Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 324

Hugging his hands tightly, this is the whole world, nothing else is needed.

"Because Yuffi is my favorite little wife!"

Then, he will kiss himself tenderly, touch himself, ride himself on the soft grass, and do all kinds of things that only a couple can do!During that time, it was Yuffi's happiest day.

Just be by that person, just be guarded by that person!

So sometimes I think so.

Why would I become so greedy?

A guarded existence.

Since when did I become so unsatisfied?

He turned on the shower with sleepy eyes, and then, for some reason, suddenly hot water came out of the shower nozzle.


Exclaiming in a low voice, Euphemia escaped from under the shower head.If it is Cornelia who has not fully adapted to her own strength, she may be unconscious, but Yuffi, who has experienced physical changes since she was a child, reacts like a normal person.Of course, the hot water did not harm her skin at all.

In the beautiful and comfortable bathroom, Euphemia happened to retreat to the mirror. Now she was naked in the mirror, or in short, she had a face-to-face with herself naked.


My hair is terrible. Although I usually comb it so neatly that I can’t see it, I actually have a natural curl.She has been depressed since she was a child, perhaps because the person she likes the most has beautiful straight hair.

Yu Fei always felt that why she didn't have such hair, she felt annoyed from the bottom of her heart.

Yuffi's hair is so soft, I like it.

Perhaps it was because of the dream she had had before, and suddenly she remembered this sentence.Yufimia smiled and walked under the shower head again without adjusting the water temperature with the touch key.Hot hot water poured on her hair and skin, thoroughly washing her beautiful body that the goddess would be ashamed of.

Yuffi closed her eyes and let the spilt hot water hit her face, her dizzy mind gradually became clear, and her cheeks gradually heated up.

At this time, the smile had disappeared from Euphemia's face.She took a step back, opened her eyes, and took the wet hair into her hand to observe.The hair has reached the waist.Although this was Yufimia's own hair, she was surprised that her hair had grown so long.She didn't like long hair since she was a child, and kept asking for it to be short, which caused a lot of trouble for her mother and sister.

Later, when the emperor said "I like Yuffi with long hair", he started to like his long pink hair.Later, Yuffi never cut it until it is so long now, reaching his hips.

This shows that I have grown up!


I should have understood this.

I understand that I have left that exquisite world long ago.

However, it was Guildford's advice to her to accompany the Cavaliers last night that made him realize this again.

"When I grow up, I will be Yu Fei's knight and protect Yu Fei forever!"

The appointment with the emperor brother when I was young is vivid, as if it was yesterday.

Obviously we have reunited, why not be together!

Yuffi closed the faucet, and the splashing hot water stopped flowing.

Go out of the bathroom and wrap your long soaked hair with a towel.By the way, if I were in the exile of my mother in my home country now, there must be a maid waiting on the side.No, maybe they will serve themselves to take a bath.She cleans her body for herself, and others wipe her body dry.However, Euphemia herself didn't think it was embarrassing.From this point of view, Euphemia is a complete royal family, and the living environment is obviously different from the common people in the city.

However, in these eleven districts, no one can surround Euphemia to do this and that for her.Sister Cornelia really thought about arranging for her a maid to take care of her life, but Euphemia simply refused.


Because I haven't done anything yet.

The superior environment, the protected self.Fortunately, my childhood did not have any doubts about this.However, as the years passed, the world became wider, and Yuphemia's doubts gradually emerged.

Why is only oneself always being guarded?Why do so many people give themselves so many things?

She felt that it was unfair.I haven't done anything, I haven't paid anything.But why, I was just being given and guarded.

Why does the world allow this kind of thing to exist, and is it correct?

The answer to the question is all around.

Originally, my sister was the one who was guarded and given, just like myself.But at the same time, my sister also personally protects those who protect her and give her.As the second queen of the empire, she was also standing on the battlefield, driving the Knightmare, protecting many people.

What should I do?

The guarded self, the given self.

Then, like my sister, I should protect myself and people, and give people something.With a superior environment, accepting it means that you have assumed the corresponding responsibilities.Wear gorgeous clothes, taste delicious food, and dominate other human beings.The only humans who can allow this injustice to exist are those who are fighting against it.

This is the so-called "noble duty"-the duty of the noble, originally referring to the responsibilities that knights and nobles in the Middle Ages need to bear.What they must bear is not only fighting, but also responsible for public services such as social welfare in the territory.Now in Europe, these obligations have long been forgotten by people.And because the Bunitanians moved to the New World America during the wave of the modern democratic revolution and retained their class society, their awareness of these obligations has also been passed down.The so-called tradition can often be kept relatively pure in remote societies, and this is the truth.

From this point of view, Cornelia and Euphemia are undoubtedly sisters.

Therefore, Yufimia thought, who had never done anything, she was not qualified to give it.I followed my sister to these eleven districts. In addition to looking for that person, it was also because I wanted to protect my sister who had been guarding me, and I wanted to return what people gave me to people, so I would accept the appointment of the deputy governor. .However, it is too far away from the ideal, too far away.

What exactly should be done, she didn't know.

Carefully drying the hair and water drops on her body, Yuffi left the dressing room.

Put on the bathrobe and sit down in front of the mirror in the room.At this time, the hair was not tied up as usual, but casually draped over the shoulders.This hair is for my elder brother, because he said he likes this hair.And my sister once said that this long hair is her favorite. When the two are alone, whether they are the emperor brother or sister, they like to rub their face and skin, kiss their lips, and touch it. Hair is growing.

I have been accepting their giving, so I have to at least give back emotionally.

"Knight, ah..."

Choosing a knight is, in a sense, choosing someone to replace the emperor's brother and sister to protect himself.Regardless of what the imperial brother and Cornelia thought, at least Euphemia thought so.

Being protected, but also means protecting the other party.I am no longer the child who acted like a baby in my sister's arms, so I can't just accept it.If others want to give to themselves, it means that they have to give back to each other.

But who should I choose as a knight?

The answer is already there!

But before that, she needs permission from that person!

Even if it was just a false deception, even if she would personally end the life of that "knight" after everything was over, this short-term betrayal required great consciousness and conviction.

"So, please go to death! Suzaku Suzaku!"

Chapter 257 Hidden Troubles of the Black Knights

The man is very slender.

The black coat, black hair, and face with little change in expression made him look capable, perhaps due to the dim surrounding light.Although he just put his hands in his coat pockets and stood motionless, his whole body exuded a strange gloomy breath.

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