Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 356

In the Battle of Changfu, both Suzaku and Fujido chose their own paths, and Fujido accepted this very rationally.In other words, he has decided that he will not be kind to the enemy.In this regard, Fujitang is indeed a standard soldier, even if a woman who has a good impression of him deliberately puts others in the arms of him, he is still indifferent.

"The third division is going north along the coastline! If Yufimiya and the Suzaku's troops try to leave the island, they will stop it with the submarine! The fourth division continues to protect Lakshata, who is laying its net."

However, it's all up to now, and it doesn't make sense to comment on the battle that has already started.Besides, Fujido himself did not oppose this battle.He also believes that capturing Suzaku is indeed a feasible way.But now, the problem lies here.

Catch Suzaku, that's no problem.But after being caught, what should I do with him?

To be clear, the Black Knights did not stand to blame him for his treason and execute him.Such behavior is no different from ordinary terrorist organizations, but will make the Black Knights lose their cohesion.Nowadays, many Japanese regard Suzaku as a glimmer of hope. If he kills him like this without giving any reason, the accusation will point to his side.

To put it simply, the Shuque is not allowed to become a "martyr" of the submissive faction.If he really kills him, the Submissives and Bunitania will definitely condemn the Black Knights as a brutal murderer.Not only the living are qualified to be symbols, the dead can also do it.No, it may be said that the dead Shuque is more suitable to be a symbol than the living one.

Unlike living people who can act and speak according to their own will, the dead can be distorted in the hands of others.Become a monument and role model, even a hero.

Of course you already have a countermeasure-ZERO.

If not, you will lose no matter whether this battle is a success or a failure.

Fujido murmured in his heart to ZERO, who was watching his every move from a distance.

Unlike Fujido, there are also people in the group who completely believe that ZERO is correct.

"Inoue, Chiba! I'll leave it to you behind."

"it is good!"

"To understanding!"

In the speeding Red Lotus II cockpit, Karen Karen's sharp gaze scanned the instrument panel next to the main display.There was no hesitation in her eyes.A few days ago, the organization of the Black Knights was reorganized, and she was appointed as the captain of the Zero Division, that is, the captain of the ZERO Guard, the leader of the Black Knights.

After this battle was decided within the Knights, Karen had a conversation with ZERO.

"Don't kill the Suzaku, it won't do us any good."

Through the mask, ZERO said to Karen in a confident tone as always.

"Karen, the purpose now is to smash the'sweet dream' that Bunitania and the submissives who follow them want to depict. They want to deceive the Japanese with false peace and stability, and we must stop them from sinister However, in order to achieve this goal, Suzaku must live. I need him to live, and then cut off from the Empress of Bunitania with his own will-no, and Bunny behind her Tania’s connection. Through his behavior, people will realize once again that Bunitania is really untrustworthy and expected."

Lelouch hadn't told Kallen about his true identity, and he knew nothing about the relationship between him and Yuffi and Cornelia, as well as the plans he had prepared.So Lulu Xiu used the rhetoric of being ZERO.

Besides, he was originally playing a double-faced man, just like Karen.At this point, neither of them has the right to talk about each other, so the secret between the two is also subconsciously ignored.

"But, this kind of thing..."

Although he heard a hint of hesitation in ZERO's words, Karen was still a little puzzled.

Her doubts are the same as Fujitang. Even if Suzaku is caught, what should they do?Last time, in the Orange incident, it has been proved that Suzaku would rather choose to join the ranks of their rebellious organizations.

"After catching the Suzaku, I will let him make such a choice. He will not choose Euphemia, but our Black Knights, choose to fight with Bunitania, trust me."

Trust me!

This sentence alone was enough for Karen.

Yes, he always performed miracles with this sentence.For us, for Japan, this time will be no exception.

Karen trusts ZERO without hesitation, and has even reached the point of blind obedience.

Karen would also find countless reasons and excuses for this man.

Whether it’s self-deception or self-satisfaction, Karen has given everything to the mysterious man, to Lelouch who has his body and soul.

Therefore, at this moment, Karen is fully prepared to face the Suzaku who is in the same school and is also a member of the student council.Since he is an enemy, he must fight against him.

ZERO will bring miracles.So, I--my task is to become the sword and shield of ZERO, just like the sworn oath when Suzaku became a knight of Euphemia.

Yes, I am the knight of ZERO!

Chapter 281 The Trap-Lancelot Stopped

The knight is not only a shield to protect the lord, but also a sword to destroy the enemy.

The same is true for Karen at this moment. She drove the Karen II and rushed towards the enemy Sutherland standing in front of her. She swung the radiation wave claws almost to face each other, and easily destroyed the enemy aircraft. This series of actions even Even Fujitang's moonlight can't be reached.

Not to mention the strategy and tactics, if you only evaluate the combat effectiveness, she and the Guren II are undoubtedly the strongest combination of the Black Knights.Coupled with the adjustment and maintenance of Lakshata, the technical director recently absorbed, the body has nothing to worry about.

Just like Lakshata said, she is gradually becoming heroic, and she can exert her body's performance to more than 200%.In addition to experience, if you face Suzaku and Lancelot again, Karen has absolute confidence to defeat the pair.

"Okay, come on, Suzaku... Narita's hatred, I am here to pay you back!"

Karen muttered to herself in the cockpit.At this time, our queue on her side was suddenly disrupted.

It's the trash from Yucheng!

The hook launched by the white knight Lancelot cut off the enemy's robot arm called the rogue Knightmare, causing the opponent to lose combat power in an instant. Seeing the opponent's cockpit detached, Suzaku still followed his own philosophy. Destroy the opponent's cockpit.

However, he didn't have that effort either, because in Lancelot's cockpit, Suzaku saw the red figure on the main monitor.

"Is that the red Knightmare!"

Although not an unbeatable opponent, it is indeed a tricky enemy.Especially in the group battle in the long mansion, the opponent fully demonstrated its mobility and fighting performance.But fortunately, the opponent is just a simple melee combat body, and the pilot's combat experience is also slightly jerky.Therefore, as long as you use VARIS in your hand to sniper and use long-range attacks to extend the distance, there is nothing terrifying here.

It's better to keep a certain distance like this... But just when Suzaku thought this way, the opponent moved unexpectedly.Although he didn't escape, the red Knightmare suddenly flew backwards at the moment he recognized Lancelot of Suzaku, and it flew farther and farther.Suzaku couldn't understand this behavior of actively giving up the chance to win.

But at this moment, a burst of shooting came from the left, and Lancelot's main monitor quickly caught the attacker's figure.

Suzaku immediately used the telescope mode to take a look, and found that on the hillside on the left, a familiar black machine was surrounded by two rogues.But what he cares about is not the three rogues, but the person who leaned out of the cockpit upright and stared here.

He was wearing a black cloak and a black mask on his face.

"Sure enough, it's you——ZERO!"

"Bring your horse here, Suzaku!"

Suzaku and Lelouch said in the two Knightmares.

"Confirm the target, all the aircraft maintain the third formation to retreat, don't attack the target, repeat it, don't attack the target!"

Similarly, Fujitang, who noticed the appearance of Suzaku and Lancelot, also ordered the retreat according to the plan.Worthy of being the military talent that Lu Lu Xiu longed for, even if he retreated, he was not messed up at all and maintained a perfect formation.

Suzaku also noticed this situation. Since the enemy Knightmare had already retreated, there was no obstacle in front of him.Suzaku raised VARIS reflexively, but suddenly stopped the movement of his hands.The distance is too far, if you can get closer.

However, the ZERO on the screen disappeared in the cockpit as if seeing through Suzaku's mind.Then driving the rogue turned around, the foot thruster lifted up a cloud of dust and galloped back.

The opponent is luring the enemy!

Suzaku knew this very well even if it was the first time he encountered this situation, but he did not give up chasing the enemy.

"Please go to the aid headquarters."

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