Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 176

Lloyd stared into Suzaku's eyes, pushed the rimless glasses on his nose, restored the out-of-tune tone, and laughed happily.

"Congratulations, the only Knightmare Frame in the world is waiting for you! It will change if you sit on it!"

"Not only you, but your world!"

"Whether you like it or not!"

Cecil looked at the stunned Suzaku, and with an unusually heavy tone, solemnly stated this fact. More accurately, it is a future that has not yet become a reality, but she has foreseen it!

Since seven years ago, this young man killed the man named Shumu Xuanwu with his own hands.

Chapter 147 The Phone on the Battlefield


A sharp hook slammed through the ground and smashed towards the armored vehicle that was shooting a group of escaped ELEVEN.The Bunitanian soldiers in the armored car had no time to react, so they exploded into a huge fireball along with the armored car.

"Damn, damn, damn!!!"

The hook lock quickly recovered, and a red Knightmare Frame that had lost its left hand smashed through the ground with a gap and jumped outside.The mechanical head glanced around, and the video installation gave a panoramic view of the surrounding tragedy.

"The Bunitanians did such a thing!"

In the cockpit, watching the surrounding compatriots who had died tragically under the Bunitania gun, Karen's voice was weeping with a trace of grief.Eyes filled with tears, but forcibly resisted not closing them.Because she must observe the surrounding situation from time to time and destroy the Bunitanian army that is heavily armed but is killing unarmed compatriots.

"Karen, can Glasgow still move?"

Just as the girl in the cockpit was holding back her tears and was about to go to the next place where the guns sounded, the communicator suddenly rang.

It is the leader of their organization, fan Yao!

"It doesn't matter, I'll be the bait, and let the people here flee quickly. Only our resistance elements will be caught! You can't let them die because we were under the gun of Bunitania!"

Karen resisted the possibility of crying at any time, and replied loudly.In front of her companions, she could not expose her cowardice. As the only pilot in the organization and a woman at the same time, she must remain strong.

Because at this time, she is everyone's only hope.

"I know, but they are all surrounded like this now!"

At the top of the ruins of an abandoned building not far away, a middle-aged man in casual clothes with a white cloth tied to his forehead shouted to the communicator. Next to him, a man carried a bazooka. Aiming at the sky and launching a rocket, it shot down a helicopter that was shooting innocent residents on the floor with a machine gun.However, this also reveals where they are.

Amidst the sound of guns, they moved again.In the next second, the roof where they had hidden was covered by artillery fire, and then the entire abandoned building collapsed.


Near the collapsed building, in an inconspicuous corner of the ruins, a Knightmare of Bunitania was hiding there.In the cockpit, Lelouch found the two members of the resistance organization who were escaping through the video capture device.

It was the fan who was talking to Karen, and his companions.

In the small cockpit, besides Lelouch, there were two other very beautiful women.The glamorous and incomprehensible CC stood behind Lulu Xiu, holding his body with both hands and chin resting on his shoulders.And the sexy female knight with a healthy, wheat-colored skin, Veretta, was naked, with her upper body exposed, kneeling between Lelouch’s legs, and trying to suck the thing that came out of the zipper of his pants. Hot penis.

She held Lelouch’s scrotum with her hands, and carefully stroked her fingers, occasionally licking it with her bright red tongue, mixing the prostatic fluid secreted from the horse’s eye on Lelouch’s glans with saliva. Go down.

"What are you going to do? Lelouch!"

CC didn't even look at Veretta, who was burying his head in Lulu Xiu's crotch and was making oral sex for him. It just rubbed the opponent's body with his hands and face from time to time.Especially when speaking, he not only blew the hot and humid breath into Lelouch's ears, but also occasionally held the soft earlobe into his mouth and sucked and licked.

This is not only a response to Veletta, but also a punishment to Lulu Xiu.

While enjoying Veretta's long-lost service, Lelouch had to endure the teasing of her favorite woman CC. The expression on her face was always sunny and cloudy, sometimes cool and depressed, making CC look happy.

"I already have a plan, but a few conditions are still missing!"

Taking a deep breath, Lelouch forced his attention to the plan and replied.Afterwards, he pressed the phone he was wearing and dialed Xia Li's number.

In the far away Tokyo Concession, in the Ashford Academy, the only aristocratic school, Xia Li, who was changing her clothes in the locker room of the swimming club, heard her phone ring, picked it up, and a hint of surprise appeared on her face.


Hanging a mouse-like phone on her ear, Xia Li quickly replied.

"Lu Lu Xiu, how come until now...where are you? If you keep playing truant, even if you have a president, the teacher may ask you to study abroad!"

A series of complaints made Lelouch who was on the battlefield in Shinjuku slums very helpless, but thanks to Xia Li’s complaints, his mind was slightly shifted from the mixed impulsive and happy feelings brought by CC and Veretta. Conversation.

"Well, I will tell you the specific things when I get back! Do you have a TV now?"

Lelouch didn't explain much, and asked directly.


Xia Li's voice had a hint of doubt, but it was not very heavy.

Although she was already Lelouch's righteous girlfriend, Lelouch did not tell her his identity and his plan to overthrow the Bunitan Empire.Not only her, but even Mi Lei, who knew his engagement, had only heard from her grandfather that they were sitting and preparing for the future to return to the empire and restore their identity.

The only people who really know Lelouch's plan and purpose are CC, Toria, the emperor, and Kagura.Even the king's army was only secretly accumulating strength in accordance with Lelouch's orders, and did not reveal any obvious opposition.

After all, Lelouch’s identity is there. As the prince of Bunitania, he still has the support of several powerful imperial palaces, and the first, second, third, and fourth princes have profound Relationship person.As long as he restores his identity, with his talent and potential, defeating a group of heirs to the throne and seizing the throne is the most reasonable thing.

Moreover, Lulu Xiu didn't want Xia Li and the others to worry about them, let alone them being involved in this cruel war of rebellion.

Listening to Xia Li's simple and cheerful voice, Lelouch felt very grateful that he had not informed Xia Li of all the things.If that pure and pure girl knew her current situation, she would definitely speak to herself in another worried tone.

But, such a Xia Li, can still heal Lelouch and make up for his life defect as a water girl!

"Sorry, there is something very important!"

Lelouch replied with an apologetic smile. At this moment, he even forgot the pleasure that Veretta brought to his body.Of course, CC also took the initiative to stop teasing and listened to the conversation between Lu Lu Xiu and Xia Li.

To Veretta, although she was holding a bit of rejection, if it were Xia Li, she would not have any jealousy or dissatisfaction in her heart.

That gentle and innocent girl can't give birth to that kind of emotion at all.

"Really, wait a minute..."

Xia Li's tone carries the girl's peculiar dissatisfaction. The tone of being coquettish to her lover makes people feel warm and very warm.

"Sorry, borrow this one!"

"Why, Master Lulu Xiu!"

"Is he coming?"


In the locker room of the swimming club, the girls who had been "fucked" by Lu Lu Xiu in the morning all stopped, gathered next to Xia Li, and said one after another.

"No! Lulu seems to have something important!"

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