Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Lulu Xiu: Reincarnation Chapter 354

Chiba is not only his subordinate, but also a girl who has secretly liked him for nearly ten years. If it were not for various reasons and accidents, maybe he would come together with Chiba, even if she was once occupied by other men. .However, the subject was the only ZERO who might save Japan, and he was silent.

Therefore, Fujitang can only wish Chiba in his heart, and hope that she will have a good home.

Lelouch knew exactly what Tengtang was thinking, but it only made him look down on it even more.What drove him to do everything now was to make his own women happy, but Fujitang's behavior was just the opposite of his.

Lu Lu Xiu, who felt worthless for Qianye, coldly mocked the cowardly man before him.

"A woman's heart is very complicated, Fujitang! Especially for her first and last man. Do you know? When I was doing my job to the extreme happiness just now, the name of the man Chiba called was me! "

Speaking of the back, Lelouch remembered the name of the man Qianye had called during the final sprint, triumphantly raised his thumb, and pointed towards the ground.

"Fujido, Asahina, Bube, you are out!"

Fujido and Asahina shook their bodies violently, and then shrugged weakly.

Lelouch's words gave them no room for rebuttal.Even Chiba as a "victim" has already acquiesced, and they, outsiders, have any right to make irresponsible remarks here.


ZRRO, who turned around and was about to leave, suddenly stopped and looked back at the four people standing still.

"In these years, thanks to you for taking care of Chiba so well, I did a great job just now. Of course, I will love Chiba more hard and harder in the future! Hahahaha..."

Watching the laughing Lelouch leave, he let out an unwilling growl at Binay and Bubu, and was about to rush to beat him, but they were immediately stopped by Tengtang.

"Lieutenant Colonel, why!"

"We can't just be impulsive, ZERO is now the head of the Black Knights, and also the husband-in-law of His Royal Highness Kagura. We can't just be happy for a while and ignore the overall situation."

Fujitang who stopped Asahina and Bubu explained in a deep voice.

"The overall situation, is it just for the sake of the overall situation to sacrifice the happiness of Chiba's life? You know that the person that Chiba really likes is you!"

"Yes, I just watched Chiba being abused and insulted by that demon, I can't do it!"

But this answer did not satisfy Chaobinai and Bubu at all, and the two rushed to Fujitang to vent their dissatisfaction.

"That was Chiba's voluntary!"

Fujitang replied coldly.

"You... Lieutenant Colonel, you are so ruthless. You would rather watch a woman who has liked you for ten years be insulted by others, and then throw into his arms. Are you still a man?"

"I am a man, but first of all I am a Japanese soldier. ZERO is the only hope for Japan to get rid of Bunitanian rule. Only he can realize the dream that could not be fulfilled seven years ago. In front of this coat, only children Personal affair aside. And, I have always suspected that ZERO has another purpose, Chiba is by his side, and maybe he can get some useful information."

Fujido had his measurement, originally intended to hide it, but without giving a reasonable explanation, Asahina and Bubu will definitely not give up, only expressing their own thoughts.

"After all, even if ZERO is more cautious, the spirit will relax when doing that."

"So you abandoned Chiba!"

"For Japan's independence, a small amount of sacrifice is inevitable, not to mention! Chiba was already given to by Zero seven years ago... We are Japanese. What are these things?"

As Fujido said, he glanced at Asahina and the others coldly.

Yes, it is because Fujido is a samurai. If a woman can make ZERO help her country get rid of the oppression and rule of Bunitania, then this deal is really a bargain.

In the past, did this kind of thing be done very little in Japan!

Chapter 279 Attack of Shengen Island

At the end of the ship's route, a small island covered in green appeared.

That is Shengen Island.The total area is about half the size of the entire Tokyo concession divided into twenty administrative districts.There are military personnel and related staff stationed on the island, and no ordinary residents.

Due to preparations to enter the port, the bridge became lively.The liaison personnel get in touch with the deployments through the onboard communication equipment.The helm and his assistants focused on instrument checks, but when Yufemia accompanied by Suzaku appeared on the bridge, everyone stopped their work and saluted the emperor.

"The arrival time has not changed, Her Royal Highness Euphemia."

"is it!"

Yu Fei nodded gently, approving the actions of the courtiers.

"The frigate does not enter the bay, but stays on the nearby sea to perform security missions. Do you allow it."

"Leave the command of the team to the captain, permission."


This ship is not a dedicated ship for Euphemia.However, this is after all the warship chosen by the ruling army of the 11th district for Euphemia, with a special VIP seat on it.The upper part of the bridge is the commander's seat, and a Bunitan flag is posted on the wall behind it.

Euphemia sat in a position dedicated to her, and Suzaku stood upright, guarding her.However, Euphemia seemed to mind this very much. Judging from her look around, she should be looking for a seat for Suzaku to sit down.Of course, in Suzaku's view, even if Euphemia suggested to let him sit down, he could only refuse in panic.

Finally, because he could not find a seat for Suzaku, Yufimia sighed softly, and Suzaku was relieved.It depends on the occasion to care about people. This is a warship, and it is not uncommon for subordinates to stand next to an officer in the military.If Suzaku really sat next to Euphemia, the others would feel weird.

But if Suzaku had the power to see through people's hearts, he would never think so.

(Cut, isn't there a place for this bug to leave my sight? It's an eyesore to keep changing in front of my eyes!)

The dark empress Euphemia was roaring deep in her tender eyes.

Fortunately, at this moment, on the other side of the strengthened glass on the front of the bridge, a brand-new harbour made of concrete that separates the sea and the land is gradually approaching.It slightly drew Euphemia's attention, and Suzaku was lucky to escape.

However, on the wall near the entrance to the corridor with his back, Lloyd, with the usual frivolous smile on his face, looked at the figure of the emperor and knight in the distance, and said inexplicable words.

"How do you say it?"


Cecil didn't quite understand, she glanced at the emperor and boy on the other side of the entrance.

"Although it looks harmonious, there is still something wrong with the scenery."

"There's no way, he hasn't been a knight for a few days."

"No, I'm not talking about this problem."

Lloyd stroked his hair lightly.

"Let’s do this! Let’s make an assumption. For example, Cecil, you are a member of the EU or the Chinese Federation, not a member of the Bunitanian army. If there, your lord tells you to die, what will you do? miss you?"


"Although this analogy is a bit inexplicable, the so-called being a knight actually means the same thing."

Lloyd's eyes hidden behind the lenses were full of complex emotions. After realizing this, Cecil became serious.

"Is it like the Chinese saying, "The monarch wants the minister to die, the minister has to die"? Isn't it easy to understand things? What do you want to say!"

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