Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 174

Lelouch stared at the excited Veretta coldly, and walked towards her step by step.

"The second time, you shot at me with a gun!"

"The first time was ignorance, the second time, it was knowingly committed!"

Lelouch's tone became heavier and louder, and his voice became louder and louder, echoing in the spacious room.

"What do you want to do?"

"Do you disobey me? Disobey your master!"

Lelouch asked Veretta coldly, and the huge pressure, like a mountain, pressed against Veretta who raised his gun at him.


Veretta held the pistol in both hands, and her body was trembling violently. It was buried in her body, in awe of Lulu Xiu.As the dreamy step approached in the past eight years, she also unconsciously stepped back slowly, and then slammed into Sutherland's thigh behind her.

There is no way to escape!

It was like being forcibly taken by the other party eight years ago, on the afternoon when Aries left the palace.

There is no place to escape!

Impossible, she can't go against this person's will!

Eight years ago, when he was a child, he couldn't go against it. Now, the prince has grown up and become mature.However, it has also become more majestic, more noble, and more terrifying.


The gun in her hand dropped unknowingly, and she looked at Lelouch who was slowly approaching in terror, not daring to look directly at the other's violet eyes that were more oppressive than eight years ago.

"Kneel down!"

Before arriving at the irresistible Veretta, Lelouch looked at Veretta, who was like a little bunny being forced into the corner by a fierce lion, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and he shouted sharply.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Upon hearing Lelouch's order, Veretta's body knelt on one knee subconsciously.

"Now, I give you a chance!"

Lelouch stood in front of Veretta, looking down at this woman who had been forgotten by him eight years ago.

"Oath of allegiance to me again, I can let you come back to me again, otherwise, you know what to do!"


Veretta, who was kneeling on one knee in front of Lulu Xiu, was trembling all over her body. Her thinking was completely confused, she didn't know anything, she couldn't think about anything, she just relied on her body's instincts.

It is this instinct that, in eight years, was born to resent Lelouch for abandoning her, maintaining the last trace of her heart and guarding her only self-esteem.

Lelouch, who had let go of his spiritual position, soon felt the depths of Veretta's fearful heart, and the last trace of persistence that was still stubbornly resisting.

That's it, hate me for abandoning you!

Lelouch nodded secretly, and after finishing his thoughts, his majestic voice suddenly became gentle, with a trace of memory, a trace of sentimentality, a trace of sorrow.

"Actually, you should be very clear about my situation back then. The Queen Mariana was killed and the Aries Leaving Palace lost all support! Even I was deprived of the status of heir to the throne for rebelling against my father. At that time. , My side is full of dangers, I can’t even protect myself and Nanaly, so how can I bring you! Unfortunately, even if I hide in Japan, those people have not given up chasing me! If that time , I tell you, take you by your side, I’m afraid you’ve, I can’t take you away, or even meet you!"

Under Lelouch's lie, Veretta trembled more violently.It was not fear, or doubt, but excitement, an excitement of finally learning that she had not been abandoned by the person who occupied her body and soul.

"Yes...Is that so? Your Highness, your highness is to protect me, so you didn't take me away!"

She slowly raised her head, staring at Lelouch with hopeful eyes, and asked tremblingly.

"The answer lies in your own heart! If you don't do that, how can we meet again now! And, in this situation, it's like a destiny, isn't it?"

Lelouch bent down, the fingers of his right hand gently raised Veretta's chin, looking at this mixed face that was moved, hesitant, confused, and at the same time still hesitant, and gently kissed the purple lips. Flap on.

Under the kiss of Lelouch, Veretta's mind seemed to be struck by lightning, and instantly went blank. Lelouch's words, like a chain, penetrated her emotions from eight years ago, and pierced the pain of the eight years. And resentment instantly turned into guilt and love for Lulu Xiu.

She bowed her head respectfully and kissed Lelouch's toe.

In the western knight tradition, a kiss on the toe of the shoe means loyalty.

At this time, Veretta no longer had the slightest confusion in her eyes, only the endless awe and love for Lulu Xiu.She is like the most loyal believer, she confided all her love and loyalty to Lelouch to Lelouch at this moment. That fierce emotion seems to want to fill the vacancy of these eight years at this moment. come back.

However, what Veretta didn't know was that when she kissed Lulu Xiu's toes to declare allegiance, behind them, the young girl named CC in white restraints gave a thumbs up quietly.

(Nice, Lelouch!)

(Isn’t this taken for granted! Sometimes white lies are necessary!)

Lulu Xiu's right hand also detoured behind him, giving CC back a thumb.Later, he repeated his command again, this time without using GEASS.

"Give me your Knightmare!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Veretta respectfully handed the Knightmare key to Lelouch, and at the same time read out his own identification code.

"The number is XG2——IG2D4! Do you need me to drive you?"

"no need!"

Lelouch replied after taking the Knightmare identification key thrown by Veletta.

"I'm not worried about your strength, but Jeremia should be very clear about your fighting style. I don't want you to be sent to a military court just after reuniting with me!"

"Your Highness..."

Veretta raised her head in shock and looked at Lulu Xiudao.

"This is not something you should be concerned about, just watch it on the side!"

Lelouch replied coldly. Although he accepted Veretta's return, the relationship and identity of the two sides only returned to eight years ago.Perhaps, in Veretta's heart, the feelings for Lelouch were just more irresistible, and Lelouch, his own feeling for Veretta, remained the same as before.

"I'm very sorry, His Royal Highness Lelouch, I passed!"

Veretta apologized with trepidation.

"CC, let's go! The climax of this scene should also begin! Let me surprise Clovis! Hahaha..."

Lelouch greeted the CC behind him and stepped onto the Knightmare of Veletta first.

Chapter 146 The Trace of the Suzaku

"It's a pity, I can't go to heaven, Shumu first-class soldier!"

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