Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 409

"I told you a long time ago, don't have illusions about Yuffi. Fortunately, my plan has not been completely destroyed this time, otherwise, the punishment will not be as light as today!"

During the thrusting, Lelouch shot all the remaining semen into Nina's throat and mouth, and then wiped it off her lips, then rinsed it in the bathroom of the room, and finally left Nina's room. .However, in order to avoid accidents, he still ordered Sophie and the others to guard Nina strictly and not let her leave their sight.Of course, if necessary, Lulu Xiu can also come to try it.For those who like and support the team, Lelouch can't do that kind of brutality.

However, after returning to the villa of the club, Lelouch discovered that the matter was not over at all.He vented his anger on Nina, but faced the anger of several women in the family.

The first is CC. I watched the world's number one pizza fly to the branch, from hope to despair.Her anger towards Suzaku has been accumulated to the extreme. If it weren't for Nanaly's presence, Lelouch and Yuphy, she might give another order to kill the Suzaku.

So, as soon as he returned to the hall, Lulu Xiu saw that the naked CC was entangled with the same naked Nana in a six or nine pose.Her face was buried between Nanali's legs, her mouth sucked into the girl's sensitive stamens, and the sizzling sound of water reminded Lelouch of the sister juice she would seek in Nanali's lower body every morning.

Obviously, CC seems to have the same hobby for their daughter.

The pure and lovely daughter's love liquid is a supreme delicacy.

However, Lelouch would never have thought that CC, who originally only liked pizza, fell in love with Nanaly’s love liquid, because Lelouch would take a sip every day.

Seeing this scene, Lelouch had just vented on Nina's body for the whole afternoon, and the flame of lust was ignited again.Saki Seiko beckoned to the distant place who was arranging dinner.The beautiful and capable maid endured the maid and came to him and knelt immediately, and carefully untied his waistband, then pulled down the underwear, opened her mouth to hold Lelouch’s penis not long after leaving Nina’s body, and vomited skillfully. stand up.

While enjoying Sakishiko's service, Lelouch stretched out his hand to untie the strap on the back of her maid's uniform, and then reached out and walked around her face and breasts.Soon, under Sakishiko's superb ventriloquist, Lelouch ushered in a small orgasm, shooting hot and sticky semen into Sakishiko's throat.

Sakishiko swallowed all the semen without any leftovers, then licked Lelouch's cock clean with her soft and moist tongue before turning around, taking off her clothes and pants, and then lying on all fours on the floor. On the top, he pointed his buttocks at Lu Lu Xiu and raised it high, and the already wet stamens opened slightly, ready to accept Lu Lu Xiu's assault.

Lelouch held on to the two plump buttocks of Sakishiko, and the fiery avatar that reflected the lusty luster slammed into the heart of the flower in the center, and instantly drove straight in, reaching the end of Sakiko's womb, and hit hard. On her sensitive flower.

"Ah... it's rising, Master Lulu Xiu..."

Puff puff puff!

Amidst Sakishiko's soothing groan, Lelouch quickly thrust himself, like a bull in love, slamming Sakiko's butt madly, splashing foam everywhere.

On the other side, CC, who heard the movement here, also used his fingers to open Nana's small hole, and the tip of his tongue pried the pink flower path, gently licking and thrusting.Suddenly, the hall was full of lewd thrusts and sizzling water.

There are only four rare people in the hall today. Because the school festival ended in a hurry, Mi Lei, as the granddaughter of the chairperson and the president of the student union, needed to arrange various endings of the school festival. Naturally, Xia Li and others would also help. She, therefore, this place is rare and deserted a lot.

But this still makes no difference to Lulu Xiu, CC, Nanali, and Sakishiko who can enjoy it anytime, anywhere, three people are enough.

The next day, after spending a night of effort to appease the incarnation of Lu Lu Xiu in CC, ZERO, came to the Shinjuku slum outside the concession, which is the secret base of the Black Knights.

As he thought, the inside of the Black Knights had been completely in chaos because of Euphemia's declaration of the establishment of the "Japan Administrative Region".Of course, there are still many people at the cadre level who remain sober, so that the Black Knights did not fall apart because of this resolution, but various keynotes have been circulating internally, and the hearts of the people are floating.

As soon as Lelouch arrived, Ditohart Lit, the first Bunitanian to join the Black Knights, greeted him.

"What to do, ZERO, I didn't expect that Bunitania would have this trick. Although there are geographical restrictions, it is just in line with the strategic goal we set not long ago!"

"Huh, what's the panic, the sky won't fall!"

Lelouch glanced at Ditohart coldly. This person is indeed very capable, but he is the kind of person who is extremely unwilling to be lonely.In other words, he is the kind of person who fears that the world will not be chaotic, so when he heard of Yufimiya's decision to establish a "Japanese administrative special zone", he was even more excited than those Japanese.

Compared with the excited Ditohart and the members of the Red Moon family, the Four Sacred Swords and Fujitang, as well as Lakshata and Karen, their expressions were very calm.Fujitang and the Four Sacred Swords know the identity of Lulu Xiu, and even know that Yufimia is his fiancée. Even if the Japanese administrative special zone is established, they can follow the meaning of Lu Lu Xiu. change.Lakshata and Karen didn't care, they trusted their man completely.

However, since there are so many people who are so impetuous because of Yuffi's simple decision, it happens to exclude them from the Black Knights.Of course, compared with the male members, the female members of the Black Knights have one more choice.

Chapter 322 The establishment of the special zone is in progress

"Administrative Special Zone Japan, another farce made by His Highness Euphemia!"

"I just hope that it won't become a reality like the canonization of Suzaku as a knight! There are quite bad rumors about her!"

"The incident on Shengen Island, I heard that I have been in contact with ZERO!"

"Does it have something to do with the high level of the country? That would be troublesome! After all, Schnauzer is currently the most powerful heir to the throne, Cornelia is second, and His Royal Highness Genivier and His Royal Highness Karin are third. And because of this, His Royal Highness Euphemia, who was originally with His Royal Highness Cornelia, is said to have a very unpleasant quarrel, which can be counted as the fourth. If you get involved in a royal battle, it will be troublesome!"

"This is impossible. The person who is questioning her is not only the governor, but there are also some suspicions on the country's side, and she will not be allowed to go crazy!"

"In short, no matter what the relationship with that side should be..."

"Well, it should be cut off. The fire at the gate of the city has caused the pond fish. We can't become the victims of the royal family war. At this time, even a little negligence will become their merit!"

In the secret meeting room of the governing hall, all the forces that have various connections and collusion with the six Kyoto houses, headed by the undersecretary of affairs, are here.Because of Euphemia’s proposal of "Administrative Special Zone Japan", the six Kyoto companies, the old Japanese consortium headed by NAC, have begun to waver, and the political officials of Bunitania who share their interests have also They began to become active, and today is a meeting they held to discuss the way out.

However, Cornelia, who is firmly seated in the Diaoyutai Mountains, has long been determined to clean up these corrupt and incompetent people who occupy important positions in the 11th district government.Therefore, all their actions, including the destruction of evidence of collusion with the NAC, as well as cutting off various connections, and mobilizing funds, are all within her grasp.

This meeting itself was initiated by one of Lulu Xiu's subordinates lurking in this group of forces, so that Cornelia could catch them all.Moreover, by the way, he also told Schonizel about this incident through General Bartlett, who had always wanted to avenge Clovis.

Because Cecil reported that after Suzaku returned to the mission that night, Schnauzer personally had a brief conversation with Suzaku. Although the content is not known, it can be guessed that it must have happened between the Governor and the Vice Governor not long ago. The quarrel between them is related.

Therefore, when the undersecretary of affairs said to cut off the contact with NAC, the door of the secret meeting room suddenly opened.The light from the corridor came in, and two figures were reflected.

"too late!"

From the very beginning, Dalton, who stood outside the door and listened to the conversation inside through a wiretap, coldly shattered the hope of the bunch of Bunitanians inside.

"All the evidence is gathered, the undersecretary of affairs, sharing the interests of NAC, and the interests of betraying the empire!"

Standing next to Dalton was Bartlett, who was wearing a general uniform with a barrel belly tall, with an expression of hatred on his face, staring angrily at the group of bureaucrats in the dark conference room.

"General Dalton, thank you!"

He first thanked Dalton for letting him join in this action, and then, with a voice that was as if talking to himself, but also confiding some kind of emotion, he remembered.

"This time... this time, we can finally clear all the people who used His Royal Highness Kurovius!"

"Indeed, because of His Highness Euphemia's special zone proposal, there are more panicked rats than we expected. However, this is just the beginning, and then it will be the NAC's turn!"

When Bartlett looked at the undersecretary and his companions with mocking eyes, he didn't notice. Dalton, who was standing next to him, also looked at him with the same eyes.

The rats that fell into the trap were not just the group of undersecretaries!

It has been about a month since the sudden declaration of the establishment of the special zone, and Yuffi, who didn't know that he dug it down with a hoe, but unearthed so many rats, all his attention was focused on the establishment of the "Japanese administrative special zone" .

The number of Japanese who wish to move to the special zone has reached 200,000.Not only the previous Bunitanian submissives, but also the anti-Bunitanian factions who intend to join the SAR.On the other hand, while preparing for the commemoration ceremony of the special zone with Dalton and Suzaku, the initiator of the plan, Euphemia also began to negotiate with the civilian officials dispatched by his country about the establishment of the special zone.

In fact, it is impossible to establish a special zone simply by gathering the number of people. First of all, there is the issue of living security for the Japanese.There are as many tasks as a hill to build towns, employment issues, judicial systems, and security systems.Fortunately, both Kyoto and NAC agreed to assist the special zone, and the plan to provide funds and attract Japanese companies went smoothly.

As the situation is moving towards accelerating the development of the special zone, another whimsical idea mentioned by Euphemia on the "Administrative Special Zone-Japan" plan has also attracted people's attention.

Euphemia did say: “As long as you assist the SAR, you will be exempted from all charges of ZERO.” Euphemia then announced again that he would also prepare a seat for ZERO at the memorial ceremony five days later, alongside her position. As two equal consuls of the "Administrative Special Administrative Region Japan", this decision shocked the world again.In this way, people's attention shifted to ZERO, who was handed out the olive branch by Euphemia.

As the head of the Black Knights, ZERO, who has great prestige in the eyes of the Japanese, can be said to represent the entire Black Knights and the will of all resistance organizations.

Therefore, whether ZERO will respond to Euphemia has become the most concerned issue.

If you believe Euphemia, the personal safety of ZERO and the Black Knights will be protected when participating in the special zone.But on the other hand, they should completely lose the force they possess.If you obey the SAR, ZERO will become an approver of the Bunitania policy, and this is a matter of course.Bunitania will not allow them to retain the force that threatens them.

So, will ZERO reject Euphemia's proposal?

However, many people think that that is also very difficult.If an action that is clearly opposed to the SAR is taken, it will even threaten the existence of ZERO and the Black Knights.Don't forget that the original proposal made by ZERO and the Black Knights was to protect the weak, not to bring down Bunitania.In essence, Euphemia's special zone concept also has a strong sense of protecting the weak.If it takes an offensive attitude, ZERO will personally deny its claims.

In addition, in fact, the current Japanese are more inclined to support Euphemia and the "Special Administrative Region-Japan" than ZERO.Once hostile to it, ZERO may even be in danger of being regarded as an enemy of Japan.

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