Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 197

The blind girl returned gently, her voice was very soft, like a gentle bunny, soft and very nice.

"Look, it's done!"

When the girl was talking, the maid also held the folded paper crane in her palm and showed it to the girl.Of course, the girl with her eyes closed cannot be seen, so she stretched out her hands and took the paper crane in the hand of the maid, gently rubbing it, feeling the shape of the paper crane.

"Ah! It's a bird!"

The so-called vision of human beings is actually that after the eyes receive light, it is converted into electrical signals on the retina and transmitted to the brain for imaging.Therefore, as long as the light from the outside world can be converted into electronic signals and transmitted to the brain, even without eyes, all the sights of the outside world can be seen.

Therefore, although the girl's eyes were tightly closed, she could still "see" and see the paper bird folded out of paper in front of her.

"Yes, it's a paper crane!"

The maid looked at the face of the blind girl tenderly and explained with a smile.

"It's amazing, the Japanese are so clever!"

The girl praised, happily playing with the paper crane in her hand. At this moment, her face suddenly left from the paper crane and turned to the direction of the door.

"Sorry, I'm late!"


The automatic door suddenly opened, and a beautiful girl with black hair in a student uniform walked in.The young man exuded a cold and arrogant temperament, but when he saw the blind girl sitting in a wheelchair in front of him, it immediately melted like ice and snow in the sun.

"Welcome back, Ounisanma! Sister Mi Lei! Sister Xia Li!"

The blind girl "looked" at the black-haired teenager at the door and the two girls behind him, shouting happily.

"Welcome back!"

The maid opposite the girl also stood up to greet, and then walked towards the kitchen.Now that the host has returned, dinner can naturally begin.

"I'll get dinner here!"

"I'm back, Nanali, Sakiko!"

Of the three people who walked in, the teenager was naturally Lu Lu Xiu, followed by his fiancé Mi Lei, and his lover Xia Li.

"I'm here to bother again, Nanali, Sakishiko!"

Xia Li smiled and said hello, threw her schoolbag on the sofa on the side, and completely regarded this as her home.As for Mi Lei, the academy itself is hers, so she won’t even see her outside. She didn’t even have a schoolbag, so she walked quickly to the blind girl, Lelouch’s sister Nanali, and hugged her into her arms. She squeezed the girl's cheeks with her outrageous breasts, and asked in a childish tone.

"Nanali, is there any good girl today?"

"Woo... Sister Mi Lei is really true, I am not a kid anymore!"

The whole face was deeply sunk into the huge mountain peaks on Mi Lei's chest. Nanali struggled hard, and the dull voice of resistance came out from the deep valley, which attracted Lulu Xiu and the others for a while. Attention.

"Okay! Mi Lei, let Nanali go! Obviously I have been living together for so many years, and it's the same as I just met!"

Lulu Xiu stepped forward to clear the siege for his sister and rescued Nana Li from Mi Lei's murder weapon.When returning to the stable Eleventh District from the Commonwealth of China that year, Mi Lei, who saw Nanali again, hugged her tightly in her arms, squeezing her with the weapon that had already begun to grow. Nanaly's head.

Now, five years later, Mi Lei has a more sexy devil figure, especially the pair of F cups on her chest, which are so big that they are close to fouling, and they are amazing.However, compared to Mi Lei, the fourteen-year-old Nana's body is the same as when she just returned to the 11th district five years ago. There is not much change. No, there should be no change at all.

Nanaly's body began to slowly stop growing when she came to Japan as a hostage.But at that time, she was just transforming into a heroic spirit, and her body hadn't been completely shaped.However, with the passage of time, when the war broke out, and during the two years when Nanali accompanied Lulu Xiu to the Chinese Federation, she finally became a hero.Nanaly's time, at that time, had already stopped.

Therefore, Nanali's body shape will always remain the same as that of the ten-year-old girl five years ago.

Lu Lu Xiu, who had rescued her younger sister, picked up Nanali from her wheelchair, then sat in her seat and put her on her lap.

With both hands gently touching Nanali's body, Lelouch's lips kissed the girl's white neck and pink skin, filling in the longing for the parting time during the day.

After a long time, the feeling of emptiness in the heart was slightly satisfied on Nanali's body, and Lulu Xiu stopped caressing her, and a silver wire hung from the parted lips between the two.

Hooking up the sticky silk thread with his fingers, and gently saliva on Nanali's thin lips, Lelouch asked softly.

"Nanali, where's CC?"

From the time he walked in, until Saki Shiko put the food on the table, CC was never seen.

"For Sister CC, it seems that I ordered a few new-style pizzas in the afternoon, the quantity is a little bit larger, so she went to bed after eating!"

Nanali replied with a slight blush on her face.

This is, dinner tonight has been set on the table.It's steak and special beef sauce.The hot and tempting sauce is poured on the grilled half-cooked steak, which looks particularly appetizing.

"It's worthy of being a steak made by a special chef from Spain. It's so delicious!"

On one side, Mi Lei and Xia Li had long been eating and became the bodies of the heroic spirits. In their opinion, the best thing is not to have a powerful inhuman strength, but to maintain a youthful life, and no matter what Eat, you will not be abnormal body shape.

Although they couldn't make their bodies more sexy, Mi Lei was okay, but Xia Li always complained.

Chapter One Hundred Sixty Two

"Just now! Sakishiko taught me to make paper cranes! I heard that by folding a piece of paper a few times, birds, boats, and various things can come out!"

Sitting on Lelouch's lap, Nanali used a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of soup, and while happily talking about what she had just done with the maid, she put the spoon to her mouth and drank it.However, because she wanted to talk to her brother who had been separated for a day, Nanali’s tone was a bit rushed, and compared to her little cherry mouth, the spoonful of soup was also a little too much, so there was extra soup. The juice flowed from the corner of Nanali's mouth.

"Needless to say so fast!"

Lulu Xiu, who was holding Nanali, naturally saw the soup flowing from the corner of her sister's mouth, and while gently reminding her, she stretched out her tongue to catch the soup from the corner of Nanali's mouth, and then licked and licked it clean.

"Gluck...Oh Nissan, itchy!"

Being licked by Lulu Xiu's lips and nearby skin, Nanali let out a silver bell-like laugh.

Hearing Nanali's laughter, Mi Lei and Xia Li, who were enjoying the delicious steak, raised their heads and immediately saw the movement between the brother and sister sitting opposite, and a cluster of flames appeared in their eyes.


Mi Lei tapped a silver spoon on the plate containing the steak a few times, reminding her dissatisfaction.

"Hey, you two brothers and sisters don't pay attention, just flirting and cursing in front of us!"

"That's it!"

Xia Li on the other side also pouted and complained in dissatisfaction.It is a pity that the two of them now have a knife and a fork in their hands, and the corners of their mouths are still stained with dark yellow and colored soup, which looks a little funny.

"Ah, Sister Mi Lei is angry!"

Nanali, who was immersed in Lelouch's licking, was awakened by the jealous words of the two, her closed eyes looked in their direction, deliberately pretending to be scared, and weakly replying.

"I won't be angry with Nanali! I'm just talking about another guy who bullies girls regardless of the situation!"

Mi Lei stared closely at Lulu Xiu's left hand placed below, and clearly felt the vibration of Nanali's clothes.She didn't need to look at it and guessed that Luloxiu's salted pig's hands must be acting strange in Nanaly's skirt, maybe the fingers were too much inserted into the girl's most mysterious flower.

"Ha ha……"

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