Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 322

Dalton finally ended his interrogation of Suzaku, but at the same time, there was a layer of doubt in his heart.

Chapter 255 Dialogue between Knight and General

Waiting for Dalton in the government hall of the Tokyo Concession was Guilford and others.

"Fake a business trip, thank you very much."

On the promenade leading to the office of Governor Cornelia, Guilford leaned back against the inorganic wall and held his hands. As soon as he saw Dalton, he said with a hearty smile.However, that tone was obviously gloating.

He smiled and stopped Dalton.

"You are not right, Jill! It should be said that it was an'unsuccessful' business trip."

Guildford shrugged.

"Isn't it really fruitless?"

"Half and half."

Dalton tilted his head slightly and said in the same low tone as usual.

"Obviously, the suspicion about Shuki is completely white. However, the suspicion about Suzaku himself is gray."

"do not understand."

Guildford's smile turned into a wry smile. Dalton always liked to show his "learned" in strange places. No, it should be psychology to be precise!Freud's works are the most placed on the shelf of this seemingly rude man.

"General, I have been consuming brain cells for the information handed over by the Intelligence Bureau since just now. Could you please stop answering me with such riddles."

"I didn't intend to bluff around. In short, it is necessary to pay more attention to that man in the future, especially related to ZERO."

In other words, that's what it is.

Suzaku did not provide information to the Black Knights. There was no evidence for this incident, it was just a rumor.As that Lloyd said, the disgust of the honorary Bunitanian as the Knightmare pilot, and the jealousy of the merits of the special commissioners are the source of the rumors.

Neither Guildford nor Dalton believed these rumors at all from the beginning.In huge institutions, there will always be intrigues among colleagues because of mutual dislike.Especially within the ruling army of the Eleventh District, the special missions enjoying special treatment are even more targeted.However, if you don't know the details of this situation and get to the bottom one by one, you will not be a leader.

However, Conelia, who had already had a good impression of Suzaku and the commissioner, would take the initiative to put pressure on the incident, and even pointed out that Suzaku was suspected, but Dalton and Guildford were very puzzled.

Especially Dalton, after personally interrogating Suzaku, the doubt in his heart has been transferred from Suzaku to Cornelia.That kind of disgust from the bottom of my heart is definitely not a false feeling.


"At present, it is certain that there is a deep connection between ZERO and Suzaku. In the Orange incident, even for other purposes, ZERO took risks to'save a person'. And in this incident ZERO once persuaded the taken away Suzaku to join their camp. The testimony was also recorded in the judgment of Shumu at that time. Even if Shumu did not secretly connect with the Black Knights, it cannot be denied that for ZERO, Suzaku is The key to something this possibility... Am I right?"

After Guildford finished speaking, Dalton nodded heavily.

"Yes, but now, Shumu hasn't even figured out the true identity of ZERO. It's just that, regardless of who ZERO is, I have the same feeling for what you just said. Although today is the first time to talk to him straightforwardly. , But it seems that he is not stupid, he is tight-lipped about some things."

"Obviously, hide it when you notice it?"

"Who knows! It's hard to see through. A man like that uses his beliefs as a shield, but he even deceives himself. There are such things."

"Isn't that the type of general you like?"

"I most look down on the kind of man who regrets whether he has done something wrong when he arrives at the Yan Luo Temple, but this man named Suzaku is obviously different. He...let's not talk about it yet."

Dalton said in a low voice.

"How's your investigation going?"

Guilford's eyes hidden behind his glasses narrowed.

"I think the information leakage incident can be confirmed as a fact. However, even if the information was initially leaked within the ruling army, depending on the circumstances, there should be other intermediaries operating between the ruling army and the Black Knights. Of course, This has nothing to do with Suzaku."

"Sure enough, it is the relevant department? The staff has been cleaned, but there are also places that are difficult to intervene."

"Especially the subordinates of the former Governor Clovis still have an overly strong tendency to racial integration. Perhaps they are used to rule by this system, and there is no innovation or progress in their thinking. Intelligence may flow from there to the people. Then it passed to the Black Knights. Of course, there is another object more suspicious!"


Dalton raised his eyebrows.

Obviously, he was exposed as a traitor, but Cornelia was greatly trusted.Moreover, after this time of getting along, whether it is Dalton or Guildford, they have recognized this person's ability, especially related to the 11th district.

"Well, I have investigated this person in depth, but it turns out that he has no doubts. He was even a small nobleman attached to His Highness Cornelia. He came to the Eleventh District and was arranged by His Highness Cornelia! ..."

"is it……"

Dalton thought for a while, and continued to lower his voice.

"...Is there any possibility of being instigated by the forces of your own country?"

Guildford hesitated for a while, and shook his head vigorously.But this does not mean that he gave a negative answer, his expression says everything.

Dalton asked him again.

"...It's not that there is such a possibility, right?"

"...As far as the status quo is concerned, everything is unclear. In the 11th district, although famous people such as Bruckner, Ashford, and Sutta Firth have carried out activities in various circles for the benefit of sakura dite. But these three, Ash Although the Ford family has fallen, the potential power is definitely not under the eight great names of the empire. It is even stronger because of accepting the relationship of the Aries family!"

"However, it is impossible for them to oppose His Royal Highness Cornelia!"

"Well, as for the other two, they were originally not the forces supporting His Royal Highness Cornelia and His Royal Highness Euphemia. Although I dare not say whether they secretly hope to step down the two rulers who are getting in the way, if you use it now If something happens to the governor and the others, the already chaotic eleven districts will be even more chaotic. If their purpose is to be in power alone, it would be too bad to do so-just."

"Perhaps the intent of the royal family to support each family is also different, it should be like this..."

In fact, this is the key, and it is also the thing that Dalton and Guildford are most concerned about.

As I said before, there are many royal families in Bunitania.Moreover, the throne is not absolutely inherited by the eldest son, so the battle for the throne will inevitably be fierce.Each is the prince and the princes, backed by the great nobles and big bourgeoisie, are intrigues and stare at the throne.Bad conspiracies are constantly being staged, not at all the elegant world depicted in the gorgeous court artwork.

Leak military secrets to terrorists, thus burying the two emperors completely in darkness.Both Cornelia and Euphemia are royal families with considerable inheritance rights in Bunitania.It should be said that, in terms of actual performance, Cornelia is a strong candidate for the throne.For now, the most hopeful of becoming the next emperor are Odysseus, the first prince, and Xiu Naijie, who is the prime minister of the empire. Even so, no one can predict the future.Let alone what the parties think, Cornelia and Euphemia also have a considerable possibility of a comeback.However, because of this, the more dangers are approaching them.

As confidants, Dalton and Guilford, while alerting to anti-government movements and terrorist activities, have never dared to take such threats lightly.There are not a few of the Bunitania royals involved in complicated events or accidents who cannot enjoy their lives-yes, for example, the Princess of Bunitania, who was assassinated in the Aries Palace eight years ago, is called " Shining Mariana"-Mariana VI Bunitania.

And her two outstanding sons and daughters, Lulu Xiu and Nanali, who were also at the apex of the royal family, were taken hostages for this and were exiled to the then hostile country, Japan.

The reason why Guildford and Dalton knew about this was naturally because they also had a great relationship with the two Highnesses.

The monarch they loyal to, Her Royal Highness, Queen Cornelia, was the most likely person to be married to Lelouch. It was only because she was older that she did not make a marriage contract.Instead, her younger sister Euphemia, Her Royal Highness Nanaly, and the fifth Queen Karin, the eldest daughter of the Ashford family mentioned earlier, were all the contractors of His Royal Highness Lelouch.

However, before considering these and the things that become history, the two loyal knights have more important things to do.

"Sure enough, Your Highness Euphemia must find the knight as soon as possible."

Dalton regained the shade, and Guildford agreed with him.

"Don't tell them these subtle things. Both of them are too gentle with their brothers and sisters."

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