Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 195

"No need to hide, no need to hide! It's just a bit too much hidden in a deep boudoir, but it's more than enough to be your third girlfriend!"

Lelouch's actions, Livar, who was familiar with him, saw all his eyes. Obviously, he had misunderstood Lelouch.However, in the true sense, Livar's words are indeed correct, Lelouch is indeed very interested in Karen, and also wants to have her.

Not the sick beauty, but the active and strong Karen.

However, Lelouch who had been observing Karen from morning to afternoon did not have any chance to talk to Karen.At any time, by Karen's side, there have been several girls talking with her.There is no chance to be alone!

Hidden behind the flowers, Lulu Xiu saw a bee stopping on the flower stamen to gather nectar, and an idea came to his mind.

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty: Failed Geass

"Ahhhhh... bees, there are bees!"

When Karen and his party were eating lunch in the garden behind the school building, one of the girls suddenly screamed in panic.Just when the chat was enthusiastic, a dangerous bee suddenly flew into their sight and couldn't hover, of course it would be scared.

It seems to be intentional. The bee was just chasing people to fly. All other girls have escaped. Only Karen, who is often ill, stayed in place, looking up at the bee flying around in front of her. .

"Karen, run away!"

The girls who had been scared to run away saw Karen sitting there, and hurriedly shouted.

Hearing the shouts of her classmates, Karen also realized the role of a sick beauty she was playing now, and stood up calmly, following the others to run away.After Karen left, the bee quickly went after her girl.

"There are bees in such a place... Is there a hive?"

After running to the bushes and squatting down, Karen looked at the bee that scared his friend away in the distance and muttered to herself.

At this moment, in addition to the bees that were driving away the girls in the distance, a bee flew out from behind Karen, who was hiding behind the grass, and dangling in front of her.Seeing the bees flying in front of him, Karen became a little impatient.

Seeing that several classmates had already escaped, Karen stood up, saw the bee still dangling in front of her eyes, annoyed, her right hand was a knife, and she waved in the air.


Suddenly, the bee that was flying around Karen was chopped into two by the wind.

"It's really annoying! If only it wasn't set to be sick in the first place!"

With a bitter complaint, Karen put the sandwich in her hand into her mouth and bit it.However, at this moment, a figure swept across the corner of her eye.

Turning his head to see, a very handsome and beautiful boy was standing only three meters away from her, looking at her quietly.Those mysterious violet eyes were so deep that they could almost draw people's eyes in.

(It's miserable, I was seen!)

Karen's teeth subconsciously bit, and the exposed sandwiches swayed with her movements.

This look, coupled with Karen's surprised look, exuded a different kind of charm, which struck the heartstrings of Lelouch.

Yes, it's Lelouch!

Controlling the bees, broke into the girl's lunch break, and finally scared away the girls who were always inseparable with Karen.Lelouch, who had been hiding in the dark, saw that Karen was finally alone, and immediately walked out.

However, he did not expect to see the moment when Karen revealed his true character.Moreover, compared to her who drove the Knightmare on the battlefield and ran into the battlefield before, and rivaled the knights of the Empire, Karen, who was holding a sandwich and looking surprised, was more cute and coquettish than a girl.

Really saw a good picture.

Subconsciously took out the phone, Lulu Xiu pointed at Karen with a sandwich in his mouth, opened his eyes, clicked, took a picture of the scene, and saved it in the phone.

"You, what are you doing?"

Karen will bite off the sandwich, then take the rest off, looking at Lelouch with a little wince.In an instant, the angry and strong girl turned into a deep-bowed sick beauty lady.Moreover, since there is still a sandwich in his mouth, there is a dull sound of chewing food in the voice.

"It's nothing, I just think you are cute, the type I like!"

Lelouch smiled back and showed Karen the photo on the phone.

"Not bad, I will cherish it, this picture!"

Hearing Lelouch's compliments and the wide-open eyes with the sandwich in the picture, a shyness flashed in Karen's eyes, and her slightly pale cheeks flushed.She had been "sick" and didn't know how to deal with this situation.Moreover, it was the first time for Karen to be called cute by such a handsome boy.

After hesitating for a few moments, Karen conceived the words in her heart, and then slowly replied in a weak voice.

"Please don't make fun of me like that! Also, it is a bit rude to take pictures of the other person without the girl's consent and save them privately!"

"No, of course it is not rude! Because..."

Lelouch gently shook his head, smiled mysteriously, put the phone back in his pocket, and stared at the weak girl in front of him motionlessly.In the depths of his left eye, a strange mark appeared.

The violet eyes seemed to erode in from the inside, spreading through the clear pupils of Lelouch.It was a mark like a phoenix reborn from the ashes.The light produced from the depths of the left eye, with a strange red light.

Then, Lelouch ordered quietly.

"answer my question!"


The world is upside down.

Everything in reality passed away with the wind, turning into a strange and mysterious peace.Resolve all contradictions and rebuild an ideal world that is like a double-sided mirror and cannot be understood with all the consciousness of reality.

This is neither heaven nor hell.The sea is harder than diamonds, and the stars are darker than the night.Right and wrong replace each other and entangle each other.Only a certain supreme and noble person is crying, and the chaos that has existed since birth is quietly soaking into the infinite universe.

The power of GEASS, an absolute command, and everyone who looks at it will obey any command issued by Lelouch to destroy the world's formula.

The flamingo with wings flew into Karen's eyes from Lelouch's pupils, distorting the girl's will, spirit, and world.

"answer my question!"


A faint red light appeared in Karen's eyes, and she stood there quietly, looking at Lulu Xiu's eyes, and replied.

"You took the Glasgow in Shinjuku yesterday to fight against Bunitania with the Japanese rebels?"

Lulu Xiu asked the first question.


Karen, who was hit by GEASS, couldn't resist and admitted.

"Why be a terrorist?"

This is the question that Lelouch wanted to ask the most after knowing the identity of Karen.According to Livar, Karen is not only a Bunitanian, but also the eldest lady of the Hutafelte family, one of the eight giants of the empire. How could he be a terrorist with this status.

After hearing this information, Lulu Xiu thought he had admitted the wrong person.

However, Karen's answer was beyond Lelouch's expectation.

"Because I am Japanese!"

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