Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 315

"Could it be... it's really you!"

"Of course it is me!"

Lelouch walked to the curtain, turned his back to the fan to wait for someone, and took off the mask.

"Only I can destroy Bunitania, and then pull that man from the throne into the abyss! Isn't it?"

"Is it possible to do something like that, you!"

"Yes! I have to say why, because I have a reason to do that! Kirihara Taizo, are you going to oppose me!"

"Of course not!"

As Tongyuan said, he opened the curtain, and then he bent down deeply and respectfully bowed to Lu Luxiu.

"Master ZERO, Japan's independence and future are up to you! If you are an adult, you must do it!"

Tongyuan's voice was filled with pain and sorrow.

"Please, Master ZERO!"

The other people on Tongyuan's side also bent down, please say.

"Damn it! I can't see it!"

Hearing Tongyuan's laughter, Yucheng couldn't hold back at first, and wanted to step forward, but was immediately stopped by Karen.However, Karen stopped Yucheng, but couldn't stop other people who were ready to move. At this time, Tongyuan spoke again to stop Hongyue and his group.



"Master Zero is undoubtedly the enemy of Bunitania, and the man who hates the empire the most in the world. I also know the reason for not allowing people to see his appearance. His identity is not something you can touch. A secret that is enough to destroy all of us in Kyoto. I promise! Master ZERO is an extremely honorable and trustworthy person, so continue to follow him! Kyoto will also fully assist you, whether it is money, materials, or information, we will provide first To the Black Knights!"

"Yes! Thank you very much!"

Fan was about to bow his body deeply, thanking him.

"Follow Master ZERO, you will only discover in the future how lucky it is to be able to follow him!"

Whether it came from true or false intentions, after Tongyuan truly confirmed Lu Lu Xiu's identity, he finally determined to increase his support for the Black Knights.If it was because of Kagura's arbitrarily doing it before, then Lelouch now really sees the hope of overthrowing Bunitania in Japan.

Chapter 251 Advance Together

Returning from Kyoto, the Black Knights gathered again and held the first meeting after the "Narita Offensive and Defensive War".This is not only a summary, but also a preparation for the upcoming new combat plan.

On the Japanese Liberation Front, this group of former Japan's No. 1 Resistance Organization, which was preparing to flee with the fluid sakura dite, was at the same time spotted by the black body and Bunitania.

Just after returning from Kyoto, Lelouch got the news from Dax that Cornelia was about to take action against the fugitive Major General Katase and the remnants of the Japanese Liberation Front.There is only one answer from Lulu Xiu—to join forces to kill the old things of these times.

Because Fujido has not yet joined with Major General Katase, Lelouch has shared his intelligence network with Cornelia, and then uses the elite troops of Bunitania to encircle and capture Fujitang.As for the Four Sacred Swords, you can let them escape.If the Japanese liberation front is resolved here, and the Four Sacred Swords want to save Fujidō, only the Black Knights can ask for help.

In that case, you only need to save Fujido to get five generals, and at the same time, the personnel of the Japanese Liberation Front can be absorbed by them.

This is a strategy of killing two birds with one stone!

However, without Lelouch's knowledge, Cornelia gave orders to the "special mission" that was originally unnecessary.In addition, he agreed to let the honorary Bunitanians and Suzaku join the battle.

While Lloyd conveyed orders to Suzaku, ZERO was also explaining the Black Knights’ operations and meeting with the Bunitanian who had provided information several times in a row, the original TV news producer, Torhart.

"ZERO, do you really want to do it? Although I was asked by Kyoto! But instead of fleeing overseas, I would choose to fight with us, why..."

"The intelligence provider... is called Ditohart!"

Facing Fan Yao's proposal, Luloxiu did not answer, instead turning his gaze to Ditohart, who was guarded by the two regiment members with guns at the door.

"Yes, I am honored to meet you, ZERO!"

After a few months, seeing ZERO still so close, Ditohart more clearly felt the huge pressure from the opponent, as if facing a god, it was daunting.

"Cornelia joins the Marine Knights and plans to capture Major General Katase on the Japanese Liberation Front! Is it true?"

"Yes, the bureau is already preparing a special report!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Fujido has not merged with Major General Katase, which means that the current Japanese liberation front does not have a winning weapon. The fluid sakura dite, which replaces the funds for fleeing, is the only support!"

Only then did Lulu Xiu organize a verbal answer to what he had asked before, and at the same time, he was explaining to the doubting members of the Black Knights.

"So, instead of fighting Cornelia, let Major General Katase escape first!"

Fan Yao is still stubborn.

"Fan, what are we?"

Lu Lu Xiu, who was not too impatient, finally asked in a harsh tone.

"Black... Black Knights!"

"Then we have only one thing to do. On the basis of destroying Cornelia's troops, rescue the remaining troops on the Japanese Liberation Front. Narita's revenge must be repaid here!"

However, the result will not change. The Japanese liberation front is just his and Cornelia’s prey.But this time, they will no longer have any hope of escape.

"From now on, everyone will be in place according to the instructions just now! Nakajima, Ditohart is the first time to participate in the Black Knights operation, you will personally lead him!"


Nakajima was a major of an old Japanese soldier, and his loyalty to Lulu Xiu was beyond doubt.

However, when Lelouch gave the order and turned around to leave, Karen suddenly called out to him.


"I'll talk about anything later! Inoue, follow me!"

Lelouch turned and left after leaving such a sentence.

Karen below hesitated for a moment, but still followed and came to the innermost warehouse.


As soon as Inoue disappeared into the black warehouse with Lu Lu Xiu, the door slammed closed. Then, from the warehouse, there was a rush of undressing and Inoue's screams.

In the warehouse, in the dark space, he couldn't see his fingers. He was pulled into his arms by Lelouch as soon as he entered. Although Inoue, who skillfully took off his clothes, could not see the man who was violating him, he was able to interact with him through the other's actions. The breath is clear enough to know the identity of the other party.

ZERO, she longs for the object of love.

Compared to just staying in the light place before just staying in physical contact and kissing, this time ZERO's action is obviously serious about taking her.In Inoue's heart, apart from endless joy and excitement, there was no resistance or dissatisfaction.

This is what she has been waiting for!

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