Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 193

"Well, it seems so!"

Lelouch, who was indifferent to the work of the Student Union, immediately raised his spirits when the topic shifted to the figure of his lover. He recalled how he had sex with Xia Li during this time, as well as the three of Xia Li and Mi Lei last night. h scenario.

"It really seems to have become bigger recently, well! Check it carefully tonight!"

It's just that the heroic body should have stopped.Because she was too familiar, and Xia Li's body was already slightly different from humans, Lelouch was a little uncertain.What's more, he does sex with Xia Li almost every day, even if her figure really becomes more sexy, it's hard to feel it.

Seeing that Lu Lu Xiu was really thinking seriously, Xia Li blushed and shouted loudly.

"What are you talking about, pervert! Lulu, too, don't follow the president!"

In a word, Lelouch, Livar, and Mi Lei are included together.

"Well! Don't be angry, Xia Li! I'm complimenting you, don't you want your body to be more attractive!"

Lelouch looked at Xia Li's funny reaction and said with a smile.However, this insincere smile could not deceive Xia Li.

In shame, Xia Li finally couldn't help it anymore and hurried into the bathroom in the student union.

"Hmph, I won't tell you anymore! I'll go to the bathroom!"

At this time, she also understood that she had been hit by the chairman's plan just now.Lulu Xiu had already said that he would not be fooled, but she was the only one who had the magic called "GUST" in the president's mouth.

"I also go to the bathroom!"

When Xia Li's figure disappeared from the bathroom door, Lulu Xiu also stood up, leaving a word, and followed up to the bathroom.

"Lulu, why did you come in?"

Xia Li, who had just entered the bathroom, was about to close the door when she saw Lu Lu Xiu coming in.As if foreseeing something, Xia Li slowly backed away, blushing and asked.

"What do you say!"

Lelouch asked back, locked the door with his backhand, and then hugged Xia Li who was retreating. He kissed Xia Li’s lips, and her tongue drove straight in, prying Xia Li’s teeth and the inside. Sweet tongues are entangled tightly.


"'t be will hear it outside...oooo..."

The school uniform was forcibly pushed over the chest, revealing the tender and large breasts. Luloxiu let go of Xia Li's lips, lowered his head and held the proud fleshy flesh on the left, his tongue teased the pink nipple with both hands. Then they opened Xia Li's short skirts and her underwear.

Having been done to this level, Xia Li also knew that she could not escape, and with her hands, she untied Lelouch’s belt and pants, then took out her boyfriend’s penis, and got it up skillfully. Soon, her The finger was wetted by the transparent liquid secreted from the tip of the hot stick in his hand.

"Xia Li, the technology is better!"

Lelouch spit out the pink nipple, looked up at Xia Li, whose eyes were blurred, and praised.

Indeed, since he captured Xia Li for the first time, they have done it almost every day, at least once, at most five or six times, seven or eight times.Every corner of Xia Li's body was developed to the extreme by Lu Lu Xiu. Similarly, Xia Li also learned some skills every time she had sex with Lu Lu Xiu, besides, there was a more crazy Mi Lei.

"Learning from the president!"

Xia Li raised her left foot while talking, exposing the most sacred place of the girl.The pink honey hole opens and closes slightly, like a small mouth eager to caress, the transparent liquid is left out of it, exuding a seductive fragrance.

Xia Li hugged Lelouch's neck and gently tiptoed up, letting her wet cunt aim at the towering cock and slowly sat down.

"'s too big, Lulu!"

The penis, which was obviously larger than Xia Li's cunt entrance, pushed the soft flesh on both sides of Xia Li's vagina, and immediately pushed the flesh wall inside to the limit. The feeling of fullness made Xia Li let out a moan of satisfaction.

"Hmm... so comfortable! It's too tight for you! Obviously I do it every day, but it's still the same as the first time!"

Lu Lu Xiu took a bite on Xia Li’s left breast, leaving a bright red tooth mark. He hugged Xia Li’s waist tightly with his hands, and pressed downwards, and actually pierced her directly. In the deepest part, it penetrated her vagina and hit the fleshy wall at the end of Xia Li's womb.


Xia Li let out a high scream, but she was quickly blocked by Lulu Xiu's lips.Afterwards, Lulu Xiu, who had lost his patience by the comfort of Xia Li’s body, began to speed up the pump. He held Xia Li’s left hip flap with one hand, and vigorously rubbed the ball covered with him with the other. Drooling breasts, mouth chewing Xia Li's lips.

"Sure enough, what the president said is right!"

"Idiot, stop talking!"

Under the impact of Lelouch, Xia Li's expression became more and more blurred, her eyes moist as if dripping water.The obscene liquid brought out from below was splashed everywhere, and the air seemed to be stained with a layer of pink.


Knowing that there is not much time, Lelouch moved in and out of Xia Li's body more quickly, and the beautiful banging sound kept echoing in the bathroom.Fortunately, the soundproofing of the room is good. You can't hear the sound inside, but even if you don't say it, Mi Lei and the others know what happened in the bathroom.

Not once or twice!

About ten minutes or so, when the second wave of Xia Li's climax came, Lulu Xiu, who was attacking at full speed, also let go of his semen, and shot the hot semen into Xia Li's womb.

Chapter 159 The Sick Beauty——Karen

After coming out of the bathroom, Xia Li and Lelouch started to devote their efforts to the club budget in order to distract. Under the full rush of the three inhuman beings, they would be close to one day's work in the next half an hour The amount of budget is all sorted out.

Seeing that class was about to start, Lelouch helped Mi Lei check the club's budget, and Xia Li, Lival, and Nina returned to the classroom early.

"Really, the president's heart is definitely an uncle type! I broke the topic by myself!"

On the way back to the classroom, Xia Li was still angry at Mi Lei's molesting.If it weren't for Mi Lei's cheating, how could she hide in the bathroom so shy, and finally Lu Lu Xiu seized the opportunity and bullied her severely.

Thinking of the strange gazes Lival and Nina looked at her when they just came out of the bathroom, Xia Li felt her face heat up again.

"Mi Lei Jiang was like that from the beginning!"

Nina smiled and replied, the name of the goddess of mischief has been heard since she entered this school.Moreover, Mi Lei’s pranks have also mobilized the enthusiasm of the students very well, and can become the student president who is loved by all students. It has clearly proved that Mi Lei’s pranks are not just pure pranks, but also a kind of active school life Flavoring agent.

Up to now, it has become an indispensable landscape in Ashford Academy.

"Hahaha...Anyway, the budget review has also caught up, isn't it great!"

Lival shrugged his shoulders and replied lightly.I thought it would be a busy day, but I didn't expect it to be finished so quickly under the full effort of the three of Lulu Xiu.That kind of efficiency made him feel ashamed.

Should you say that you are the prince of the school!In addition to his handsome appearance, his own ability is also an important factor.

However, as soon as the three of them walked into the classroom, they heard a sound of discussion inside, mixed with news anchors' reports.

"I heard it was poisonous gas!"

"It's terrible, it's only thirty minutes from Shinjuku!"

"I saw it, it's smoking in Shinjuku!"

The three stopped and saw a laptop on the desk in front. On the screen of the computer, a group of people in chemical protective suits were doing various tests and spraying anti-virus solutions!

"That turned out to be poisonous gas!"

"The situation in Shinjuku, are there any other reports?"

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