Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 191

"It's not me! I didn't do it! You should know how much I admired Princess Marianna back then. In the Zodiac, only I and Cornelia, Euphemia has a good impression of you!"

Hearing this, Clovis shouted excitedly, telling his innocence.

"Then tell what you know!"

Lelouch pointed the pistol at Clovis's eyebrows and asked coldly.

"In front of me, no one can lie! Who was it, who killed the queen! What happened to the terrorist attack eight years ago!"

In the depths of Luluxiu's left eye, a strange mark appeared.

It seemed to have eroded in from the inside, spreading through Lulu Xiu's originally clear pupils.

It was a mark like a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

The light produced from the depths of the left eye, with a strange red light.

Then, Lelouch gave an order that could never be violated.

"tell me!"


The world is upside down.

Everything in reality passed away with the wind, turning into a strange and mysterious peace.Resolve all contradictions and rebuild an ideal world that is like a double-sided mirror and cannot be understood with all the consciousness of reality.

This is neither heaven nor hell.The sea is harder than diamonds, and the stars are darker than the night.Right and wrong replace each other and entangle each other.Only a certain supreme and noble person is crying, and the chaos that has existed since birth is quietly soaking into the infinite universe.

This is the power of GEASS, whoever it is will obey any order issued by Lelouch to destroy the world's formula.

The spreading flamingo flew into Clovis' eyes from Lelouch's pupils.

"Who, after killing my mother, killed my beloved woman!"

"Second prince Xiunazer, and the second prince Cornelia know this!"

Clovis answered calmly, and there was a faint red light around his eyes.

"What! Are they the mastermind?"

Lelouch was taken aback when he heard Clovis's answer.If it's Schonizer, Lelouch is not so surprised, but why even Cornelia!Lu Lu Xiu asked quickly.


Clovis raised his head quietly, but did not say a word with his open mouth.

"Do you know this?"

Lelouch shook his head disappointedly. GEASS's absolute order was irresistible. Clovis' silence could only show one thing.That's what Clovis really only knows about this matter.

However, for Lelouch, this clue is already okay!At least, he has the direction to track down.

The second prince Xiunazer, and the second prince-Cornelia!

"Really, it's really not me, and no one asked me to do it!"

After unlocking GEASS, Clovis immediately returned to the original state, defending in horror.

"I understand, you at that time, even if you had this idea, you didn't have the guts!"

With a strange smile on Lelouch's face, he slowly lowered the pistol.


At the moment when Lelouch’s pistol was put down, Clovis, who was trembling violently due to fear, suddenly flew up and kicked the pistol in Lelouch’s hand, and at the same time his body moved from the seat at an incredible speed He bounced and slammed into Lulu Xiu's abdomen with a punch with strong wind pressure.

"Hmph, I knew you were wrong!"

There was a cold snort, as if the entire air had been violently shaken, and the terrifying pressure was like a mountain, instantly pressing on Clovis's body, making him stagnate for an instant.At the same time, he slammed his fist into Lulu Xiu's lower abdomen, before hitting the target, he slammed into the steely air.


There was a sound of broken bones, drips of blood, dripping from Clovis's fist, dripping onto the floor.However, Clovis didn't seem to feel the pain at all, just stared at Lelouch's eyes fiercely.Even the pistol that was kicked off by him floated in the air and returned to Lelouch's right hand, but he didn't find it.



Following Lelouch's questioning, the air shook violently, and Clovis's bouncing body returned to the seat again.

"Why? You asked me why!"

Clovis's eyes remained motionless, staring at Lelouch fiercely. Hearing his question, he first replied in a rhetorical tone, and then he shouted more excitedly.

" asked me why!?"

"So it's because of what I did to Gobriella the night I left eight years ago?"

The corners of Lelouch’s mouth picked up slightly. If the terrorist attack really had nothing to do with Clovis, it could cause him to hate him, only eight years ago, the last night before he left, the attack on Clovis Birth mother, what His Highness Gobriella did.

At that time, Clovis was hiding outside.

"Yes, at that time, I stayed outside the queen's room and heard with my own ears how you raped my mother. Therefore, from then on, I decided not to let you go easily!"

Sure enough, Clovis's gritted teeth proved Lelouch's speculation.

"In this case, then you..."

"Stop...Stop, although my mother is different, I am also your brother. Do you really want to kill your brother!"

Clovis's courage collapsed instantly when facing death.No matter how he hated Lelouch over the past eight years, and even developed a strength that is not inferior to that of a knight, he is just a royal family who has not suffered any setbacks.

Facing Clovis's begging for mercy, Lelouch just pointed the pistol back in his hand at his head, leaving his brother indifferently the last word.

"Just speaking beautiful words, the world cannot be changed!"

Chapter 158 Calm After the War

"I said, Lelouch!"


Mi Lei's paper tube was waved down heavily, but it lightly landed on Lelouch's head, knocking Lelouch who was thinking about things with her chin awakened from contemplation.

"You fell asleep just now! Your hands stopped!"


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