Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 352

"It's been a long time since I quarreled with others like this—"

The slightly gloomy expression and tone seemed to arouse some anxiety in Euphemia.Seeing the girl's seriousness, Suzaku realized her failure to speak, but it was too late, Euphemia asked cautiously.

"Is there no one arguing with you..."

"long, long ago."

Suzaku tried to put on a cheerful tone.

"There is a friend who often quarrels with me, but it's probably impossible now."

"Can I ask the reason?"


Perhaps the reason is not on him.

But on yourself.

It is no longer possible to go back to the past. After knowing that the noble and perfect woman in front of me is the fiancée of that person, everything will be different.

Chapter 277 Resolution on Suzaku

Like Euphemia and the others, who were heading to Sage Root Island, Lulu Xiu, who had received the news directly from Euphy, just left Suzaku's front foot, but also heeled up.Moreover, because the preparations of the Black Knights were much simpler than that of Bunitania, and they boarded the submarine directly in the secret port of the military, their speed was nearly half an hour faster than that of Uffie and his warship.

While Yuffi and his party were waiting to board the ship, the submarine base of the Black Knights had already set off.

In the hall where the Black Knights reorganized was announced not long ago, the incarnation of Lelouch ZERO announced the deputy governor of the 11th district, the goal of Euphemia, and the people accompanying her.

Of course, this time the goal was neither Euphemia nor the big man she was about to meet, but the Suzaku who had just been discussed not long ago.If he was alone, of course he would not be able to attract the attention of the Black Knights, but if the girl named Euphemia was added, it would be different.

Because of the Black Knights, or ZERO’s activity, compared with the iron-fist policy of her sister Governor Cornelia, Euphemia’s style is quite ordinary and low-key.She was ridiculed as the governor of the vase with no real power, but from another perspective, this vase did indeed play the role of her vase.

Although her sister Cornelia is the governor of the colony, she basically does not appear in front of the people, so Euphemia has become a conspicuous advertising tower, especially in cultural promotion and welfare, her political achievements are quite outstanding.She participated in most press conferences, inspections of cultural and welfare facilities, and hosted various sports competitions.At the memorial service for civilians who died in the Narita offensive and defensive battle, Yufemia also delivered a speech as the host.

As a result, this kind of evaluation gradually penetrated into the hearts of the Japanese living in the 11th district.

Although she has no real power to rule, she will not discriminate against the Japanese.In other words, this may just be a relative evaluation made after comparing with her sister Cornelia.Cornelia's discrimination against non-Bunetanians is clear to the Japanese.Under such a policy, her sister Euphemia’s attitude and words in various public occasions have become one of the criteria that influence public opinion evaluation.

But in fact, from her words and deeds, she could not find the slightest malice towards the Japanese.This is the result of investigations made by Di Tohart on the issue of Bunitania and Japan after the assassination proposal was rejected, so there will be no bias.

And now, Euphemia's image of goodwill that quietly penetrated into the hearts of the people was strongly exaggerated by her appointment of Suzaku as a knight, and became the black knight that aims to overthrow the rule of Bunitania. Ignore the resistance.

Now, the Japanese middle-class people who support Lelouch and the Black Knights, to a certain extent, have quite a good impression of Euphemia and Suzaku.

Of course, it is not yet fully trusted.But there will undoubtedly be more and more people who have a glimmer of hope for the relationship between the two.In addition, under the influence of this incident, the news that the Black Knights killed innocent people in Narita spread by the Bunitan side was also quite detrimental to Lelouch and the Black Knights.The Battle of Narita did prove the strength of the Black Knights, but in this way, it also cast a shadow over the Black Knights' image of protecting the weak.

Some people expressed disappointment at this, so the following questions were raised.

If Yufemia deliberately spread the news to make ZERO and the black knights' approval rate in the Japanese decline day by day, take the opportunity to appoint Suzuki as a knight, and then use this to denounce ZERO, then she is innocent. The meticulous thoughts under the innocent appearance are really horrible.

However, both Ditohart and other members of the Black Knights believe that this situation is unlikely.Judging from her figure on TV, as well as her usual speech and immature behavior pattern, the emperor is basically not a scheming person.

Maybe she simply thinks that Suzaku is the best choice for knights, but the problem now does not lie in Euphemia's personal character and scheming.

The point is that the fact that Suzaku became a knight gave the Japanese another hope of getting rid of the oppressed situation.

It is necessary to weaken the Japanese expectation of the emperor and Suzaku. The most important figure is the son of the former Japanese prime minister who is gradually becoming a symbol of submission.

In short, he must disappear from the pure and kind-hearted emperor, whether it is dismissal or any other method, at least it must damage the image of the "Bunitania Empress who is willing to stand by the Japanese"—— You can let Shuquemu Suzaku say that he resigned voluntarily out of patriotism to Japan.

You can also use force to force him to leave the emperor...

However, the former is impossible.

Di Tohart discussed with Fujido, who was familiar with Suzaku, and the Four Sacred Swords, and first ruled out this decision.

With Bunitanian military status, and still attending school in Bunitania casually, even fighting his own teacher for this, the man did not advocate anti-Bunitanian patriotism at all.

For this reason, in the past few days, Ditohart used this to convince most of the members of the Black Knights.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Euphemia to leave the concession with Suzaku and head to Shengen Island where the military strength is weak, ZERO finally decided on the method of capturing Suzaku after discussing with Ditohart, Fujitang and others.

At that time, whether Suzaku agreed or not, as long as he disappeared from the emperor, the Black Knights could issue various statements in his name.It even includes that Suzaku was under the coercion of the emperor, and her previous goodwill actions were actually showing off.

The announcement of this decision, unlike Ditohart's previous proposal for assassination, was approved by all members.

After announcing the battle plan, ZERO greeted Chiba who was standing among the four holy swords.

"Chiba, come with me!"

Afterwards, ZERO, that is, Lulu Xiu, walked towards the back room where he dedicated himself to him and was also the head of the Black Knights.Chiba hesitated, rejected Asahina and the others' request to stay, and quietly followed.

However, when she passed Fujitang, she paused for a while, seeing Fujitang completely indifferent, walked past him disappointedly, and disappeared to the side of the passage along with ZERO's back.

"Mr. Fujido!"

"Lieutenant Colonel!"

"Lieutenant Colonel!"

Asahina, Bubu, and Xianba, the three members of the Four Sacred Swords, immediately surrounded Fujitang and yelled his name after they disappeared in Chiba.

However, Fujitang just shook his head silently, and then closed his eyes in pain.

On the other side, he just walked into the leader's room, and Lelouch, who had been waiting for the door, slammed the door shut and then locked it.

"Are you waiting for someone? Chiba!"

Seeing Qianye's trembling back who was startled by the sound of closing the door, Lelouch laughed playfully.While talking, he walked towards the cold female soldier, and at the same time took off his cloak, and began to unbutton the shirt and the belt of his pants.

"Are you waiting for Fujitang?"

In the darkness, Chiba's shoulders kept trembling when she heard Xixisuosuo's undressing from behind. However, when she heard the name Fujitang, she gradually took a sharp breath, and unexpectedly Slowly calmed down.

She answered coldly.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

"I don't know? Ha ha ha... Don’t hide it, you secretly love Fujidō, I knew it seven years ago! That’s why I started to be strong, led you out through Kagura, and then in the forest behind ..."

"say no more!"

"What, are you right?"

Lelouch, who had already taken off all his clothes, finally took off the mask on his head, opened his hands from behind, and hugged Qianye.

Although he didn't turn on the light, his eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness, and he could still see two black shadows hugging him from the left and right.Chiba's body shook sharply, but did not escape.

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