Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 164

"It won't work if both are over, run away!"


Karen's voice revealed a strong unwillingness.


When they were talking, a second Sutherland suddenly jumped out of the bridge in front and stopped in the direction of the truck. It also held a giant machine gun and fired several bullets at the top of the truck.Obviously, the other party didn't seem to destroy the truck here, but wanted to drive it to another place.

"Huh, pure fellow!"

The opponent turned obediently, which surprised the Sutherland driver who stopped the truck.At that time, if the other party really ran into it directly, with her size no smaller than Sutherland, at that speed, even she would only have to give in temporarily.

Fortunately, the opponent is not a regular soldier, has no combat experience and awareness, and is very timid.

At the same time, when the truck was intercepted, the red Nightmare also encountered a crisis.No matter how strong the driver is, the body is outdated after all.Although it was not hit to the point, a big hole was also exploded in the abdomen. At the same time, in the shock caused by the explosion, Glasgow's circuit seemed to be short-circuited.

This is a failure that often occurs without complete repair and maintenance.Entrapped, although the red-haired girls have seized such an old-fashioned Nightmare, they have no conditions to maintain it, not only without the conditions and parts, but also without personnel who understand the relevant knowledge.

However, this detail, which I usually didn't care about, became a reminder for Karen at this time.

Chapter 137 The Prelude

"What's the matter, move! Move me..."

Karen desperately pressed the hook-lock launch button on the joystick, and ordered anxiously, but Glasgow still did not respond.And her opponent, the Bunitanian knight driving a Knightmare far more advanced than her, has moved quickly in her direction, the machine gun in the right hand has been changed to the left hand, and the upper part of the free robotic arm is bright. A short sword fixed to the robotic arm came out.

"This kind of old-fashioned thing should be rolled back to the grave of the times!"

Jeremiah laughed wildly and raised his dagger, and quickly rushed up. Then, as long as he aimed at the opponent's chest and stabbed fiercely, the opponent's body would immediately lose its combat effectiveness, and the terrorist would become him. The captive.

The first captive, at the same time, symbolizes his merits. In order to hide a secret deep in his heart, he needs a lot of merits to improve his military rank, and then use it to grab more power.

"In this case!"

Seeing that the opponent had approached quickly with the short sword high up, Karen no longer hoped on the broken hook, but the strong man broke his wrist and pressed the release device of his left arm.


Within five meters of Jeremy’s approach to Kallen, the moment he was about to swing his dagger, the red Knightmare, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly raised his left hand. After that, the huge mechanical arm seemed to be launched before. Like a hook, it sprayed out at Sutherland standing in front of him.

At such a short distance, Jeremia had no time to dodge.Subconsciously, the dagger that he swung changed the trajectory of his advancement, changed into a block, and dangerously stopped the robotic arm that was aimed at his chest.


The arm hit the dagger fiercely, and a fierce explosion caused a cloud of dust.Karen took the opportunity to manipulate Glasgow and quickly moved in the direction where the truck was fleeing.

"Yo, good job, but..."

Jeremiah accurately captured the enemy's escape through infrared rays, praised the opponent's response and accurate measures, and then followed closely.

Although it’s a shame not to catch the first prisoner, if you can take the opportunity to find the terrorist's lair, the feat you get is much greater than that of killing or capturing a terrorist.

As Karen and Jeremia left the battle, Lelouch was also confirming his position in the carriage of the truck.

"The mobile phone is outside the circle. According to the dark environment and road conditions, this place should have been a subway. Is it a branch of the Japanese Shinkansen? The destination should be a slum, now although you can take the opportunity to go out and get rid of this The impact of this incident, but the girl named Karen is very likely to be in danger!"

Lelouch looked at his mobile phone, the carriage that was still a bit bright was completely plunged into darkness, and the forward truck was not shaking violently.

"The person who stopped the truck just now seems to be Veretta. I can't think of an acquaintance I haven't seen in eight years. In these short minutes, I met two, and they were the attackers!"

(It feels like a prelude to destiny, doesn’t it! I was just caught, and the girl you were looking for rescued me, and then I met Jeremia and Veretta. Next, you even have to Fight against his brother Clovis who hasn't met in eight years!)

CC's voice appeared in Lelouch's mind, but this time, her tone was completely gone from the previous mockery, but with a trace of deep mystery, like a witch who foreseeed the future in ancient times, she was about to embark on the road of heroism. The brave tells a mysterious fate.

Not only CC, but Lelouch also felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity that had kept his heart silent for seven years, boiling, stirring, and burning!

The uncontrollable excitement and excitement made Lelouch at this moment more calm and rational than ever.

"The turning point of destiny, a new myth is about to open! Not a year later, but now? That's why that girl..."

Originally, according to the information collected from CC and the information collected from various quarters, Lelouch speculated that the man he hated most was the 98th emperor of the Holy Bunitanian Empire, Charuru DI· Bunitania's plan should be one year away.

At that time, all his energy should be on his plan, and Lelouch could use the strength accumulated over the years to take the opportunity to raise the banner of rebellion.

However, what was originally planned requires a year's preparation, but today's accident and the appearance of the girl who is trying to find no results gave Lelouch a new idea.

And after hearing CC's mysterious theory of fate, this idea became clearer and clearer in Lelouch's mind and became more and more certain.

The time for war is not a year later, but now!

Just today!

Leaning on the carriage, lightly tapping the airtight cabin of the CC with his fingers, he began to analyze the incident.

"Veretta obviously had a chance to kill the driver, but only after wounding him, she gave up the pursuit! It should be Clovis who killed him and planned to put a long line to catch the big fish in order to find this group of terrorist organizations. Kill them all at once! If nothing else, this group of terrorists will definitely not be spared!"

(Your brother is not useless!)

CC's voice was teasing.

"It seems so! Although that guy has never beaten me, he still has some talents in the royal family! Although he is not good at armaments, he still has a lot of achievements in other aspects. Not only did he discover Shengen Island" And study it. I also discovered your existence, and even wanted to capture you to explore the secret of immortality!"

Lelouch was noncommittal about CC's insinuations.In the eyes of CC, a witch who has lived for a thousand years, Clovis's methods are naturally similar to those of children.

(In addition, he himself admires your mother, Princess Marianna, and even deliberately imitated the design of the Aries Palace when he built the sky garden above the 11th district hall. Didn't he?)

Seeing that Lelouch was not aroused, CC added another sentence. This time, she added several names that Lelouch cared about.


Sky garden!

"This does not mean that he is reluctant! Although he has not achieved much in suppressing resistance organizations, his methods are cruel. At least more than 10,000 people died under his direct orders! The resistance in Japan has intensified in recent years. In addition to his inaction, his own cruel approach is also an important reason!"

Lelouch curled his lips in disdain. Under the education of that man, with the exception of Euphy and Nanaly, the two emperors who were firmly protected by him and Cornelia, most of the other royal families had almost all personalities. He followed his education and treated the people in the colonies. Apart from cold repression, few gentle methods were used to win people's hearts.

With that kind of gentle thought, it is impossible to survive in the royal family of Bunitania, let alone fight for the supreme throne!

There is Cornelia in the Virgin Departure, and Lelouch at the Aries Departure. As younger sisters, Euphemia and Nanali, can they always keep their heart!

"Very well, in this case, all the conditions have been gathered! At this time, the army should not be allowed to interfere with my actions! Using the communicators of this group of terrorists, let me test your strength! Maybe, Maybe you can give me an unexpected surprise!"

Picking up the communicator that Karen had dropped, Lelouch began to sort out the current information collected and formulate a battle plan.Although Clovis is indeed very useless, the conditions between the two sides are far apart.

Lelouch only possesses himself, and terrorists who don't know if he can use it.Although the girl named Karen was very talented and had a good combat effectiveness, it was a pity that the difference in her body was there, and her number also occupied an absolute disadvantage.

Here, only through a meticulously formulated battle plan to seek victory!

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