Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 189

"Pay attention to the action time!"


Cecil replied high.

"Yeah, he is really the best part!"

While breathing the fresh air outside, Lloyd muttered to himself while looking at the slum city in the distance that was still billowing black smoke.However, what Lloyd did not notice is that when he was talking to himself, Clovis was riding beside the battleship just ten meters away. A soldier suddenly appeared and walked to the guard post outside the battleship. .

The soldier hidden under the helmet glanced at Lloyd, who was breathing fresh air outside, when he walked towards Clovis's command ship.

"Sure enough, is this guy doing a good thing! The seventh generation of Knightmare!"

Lloyd Asbrud, this is a person who needs special attention in Lelouch's intelligence.Among the forces of Shunizeer, this person ranks second in importance only below Shunizer.

Fortunately, his loyalty to Schonizel is not very high, but more out of a relationship with friends and funders.He would work under Shunizeer, and he was an object that could be won.And his value, through the Lancelot just now, can be perfectly reflected.

However, the time has not yet arrived!

Under the helmet, Lulu Xiu's violet eyes shone with inexplicable light.

"Stop, the ID is!"

At this moment, the conscientious guard soldier raised his machine gun and pointed it at the soldier approaching him and warned.

"This is the battleship that His Royal Highness Clovis was on board!"

"Finally there is a sentry! The defense is as weak as I thought in combat!"

The soldier wearing the same protective clothing as the guard post, hiding his face under the peeping eyes, came out a strange word from the guarding soldier.

"Combat? You are..."

The sentry soldier was startled, but the next moment, a red eye came into his sight.

A wonderful mark emerged.


In the eye.

It seemed to have eroded in from the inside, spreading through Lulu Xiu's originally clear pupils.

It was a mark like a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

The light produced from the depths of the left eye, with a strange red light.

Then, Lelouch ordered quietly.

"Let me pass here!"


The world is upside down.

Everything in reality passed away with the wind, turning into a strange and mysterious peace.Resolve all contradictions and rebuild an ideal world that is like a double-sided mirror and cannot be understood with all the consciousness of reality.

This is neither heaven nor hell.The sea is harder than diamonds, and the stars are darker than the night.Right and wrong replace each other and entangle each other.Only a certain supreme and noble person is crying, and the chaos that has existed since birth is quietly soaking into the infinite universe.

Yes, this is the power that the Millennium Witch CC gave to Lelouch.

No matter who it is, he will obey any order issued by Lelouch to destroy the world's formula.

Its name is-Geass.

The flamingo with wings flew into the soldier's eyes from Lelouch's pupils, distorting his will, his thoughts, and his world.

"Also prevent anyone from approaching the battleship!"

"I understand!"

The soldier with a faint red light around his eyes calmly retreated to the side and gave way to the lord he was protecting.

While Lelouch successfully invaded the warship Clovis was on, Karen, who was fleeing, also reconciled smoothly with Fan Yao.

"Karen, this way!"

From the alley, the figure of Fan Yao suddenly appeared, and stopped Karen, who was running past.

"Fan, great, you're all right!"

Following the fan, Karen came to a huge warehouse deep in the alley.Inside, hundreds of compatriots are hiding here helplessly, arguing fiercely with their companions.However, when it is said that it is a quarrel, there is only one main object.

The flow is bad, Yucheng!

"It's all you have violated Bunitania!"

"What are you talking about? Unambitious guys, do you want to be slaves to Bunitania!"

"Do you know how many people died?"

"Long-winded, we were also miserable!"

"Don't cry!"

Yucheng, who was questioned and complained by several people, including men and women, said that he couldn't complain about this group of compatriots, and excitedly waved his guns in the air.This weapon that had just been hitting Bunitania was aimed at his compatriots at this time.

Karen, who was approaching, frowned when she saw Yucheng's actions.With the comparison of that mysterious person, she felt that this group of companions, to be precise, Yucheng, was too useless and too much.

Obviously he has no ability, but he is arrogant and reckless, who he thinks he is!

"Fan, the person who gave the instructions?"

Not wanting to look at Yucheng's nasty face, Karen turned her head and asked the fan on one side.

"I don't know, I didn't respond when I called it, probably already dead! That white machine is too powerful!"

Fan Yao shook his head, indicating that he was not clear, but in his heart, he was not optimistic about the mysterious person.The shock that the white machine gave him was too strong.

(He didn't contact Fan to ask them, is it really...)

Just when a bad idea arose in Karen's mind.


The door behind him exploded violently, and then a huge armored vehicle drove in from the outside, and the front cannon was aimed at everyone in the warehouse.

"Look, I heard the words of the unknown guy, it's better to use poison gas sooner!"

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