Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 337

at this time.

Suddenly there was a loud voice in the celebration venue.Euphemia didn't know what had happened and couldn't help but look back.

From the entrance of the venue, walked into a man with a solemn expression and a coarse cloth uniform that did not match the gorgeous setting.However, he did not come towards Yuphemia.

Instead, go to Dalton.

After the man approached, he whispered a few words to Dalton, only to see Dalton's expression getting gloomy.

"Something happened to the Changfu?"

The Knightmare is called "Moonxia".

Its prototype is the Red Lotus Type II driven by Hualian, but it is not equipped with a radiation wave device like the Red Lotus Type II, and its sports performance is slightly worse than that of the Red Lotus.Simply put, it is a mass production machine.It is easier to produce than Red Lotus, and its ability is naturally not as good as Red Lotus.But even so, comparing it with the rogues and rogue modifications that the Black Knights have used so far, it is already a very good machine.

In front of Fujitang, who had lifted his restraints, under the moon stood majesticly.The black body that seemed to melt in the night sky.There are four moons of the same model standing beside it, and the one standing in the center is slightly different from the others, and the color is closer to gray.

This is the so-called, dedicated machine will be offered.

It's Japan...No, it should be very ancient China to be precise. When the monarch receives the allegiance of a warrior, he will offer weapons and armors commensurate with this warrior to express his love for this. The attention of a warrior.

Looking at the black moon in front of him, Fujitang smiled bitterly in his heart.This is what ZERO has prepared for itself.However, after all, he was riding a rogue with inferior performance, but he gave himself the moon.This also meant that he gave himself the command of the front line.

If I didn't promise him, what would he do?

While thinking like this, Fujido called the other four mechas around him.

"Asahina, Chiba, Shimbe, and Senpa. I'm sorry you."

"Lieutenant Colonel!"

"Welcome back, Mr. Fujido."

"Little meaning."

Through the external walkie-talkie, he and his subordinates who were born and died replied that Fujido was more grateful to ZERO.Even for these loyal subordinates, Fujitang couldn't easily die.

"Help ZERO, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time, use the remaining forces to break through."


Following the instructions of Nakatado in the Moonlight, the four people responded loudly.

While listening to their conversation through the rogue's communication line, Lelouch in the cockpit showed a satisfied sneer.

"Fujitang finally got it, and the next step is to complete the retreat, and test Suzaku tomorrow!"

However, at this moment, the cockpit suddenly sounded an alarm.A sharp claw flew straight toward the rogue in Lelouch.That was the hook, Knightmare released.

It was not Lelouch who responded, but the Red Lotus on one side.It jumped up from the hard concrete floor, and blocked the hook with the melee stick drawn from its arms.

The hook that had changed its trajectory swayed a few times in the air and was immediately retracted.The place where the hook cable disappeared was a familiar enemy plane standing on the ground like an arrow in the distance.

The white knight-Lancelot!

"What!? That guy is here—"

From the communicator, Karen heard an unexpected exclamation.But Lelouch was completely unmoved, and instead laughed with interest.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect... another question would come out by myself. The meeting between the disciple and the teacher would be very interesting! Hahaha..."

Chapter 266 The Fury of the Art Museum

The commotion in the ceremony venue gradually expanded.

It is far away from the Changfu Military Asylum where the situation occurred, but the people who gathered at the venue were all discerning media practitioners.They can get information through many channels.

The attack of the Black Knights--

In a corner of the noisy venue, in a hidden location, Dalton Andre, chief of staff of the ruling army of the 11th district, used a dedicated communication channel to communicate with the Governor's Mansion located in the headquarters of the ruling army.

"Their purpose is Fujitang. Very good, then block all the surrounding arterial roads... Well, the No. 9 station. The standby airdrop troops will arrive soon."

Even in the face of such sudden changes, Dalton's tone remained calm.No, it should be said that he had to calm down, because it was Governor Cornelia who ordered him to stay here, so he must do his responsibilities.

However, he realized that he was calm, and the shock in his heart at this moment was unprecedented.

Her Royal Highness Cornelia, why did she leave at this time? Why did she order Suzaku to kill Fujitang before she left? Why should the guards in Fujitang prison be reduced? Why...

There are so many reasons, let Dalton look for it.

but now……

"Understood, it is enough for the security team of the shelter to stop the enemy on the spot. And... now, the group of guys on the mission should be there too. Send my order and let them attack too-right? , Has already attacked. No, it’s okay. After all, it’s an emergency."

Beside Dalton, Euphemia stood still, though his face was calm.She held tightly the flowers used to select paintings, and listened to Dalton's call with bated breath.

Of course, Dalton spoke from a very far corner, but Euphemia's hearing beyond humans made it easy for her to hear those secret conversations clearly.

Moreover, now only she is qualified to listen to these news.

"I want to know the details of the scene. Let the police headquarters of the shelter connect here. Let them report... what? The light aircraft of the TV Bureau? How come there is such a thing..."

Before he could finish speaking, an exclamation of wow suddenly came from a certain direction of the venue.This time even Dalton was taken aback and couldn't help looking back.

The hall’s wide ceiling, where there is a huge display screen, is accompanied by a satellite communication system-as the person in charge of the art museum said during the talks-satellite communication, which means that it can be broadcast live through signals.

At this time, the video played on the screen was the latest news from the TV Bureau. Suddenly, the scene of the raging and smoky fighting at the Changfu Asylum appeared on the screen.

"Who? Who has automated this machine without authorization!"

Dalton impatiently watched the museum staff rush to the equipment room in a panic, and then he continued his contact.

"Yes, I also confirmed here... field concerts? That's why I went there because of this... No, there is no need to restrict coverage. Since it has been released, there is no need to restrict it. Yes. It’s very easy for me to grasp the situation here. Then let’s release the news about the airdrop of troops at any time..."

After the order was given, Dalton cut off the communication line.At this moment, Euphemia on the side said in an anxious tone.

"It's a civilian plane that flew into the airspace at the scene, so let them evacuate quickly..."

Dalton shook his head.

"It's a picture taken with a super telescope lens, which is not very dangerous."


"They stayed here to shoot. Of course, if our situation is not good, we will let them take refuge, but now there is no problem at all."

Euphemia seemed to want to say something, but in the end she closed her mouth.Dalton is an expert on military-related matters, so it's useless to sing the opposite.Moreover, the emperor should not expose himself easily.

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