Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 379

"I know!"

To make that Lloyd be so careful, Suzaku can imagine how powerful the opponent's dragoon generals and dragoons are.

Lancelot, who quickly ejected Avalon, opened the Float Unit and rushed directly towards the local headquarters on the strategic dashboard.At this distance, the most threatening missile has lost its effect, and the enemy sent a large number of combat helicopters to meet Lancelot in Suzaku.

At the headquarters in the distance, General Chen and Atsushi Sawasaki had seen the Lancelot that was advancing in a single plane, and guessed that the opponent was probably Lancelot, who had risen to fame in the 11th area since this time, and The pilot pivot wood Suzaku.

"General Chen, that Lancelot is a trouble, you..."

"Yes, I will meet him. If there is no error in the intelligence, the dragoons under me are probably not his opponents!"

General Chen glanced with interest at the Lancelot that was destroying the combat helicopter dispatched by him at an incredible speed, and turned and left the command room.

"Sawazaki Atsushi, I will be responsible for you and your people temporarily!"

The other half, Suzaku, who assaulted from the sky, drove Lancelot, directly using the hook lock, and easily shot down all intercepted combat helicopters, directly reached the airspace of the local base, and saw the headquarters.

At this moment, a communication from a public channel suddenly came over. On the screen, the face of Atsushi Sawazaki appeared.

"I am Atsushi Sawazaki. Is this the son of Prime Minister Shuki Suzaku? Is it? There is still such a son left!"

Looking at the familiar faces on the screen, Suzaku's mind did not move at all.He was here to beg for death this time, but he was rejected by His Highness Euphemia as a tool, and he had lost the goal of survival.Therefore, even if his father Shumu Xuanwu was in front of him, he could not shake his determination.

When Atsushi Sawazaki was talking crookedly about soliciting, surrendering, and taking away Japan's dream of independence, Suzaku had flown to the base of the headquarters and began to make the final breakthrough.

On the ground is the enemy Knightmare, which is standing in battle, and Sutherland is captured by the army led by Atsushi Sawazaki with the help of the Chinese Federation.

"Energy is limited, so we will break through directly!"

The four hook locks are like poisonous snakes flying in the sky, destroying all the Sutherland that is blocking the front. Lancelot is speeding across the house and the ground with speed and action beyond the enemy's understanding, with almost no delay, towards the commander. The direction of the Ministry quickly approached.

"Damn it, is this guy a monster?"

Atsushi Sawazaki in the headquarters looked at the majority of his subordinates who had been wiped out instantly on the screen, and the unscathed Lancelot, roared angrily.

"Where is General Chen? Where is her dragoon? Let them go up, and we must stop that kid. Japan's dream of independence must not be shattered in our hands!"

"Most dragoons are strictly guarding the coast. It will take time to retreat. General Chen has already attacked and should be able to stop Lancelot!"

"That's good! Damn it, because of a small enemy plane, we lost so much combat power. Those are the Japanese Independence Army that I have developed privately over the past few years. We have lost our own force. I am afraid in other ways. We need the help of the Chinese Federation even more!"

Listening to the report at hand, Sawazaki Atsushi thought secretly.Those combat helicopters, as well as the Sutherland, were his own private forces. Because he was afraid of becoming a puppet of the Chinese Federation, he attacked the four countries this time. He only agreed with General Chen and her twenty dragoons. All the other soldiers It's his own.

In order to prevent Cornelia's landing, he arranged all dragoons on the coastline.When the base was just occupied, facing the counterattack led by Cornelia, the Dragoons easily repelled the enemy, which showed that his approach was correct.

However, he did not expect that his subordinates could not even stop a Lancelot.

All deployment was disrupted.

At this time, outside the headquarters, the Sutherland who used their lives to delay time, the last one was also destroyed by Lancelot.With less and less energy, Suzaku has shut down all redundant systems to save energy and complete this combat goal.

However, at this moment, the attack reminder displayed from behind forced him to stop his speeding pace.

Boom boom boom...

A few shells accurately hit the building he had jumped on before, and instantly blasted it to pieces.

"Suzaku, be careful, it is the general mass production type Gundam of the Chinese Federation-Gene!"

Although I don't know anything about Gundam's information about Dragoons, after the previous battle in Ishikawa, Gundam, the conventional combat unit of the Dragoons of the Chinese Federation, has leaked out.

The five huge black shadows that appeared from Lancelot, which were exactly twice the size of Lancelot, were the current mass-produced type of the Chinese Federation.

This Gundam is equipped with a MA-M3 heavy-cutting sword, two legged M68 3-mounted missile launchers, a M59 modified special fire heavy particle cannon, a MMI-M8A3 76mm heavy assault machine gun, two One M66 missile launcher.

The attack just now consisted of a few M66 small missiles.

"That's Dragoons, and Gundam!"

Lancelot even hid between the two huge buildings, looked at the five huge machines, and muttered.

Obviously such a huge body, but the action is not slow at all, and the attack is amazing, plus the opponent's body is huge, the defense is obviously much stronger than the ordinary Sutherland.

He used VARIS for tentative shooting, but soon, the building he used as a shelter was bombarded by the opponent's heavy particle cannon from behind. He had to move quickly, just like a rat, he was beaten. Got to scurry around.

"It's terrible firepower, damn it, it won't work like this, the energy is almost exhausted!"

When Suzaku dodged the headquarters building, it had become a victim of artillery fire, and Suzaku's energy was almost exhausted.Lancelot, who easily broke through more than double-digit combat helicopters and intercepted by Sutherland, was stopped so easily by five dragoons, which no one expected.

"Hahaha...surrender, Suzaku, as the legacy of Prime Minister Suzuki, I promise to treat you kindly!"

Chapter 298 Command

"Hahaha...surrender, Suzaku, as the legacy of Prime Minister Suzuki, I promise to treat you kindly!"

Looking at the last building destroyed by the dragoons’ artillery, Sawazaki did not dare to say anything to the dragoons. He could only cast hateful eyes on the energy that was about to run out, and at the same time he was trapped by his last few Sutherland. Lancelot.

If Suzaku can be allowed to surrender, that Lancelot will also become his trophy, so Sawazaki Atsushi will risk losing the last few Sutherland and dispatch them guarding the headquarters.

"I refuse. If I rely on my father's name here, I won't forgive myself, and, this time, I have no plans to go back alive!"

Looking at the surrounding Sutherland, and the five gazing at the distance, they were aiming at his Gundam with the heavy particle cannon in his hand, and faced Sawazaki Atsushi's surrender, he refused without even thinking about it.

As he said, he didn't plan to go back this time.

"Really? Really look like! You...stubborn, exactly like your father! In this case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Facing the desperate Suzaku, Atsushi Sawazaki gave up soliciting.The other party is the son of Shumu Xuanwu, and that kind of stubbornness cannot be persuaded by words.Anyway, what he really wanted was Lancelot, not Suzaku.

With his thin hand raised high, Sawazaki Atsushi was about to issue an attack order.

However, at this moment, a communication rushed into Lancelot, whose energy had bottomed out.


The familiar voice made Suzaku's eyes brighten when he was about to die, raised his head excitedly, and looked at the screen above.However, what appeared there was a girl named Euphemia, his most important goddess.

"Yufie...Your Highness Euphemia!"

Did she...

The longing that rises from the bottom of my heart, like a light in the dark, illuminates his life.

"Suzaku, my knight!"

On the screen, the pink girl with strong combat strength bit her beautiful pink lips, seeming to hesitate.

However, Suzaku stared at the screen motionlessly, waiting for the answer he was expecting.

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