Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 376

"Although I don't want to be used as a growth worker... However, it is true that only Lancelot can create an opportunity for victory here!"

"I understand."

Suzaku smiled and nodded.Lloyd also knows that this is a human smile.

"After seeing His Royal Highness Euphemia, I will immediately return to the mission."


I'm afraid, Suzaku thought.

This is the last time I have driven Lancelot to attack.Regardless of success or failure, I will never come back again.

Then, before that, I must explain everything to the girl.This is an obligation to the gentle girl named Euphemia Li Bunitania who admitted herself.

And what he hopes is that the girl despises herself, blames herself, insults herself, and punishes herself.If you can use yourself as a tool, then he will do what she wants.

Even if he is an enemy of the world, even if he twists his own rules, he will not hesitate.

I only hope that she forgets the two hellish days, and only hope that she will go forward on her own path.

Chapter 295 The Determination to Die

"We hereby announce that we will rebuild Japan as a legitimate sovereign country."

In the square screen, a thinner man is standing out loud.At this time, the news announcer's voice overwhelmed his voice.

"Atsushi Sawazaki, the central figure of the armed group occupying the eleven districts and four countries, served as the chief secretary of the old Japanese government and the second Shuki regime. After the war, he went into exile to the Chinese Federation, because he saw the recent activities of ZERO and the Black Knights. The resulting turmoil. With the support of the Chinese Federal Army in Kyushu, this action was taken. Starting with the bombing of the Guanmen Bridge, the riot spread to the four countries and its surrounding areas, and the scope of occupation was expanded. General Chen of the Chinese Federation claimed This is just the humanitarian aid she took and has nothing to do with the Chinese Federation. In addition, whether the incident is related to the Black Knights is currently under investigation..."

"How is the state of Suzaku! After returning the knight badge to His Royal Highness Euphemia, his state seems to have become even more strange!"

Wearing a white coat, Lloyd, who had been putting his hands in his pockets, suddenly turned around, facing Cecil, who had just entered the command room from behind, and said that this time the battle plan depends entirely on Suzaku.

Cecil shook his head with a wry smile, walked to the side of Lloyd, looked at the report on the screen, and conveyed Suzaku's answer.

"Said that if it is a battle, you will definitely obey orders!"

"Oh, is it so!"

Lloyd reluctantly pushed the rimless glasses on his nose.Cecil hesitated for a while, but still asked his doubts.

"Well, where is the Shunizeer Hall?"

At this moment, as the master of Avalon, Shunizel was not on this aircraft at all.

"Tokyo Concession, Suzaku's problem has not been resolved. Is this the next problem? Although the owner is not there, if this is not completed, you will not be able to fight against Gefjun Disturber!"

As Lloyd said, he looked at the huge white knight standing beside him-Lancelot.

What an eventful season.

He added something in his heart.

And at the end of the passage where Cecil came out, in an independently opened room for the Knightmare pilot to rest, Suzaku was holding his pocket watch that once blocked the bullet, thinking about something.

At this moment, in his mind, he recalled the meeting with His Royal Highness Euphemia not long ago.

The pivotal Suzaku, who had just been released, finally got the opportunity to meet His Royal Highness Euphemia, who had just returned from the shock.Suzaku, who had just entered the office, immediately saw the graceful back of Yufimiya standing at the desk with his back to him.

Even at this distance, he can still clearly smell the fragrance of the other party's body, and the long pink hair that is still dripping.

The other party just finished bathing!

Suzaku guessed that this is also normal. Any ordinary girl, after experiencing torture and violent violations for two consecutive days and two nights, will want to cleanse her body from the filth, especially the assailant who injected them into her body. Kind of things that can nurture life.

However, Suzaku does not think that this kind of bathing and washing is still effective after two days.If luck is not particularly good, it is certain to get pregnant after suffering the kind of violence.

What's more, ZERO's body almost never left Euphemia's body.It can be said that Euphemia's body may be gestating a small life.

As long as he thinks about this, the fragrance floating in his nose is like a poisonous whip covered with salt water, slapped fiercely on his bloody heart, making him unhappy.

However, it is more painful than him. It should be a woman who can't wash her tainted body no matter what!


Unconsciously, the strong boy, even after killing his father, did not kneel Suzaku, he knelt heavily on the floor, crying for a moment.The disguised strength and bravery, when faced with the lonely back of this gentle girl and the body exuding the fragrance of the bath, she couldn't help it anymore.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

"Suzaku, here you are!"

Euphemia had already felt the arrival of Suzaku, but she did not look back.because……

Because Euphemia was worried that once she turned her head, she would let the young knight who was blaming herself see the happy and content smile on her face.

I spent two days and two nights with the person I love most on the island almost without separation, and have been intimately together for two days and nights. I also tortured the scumbag with a severe lesson, and What makes Yuffi more happy.

Now, just maintaining the calm in her voice is already the limit.

However, this calm voice, for Suzaku, was more like she was holding back the sadness and pain in her heart.No woman can remain calm after experiencing something like that.

The calmer, the more the girl’s gentleness and kindness.

Because she didn't want to worry about herself, and didn't want him as a knight to see the sadness and pain on her face.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

The sad Suzaku could only answer in this way, just calling the name of the lord, which had exhausted all his strength.

"You can't do that, Suzaku! My knight, it's not your fault!"

With her back to Suzaku, Euphemia gently stroked her belly.

"I didn't go to the doctor, nor told anyone what happened on the island, Suzaku, you shouldn't be able to tell it!"


What came was the sound of the crying Suzaku knocking on the floor.

"That's good, if there really is a child, I will not knock her off, because she is innocent!"

Yuffi gently stroked her belly.The heroic spirit is infertile, Yuffi knows very well, but this does not prevent her from having this hope.It should be said that no girl would refuse to be pregnant with the child of her beloved, because that is the witness and crystallization of their love.

"Unfortunately, I am probably no longer qualified to be Emperor Lulu Xiu's fiancée anymore! No, I have no face to see him again!"

Hearing Euphy mentioning Lelouch, Suzaku felt a bitter taste.He remembered his promise to Lelouch, but now that he is even less qualified to meet him, it should be himself.

"By the way, I haven't told you yet! Suzaku, I already have a fiance! He is my imperial brother, Lelouch VI. Bunitania, the one I have always liked since I was a child! Although others It is said that he and Nanali are dead, but I believe that they must still be alive somewhere in the world! In fact, when I came to Japan as the vice-governor, I also have a selfish desire to find those two people! But... …"

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