Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 417

People screamed and screamed and fled in all directions, but despite desperately trying to get as far as possible from the ceremony venue, Knightmare approached them at an amazing speed.

Is it reinforcements from the Bunitanian army?

In desperation, they stopped, but soon a burst of exclamation burst out from the crowd.Most of the units in the Knightmare squad that were coming here were not Sutherland and Glasgow of the Bunitanian army, but a unified black unit that was darker than darkness-rogue.

"Black, black knights!"

"ZERO! ZERO has come to save us!"

"Hurry up here!"

Yes, it was the Knightmare unit of the Black Knights that Lelouch had arranged in the woods.Red Moon Karen, the captain of the zero division, drove the Red Lotus II and took the lead. The silver claws instantly grabbed the head of the front Sutherland, and the red radiation wave instantly destroyed it.

"Damn Bunitania, dare to deceive us!"

"ELEVEN, just die!"

The other Sutherland was holding a huge knight's gun and rushed to the Fujitang, which surpassed Karen and rushed to the ceremony venue at full speed.However, before his roar was over, Fujitang cut off his head with a sword, and then exploded fiercely.

"Really, this is your nature!"

Without even looking at the enemy plane that was cut down by him, Fujitang looked at the corpse of his compatriots on the ground in front of the venue, leaving angrily for the first time.

In the distance, the Japanese Bunitanian army who was slaughtering and fleeing saw the appearance of the Knightmare of the Black Knights. After the sacrifice of two knights, they finally woke up from the frenetic killing.After all, they are a group of well-trained soldiers, and what appears in front of them at this moment is not a lamb to be slaughtered that can be ravaged by them, but a pack of wolves with sharp teeth like themselves.The wildly killed carnivorous beasts immediately turned into an army.The non-commissioned officer as the team leader reprimanded the subordinates who were still obsessed with killing, and they formed a formation to prepare against the rapidly approaching Knightmare troops.

It is worthy of the official army of Bunitania. Although it is not elite, it still surpasses the Black Knights overall.Even if there is no trump card, in a head-to-head battle like this, apart from Karen, Fujitang, and the Four Sacred Swords, I am afraid that others will suffer a certain loss.

However, just when the two armies are about to collide.

Suddenly, continuous gunfire sounded from behind the Bunitanian Knightmare who was busy forming the team. Sutherland was completely destroyed and then exploded.


The team leader made a shocked call and turned to look in the direction of the attack.Then, the enemy who appeared in front of him completely stunned him and the other survivors.

On the building above the venue in front, a gorgeous pink machine stood there.What surprised them was not the strangeness of each other, but the familiarity.That machine body.Obviously it is Euphemia's exclusive knight, the only seventh-generation Knightmare in the 11th district, and the most powerful Knightmare-Lancelot!

However, the Lancelot driven by Suzaku was white, but the one that appeared in front of them was pink, just like the soft and long pink hair of His Royal Highness Euphemia.


Chapter 329 The Dark Queen-Fallen Knight

"This is Euphemia Li Bunitania!"

From the pink Lancelot's loudspeaker, Euphemia's familiar voice came.With a shocking force, it resounded throughout the venue.

"My knight, Suzaku, has turned his back on the glory of the knight and betrayed me as the lord for a higher position and position!"

The shocking news spread all over the battlefield instantly along with Euphemia's voice.After Euphemia personally explained, and her impression of the gentle and innocent emperor she had erected in the past, everyone chose to believe her.

"ZERO has negotiated with me and decided to lead the Black Knights to lay down their weapons and join the'Special Administrative Region-Japan'! However, Suzaku betrayed me, betrayed Japan, and suddenly attacked ZERO to undermine the establishment of the Special Administrative Region Japan! All soldiers who are loyal to me, assist the Black Knights, prevent the massacre, and rescue the Japanese. Also, punish the despicable betrayer—Suzaku!"

The diametrically opposite command stunned the knights who had been soaked in the blood of countless Japanese.Then, behind the team leader, several knights who had been silent aimed at his back and pulled the trigger.

"You, what are you doing!?"

The team leader roared at the telegraph and turned the body.At the same time, the body that had attacked Sutherland set up a rifle and aimed at the head of the captain that had not exploded and fired a bullet.


"The Black Knights are righteous!"

The pilot sitting in the cockpit of Sutherland muttered to himself as he watched the squad leader's plane exploding before the battle.

"They are justice, so I have to stand on their side. Lord ZERO, long live, long live Your Highness Euphemia!"

His eyes were red and his eyes pierced.

It is the function of Lulu Xiu’s GEASS.In the original plan, after Suzaku injured or even killed a few Japanese, Lelouch would drive Gaowen away from the attack by Suzaku and the guards, and then the Black Knights rushed into the venue, and you Fimia joined forces to expose Bunitania's conspiracy and Suzaku's betrayal of Euphemia and Japan.

At that time, the Black Knights must first break through the defense of the Bunitanian Army.And with the support of some "righteous" soldiers, Lelouch had already imposed GEASS on the pilots of the Bunitanian army in advance, and the signal was opened when Euphemia said that Suzaku was a betrayer. words.

The pilot who was also given GEASS also began an attack on the Bunitanian army.Of course, this scene was also seen by the Black Knights who were about to confront Bunitania.

It seems that those people are Bunitanian soldiers loyal to Euphemia.

"Now, rush in!"

"What a Bunitania, bastard!"


Lancelot, launched from Avalon, went straight to the ceremony venue.But at this time, the Bunitan Army and the Black Knights were fighting fiercely on the ground. Although the knights from GEASS were assisted, they were still unable to face the army that had originally appeared to capture CC and Lelouch. To occupy an absolute advantage, you can only rely on Kalen, Fujitang and others to slowly wear down the opponent's strength, and then expand the advantage.

On the other side, the Black Knight Knightmare, who was approaching Lancelot, was also picked up by the heat source detector and started shooting into the air.

"Go away! There is no time to talk nonsense with you now!"

Manipulating the body to move up and down at high speed, while deploying the protective magnetic field shields of both arms to resist the bullets of the rifle, Suzaku gradually approached the sky above the venue and searched the venue with a detector.

"ZERO, where are you, get out of here...ZERO!"

The first to successfully rush into the venue were Karen's Guren II and her Black Knights Zero Division.As the guard of ZERO, this team is made up of all women.And every one of them has undergone in-depth exchanges with Lu Lu Xiu, including Karen, Chiba, and Inoue, among others.


Under Karen's order, all the Knightmare rushed towards the Bunitanian army in the venue.In fact, by now, the battle itself has ended.

Due to the internal rebellion in the army, the Bunitanian army has slowly become chaotic. With the sudden appearance of Euphemia, driving the pink Lancelot, together with the red lotus, it is like two repetitions. The punch severely smashed the sharpness of the mysterious Bunitanian army.

Under the assault of two trump cards with fighting power against the round table, the Knightmare of the Black Knights swept the Bunitan army in the venue as easily as cutting grass.

And Euphemia was also recognized by the Black Knights. The Japanese who were rescued in the venue, after receiving the explanations from the Black Knights, also connected what happened just now, and were even more convinced that Euphemia was Betrayed by Bunitania and Suzaku.Use her kindness and simplicity to lure ZERO to appear, and even wipe out all the resistance organizations.

Next, Karen and Yuffi led the zero division and the Bunitanian army controlled by GEASS to clean up the enemies in other places, and then clean up the mess.

Seeing that the situation below was stabilizing, Lulu Xiu and CC also drove Gao Wen slowly down.At this moment, Suzaku, who was driving from Lancelot, caught the huge figure of Gawain from the detector.

"found it!"

The red-eyed Suzaku smiled grimly, as if staring at the black Knightmare on the screen, and flew away at full speed.The red laser oscillating sword pierced the man's back like a blood-colored spear.

"ZERO, go to hell!"

The hell-like memories of the two days of Shengen Island were in this powerful blow.

Of course, Lulu Xiu and CC had already sensed the arrival of Suzaku, but the two of them just glanced at the white knight that was flying in. They originally turned around and didn't mean to evade.

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