and complaining about Lelouch's good deeds.

It doesn't matter how we hang up high, even the adults just watched, and no one came forward. We students ran up and did.For some of Lelouch's behavior, Livar was very incomprehensible, just as he could not understand that so many female students in the school would willingly be Lelouch's underground lover.

When Livar complained, Lelouch had already arrived by the truck parked in front of the building.Most of the front of the huge truck crashed into the entrance of the building, and there were several huge steel beams stuck in the door.

Because there were many bystanders nearby, Lelouch couldn't use more power than human beings, but he still tried to move a few times.The steel beams remained motionless for a few meals.

"Hey! Are you okay!"

Seeing this, Lelouch yelled at the cab that crashed into the building.However, I don't know if the sound insulation of the windows is too good, or the driver has passed out in the impact and no one responds.However, from the car window, the airbag inside has been opened, and the people inside are protected by the airbag and should not be hit too much.

He could also feel the breath of life, and Lelouch gave up his plan to save people from the cab.

This result is just right for Lelouch, allowing him enough time to find the boring woman.

"Where? The entrance... is it there!"

When he came to the back carriage, Lu Lu Xiu saw a staircase, and climbed up the stairs, Lu Lu Xiu came to the roof of the car.Sure enough, half of the roof is open.However, at this moment, the sober driver in the cab recovered and started the truck again.The truck quickly reversed, making Lu Lu Xiu, who had just arrived on the roof and had not had time to stand still, under the action of inertia, a somersault fell into the truck's compartment.

"Hey, stop!"

Lu Lu Xiu, who fell into the truck compartment, took advantage of the trend and landed firmly on the floor below.He tried to shout, but the result was the same as before, and no one answered.

"Give it up, this truck is a military transporter made of special steel. You can't hear it when you speak here!"

A voice full of alluring magnetism sounded deep in Lelouch's mind, attracting his attention.

Lelouch scratched his head and looked at the huge circular sealed cabin in the middle of the carriage.


With an unconcealable smile on Lulo's face, he walked to the airtight cabin and tapped it lightly with his fingers.

"CC, why didn't I know you still have this kind of interest! You actually like to hide in this kind of thing!"

"Idiot, who wants to stay here, it's just a little accident in the plan!"

The mysterious voice sounded again, with a hint of shame.

"is it……"

Lelouch hadn't finished speaking. Suddenly, there was a roar of helicopter from the sky above, and at the same time, a sound amplified by a loudspeaker resounded across the sky.

"Warning! Stop immediately, if you obey the order now, you can still save your lives!"

"It's a military combat helicopter from Bunitania. It caught up so soon!"

Luluxiu looked at the rear of the carriage. Although there were doors blocking it, his mental strength could still feel that at an altitude of two hundred meters in the rear, a combat helicopter was closely following the truck.

The warning of the Bunitanian army was the same as that of Lelouch before, without any response.

Originally, the Bunitanian army did not want a response, they were just looking for an excuse to open fire.In just five seconds or so, the combat helicopter that did not receive a response activated the cannon below and fired a series of bullets aimed at the truck.

Bang bang bang!

Following closely behind the truck, countless bullet holes were punched out by bullets on the hard road, and Lelouch in the carriage also felt a loud crash.Although the truck turned left and right, a few bullets still hit the truck's compartment.

However, as CC said before, this truck is indeed a special military transport vehicle, which is not only soundproof, but also very strong.Those bullets hit the carriage, not even leaving a few dents, but the sound was slightly louder.

"Repeat it again, stop now!"

The attack was found to be ineffective, and another warning came from the helicopter.

"What to do, even the army has caught up!"

"It is because of this situation that I am here!"

In the truck cab, there was a conversation between two men and women.To Lelouch's surprise, the man's voice was filled with horror and fear that could not be concealed. On the contrary, it was the voice of another slightly childish girl with an exhilarating strength and confidence.

"It's not good to go out now, CC! It seems we need to stay here for a while!"

Feeling the movement of the driver's cab, Lelouch went into hiding. Fortunately, the airtight cabin in which the CC was held was large enough to hide him.

With a squeak, the automatic door connecting the carriage and the cab opened.

A man wearing a work uniform, but it was obvious from the figure that it was a girl walked into the carriage.During the walk, the girl unbuttoned the work clothes she was wearing at the same time, revealing the dark waistcoat and the dynamic slim body inside.

"You can enter the subway from the path in front, Nagata!"

After the girl took off her work uniform outside, she opened her mouth to remind the driver in the cab.The voice was crisp and sweet, full of girl's vitality and youthful breath.

(Sure enough, it's a girl... No! This girl feels a little strange!)

After hiding in the airtight cabin, Lelouch carefully looked at the girl who walked out of the cab, and a very strange feeling rose in his heart.An extremely strong trust and desire that cannot be described in words.

That is an indispensable existence in one's own life!

In front of Lu Lu Xiu, who was peeping secretly, the girl did not hide her sharp edge in the slightest, her fiery red hair was extremely dazzling, the front was hanging down, and the back was upturned.Dry and cheerful.The blue eyes, which contrasted sharply with the hair, were as bright as a female leopard galloping through the jungle.She wears a red and blue headscarf on her forehead. This is the only ornament that clearly does not match the identity of a girl, but she stays on her forehead, but it is meticulously perfect, and it also preserves the heroic spirit of a girl. strong.

The girl's face is very delicate, flawless, and her small nose is as strong as her personality. The contemptuous lips are slightly closed, and the girl's fragrant breath flows from her teeth, which is very attractive.

Following the girl's movement, Lelouch's eyes moved to the eye-catching and proud chest below. The two groups were towering, like two towering mountains, standing proud.The young and energetic girl brought a touch of sensuality and beauty, like a blooming red lotus.

His waist was very slender, completely inconsistent with that proud chest. From the sight of countless beauties, Lulu Xiu could clearly infer that the tender waist was just right for him to grip.Coupled with the attractive buttocks, the perfect figure with the golden ratio, under the tights, a perfect curve is outlined, which is confusing.

"Finally found it! It belongs to me... the last person to make up for my shortcomings!"

Lulu Xiu clenched his fists and stared closely at the back of the girl walking past.

(The presence is so strong, this girl!)

CC's voice sounded deep in Lelouch's mind again. Although she was separated from the sealed cabin, she also clearly felt the strong aura emanating from the girl.Lelouch didn't answer, because at this moment, his eyes and all his mind had been deeply attracted by the brave figure of the young girl.

"Karen, let's use that one!"

A man's voice came from the cab. It should be the other man who was more timid.

"That would be a torture!"

The girl called Karen replied coldly, and at the same time, she kept walking. After taking off her work clothes, she just came to the huge shadow in the back half of the carriage.

"Hey! So too!"

The driver's cab replied, seeming to take the girl's self-confidence for granted.

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