Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 169

The most powerful killing blade!

(But the path he is walking now seems to be completely opposite to what you expected! You should know that even Kagura has abandoned her cousin, he will not follow the path you arranged for him!)

There is an inexplicable molesting in CC's voice.

(No one can come to a conclusion before the result is reached! I will give Suzaku a chance, a chance... to look back! I believe that he will not disappoint me! Because his country is affected by Bunitania Occupation, his compatriots are being oppressed by Bunitania, and his father, also because of Bunitania, finally died in his hands!)

(Want to say that it’s too late to turn around? That man, although very boring, but with a strong will, that kind of attachment to what he believes in is not weaker than you! Lelouch, since he has found Karen , That guy, you can already throw it away! Like a used rag, throw it into the trash can! That's where he should stay!)

CC's anger still did not disappear.

(What a careful woman!)

Lu Lu Xiu replied secretly.

(Keeping grudges is a woman's instinct, who made that guy appear so "smart"!)

CC did not have any dissatisfaction, and frankly accepted Lelouch's evaluation of her, but when she said the word "smart", she deliberately increased her tone.

"It looks like you should be a student of Bunitania. It's really unlucky!"

When Lelouch was communicating with CC, Suzaku's boss had already sneered and turned his gun to them.

"Ensure the girl's safety, then kill him!"

As he said, the captain beckoned to the soldiers behind him.Even if it is him, the responsibility of shooting a Bunitanian by himself is not easy to bear. With the help of his subordinates, even if he is discovered, he can share the responsibility.

After all, in General Bartlett’s order, no one was allowed to know about the girl, including the Bunitanians.

"Yes, my lord!"

Bunitania’s unique military order resounded through the underground passage. In the cab of the truck behind Lulu Xiu, the driver who passed out, hearing the sound of the Bunitania’s military order coming in from outside, turned back to the light. 'S sober up.

"Bunny's bastard!"

The driver, who was in a trance, raised his head with difficulty, stretched out his right hand, and opened the truck's self-detonation device.He put his finger on the white button under the device, but stared at a photo next to the button.

A happy family photo of a family of three!

The beautiful wife is holding her lovely son and is smiling at the camera. Next to the mother and son is a Japanese man with a bucket and a smirk on his face.

The face of the man in the photo is exactly the same as the face of the driver.The only difference is that the man in the photo has a happy expression in his eyes, while the driver at this time has only endless despair and pain.

In the war of aggression launched by the Bunitani Empire against Japan seven years ago, his wife and his short-born son died in the bombing of Bunitania. From that moment on, this man was already died!

Since then, he has been a walking dead with a bitter hatred of Bunitania.

"Keiko, I will come to see you and our son soon! Japan... Long live!"

Exhausting all his strength, the man's finger pressed the white button firmly.

Just when Lu Lu Xiu was about to do it, a sense of danger came from behind him. Subconsciously, Lu Lu Xiu released a solid spiritual position, forming a protective circle with a radius of three meters.


The next moment, the truck swelled suddenly and then exploded.

The huge explosion set off an unstoppable shock wave. The blowing wave even blew up the rocks on the ground that had stopped the truck before, and rolled up countless concrete fragments of steel bars, sputtering in all directions. Come.

At the moment of the explosion, the vigilant officer and the soldiers behind him reacted extremely quickly. They lay directly on the ground, avoiding the impact of the explosion. The strong fire light and blowing dust fragments made them unable to see the front. scene.

But in their hearts, they have already affirmed the death of the couple!

But it didn't matter. In the general's order, there was a saying that the woman would be caught back regardless of life or death.As for the "terrorist" who is suspected of being a Bunitanian student, who cares about his life or death.

But they didn't know that it was this explosion that saved their lives.

"Huh, it's cheaper for you!"

The condensed mental position blocked the shock wave of the explosion and the debris brought by the air wave one meter away. Lelouch wandered in the flames of the explosion while holding the CC. He came to the wall behind and kicked a can The entrance to let people walk together, and then came to the opposite passage.

The second after Lelouch's back disappeared from the entrance of the cave, the shock wave of the explosion collapsed the wall.

"Let them escape! Are you also a guard?"

On the command ship, the fat-headed General Bartlett heard the report from the communicator and shouted angrily.To be escaped under the nose, this is indeed too gaffe for Clovis's guard.

"Sorry, although the smoke caused by the explosion has spread to the top, the rock suddenly collapsed. We did not find the woman at the place where the explosion occurred. We should have escaped!"

This voice belongs to that boss of Suzaku.Just to shirk responsibility, he didn't report the affairs of Suzaku and the student.After all, the other party was different from Suzaku. He was an authentic Bunitanian or a student of Ashford Academy. If he was a nobleman, it would be troublesome.

"These are all excuses. Why do you think I only told you that the importance of that woman to His Highness Clovis is not what you can imagine. You must catch her. If you let her slip away this time, you wait for your Highness. Punishment!"

General Barlett's anger was not reduced by half because of his subordinates' explanations. This time, there is no room for loss.

"But those ELEVEN..."

The voice in the communicator was puzzled.

"As an accomplice of the terrorists, they were executed on the spot, and the news should not be allowed to leak out! This is an order from His Highness Clovis!"

General Barrett ruthlessly conveyed the orders of His Highness Clovis.

"YES, My lord!"

The officer’s slogan came, and Barletta turned off the communicator.After he finished the call, a voice with a hint of majesty and a hint of arrogance sounded from behind him.

"It seems that combat is about to enter the next link!"

On the upper seat behind General Bartlett, the governor of the 11th district, the third prince of the Holy Bunitanian Empire, Clovis LA Bunitania, is sitting in a luxurious seat, looking down Barletta and a kind of staff officer below.

"But, Your Highness..."

What else does General Barletta want to say.

"If that thing is known to the outside world, not only will my position as governor be abolished, maybe even my heir to the throne will be abolished, just like Lelouch was eight years ago!"

Clovis interrupted his confidant, and when he spoke, a deep hatred appeared on his face.

Why did he go to Japan, a place close to the Commonwealth of China, to be the governor!

The first empress Genivel, the second empress Cornelia, the third empress Euphemia, and the fifth empress Karin, and even his mother, Her Royal Highness Gobriella, the owner of the Scorpio Palace, together Fuel the flames behind.

The purpose of these women is very clear!

Find that man!After giving up, he was returned to Bunitania safely.

(Do you think I don’t know your relationship with that guy? Sister! Sister! And my beloved mother, Her Royal Highness Gobriella LA Bunitania! I won’t be as you wish. , Even if that man is really not dead, I will personally destroy him!)

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