Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 420

"As a walking dead, a puppet, a lack of personality, a traitor rejected by everyone. Until the moment I die, but until then, I will live strong, keep living, and fight for death. Go down."

Once again in a stalemate, Suzaku looked at the lord who was close at hand and shouted loudly.

"As a fallen knight! My lord, if you want me to die, come and kill me yourself!"

"Okay, fallen knight Suzaku, I will crush you to death with my own hands, so that your soul and body will disappear into this world together. With me, Euphemia LI Bunitania. In name, you are absolutely sanctioned!"


The bounced steel legs kicked the white knight's belly fiercely, kicking him out.But the Pink Knight came after him first. At the moment he touched the ground, a sword hit the wrist of the laser oscillating sword held by Suzaku's right hand, and instantly pierced the joint circuit.


call out!

The sound of breaking through the air was immediately followed by the sound of crushing the wrist, and the red light containing endless murder pierced Lancelot's chest straight.If it is stabbed, Lancelot will definitely be pierced with the cockpit, and the driver inside will definitely not avoid death.

However, at this moment, on Yuffi's recognizer, two red dots symbolizing danger flew toward her left.


The laser oscillating sword that was about to pierce the Suzaku suddenly changed its direction, and the two red dots in the future-the armor-piercing missile smashed in the air.


With two explosions, the rolled up air wave set off a cloud of dust, and the premonition of death drove the Suzaku to instantly explode and flee towards Avalon in the sky.

This is the GEASS that Lelouch gave to Suzaku more than a month ago from Shinejima-an absolute order not to die.

"I'm Euphemia Li Bonitania!"

"Oh, it's so scary! The vase prince who dared not step on an ant to death, actually boarded the Knightmare to fight her knight, and beheaded him!"

A Knightmare, which is painted silver as a whole, and the connection part is made of a stronger golden alloy, flies from a distance. This aircraft is the same as Lancelot, and is completely different from the fifth-generation Knightmare currently in service. The hook on his right wrist, the shield on his left hand, and the majestic and majestic fuselage all clearly showed his danger.

"This is...Knight of Rounds-Parcival!"

Although he did not recognize the voice of the opposing driver, Yu Fei guessed the identity of the opposing driver from this unfamiliar body model.

Knight of Rounds's tenth knight's large-scale special machine, the identity of the person who came is almost ready.

"Is it the tenth knight Arnold Lucius Bradley? It's really rude to attack me as the third empress-Euphemia LI Bunitania. This is not Forgive the capital sin!"

After recognizing the identity of the opponent, Yu Fei could no longer resist the anger in his heart, seeing that he could immediately kill the scum knight, but was hindered by the round table knight at the last moment.

"Really? It's a pity that your majesty has declared your treason, colluded with ZERO, and used the establishment of the'Japan Administrative Special Zone' in an attempt to subvert the empire. If you are arrested now, you can still be forgiven. I'm rude!"

Behind the tenth knight of the round table, Arnold Lucius Bradley, who has the name of "Empire Vampire", his knights also dressed in silver and lined up.

Opposite them, Karen led the zero division also arrived in full, plus Gawain floating in the sky, compared to the tenth knight of the round table and his knights on the opposite side, more powerful.

"Three to one? Then please forgive me for retreating temporarily!"

Although Arnold Lucius Bradley likes to kill, he is not stupid. The three aircraft on the opposite side are not below him, and he has seen all the battles just now.Even if it wasn't the round table, the opponent, everyone's strength was outstanding, and he wouldn't engage in this kind of battle that was extremely likely to die.

As for the people of his knights and the black knights, he subconsciously ignored them.In this level of battle, they are just an eye-catching cannon fodder.The only effect is to be slaughtered meaninglessly.

"All retreat!"

Looking up at the Avalon in the sky that was slowly retreating, Arnold Lucius Bradley fully guarded the three new suits on the opposite side, leading the Knights to slowly retreat.

"ZERO, do you want to pursue it?"

Karen and Yuffizi, who stood side by side, asked Lulu Xiu together.

"No, save the surviving Japanese first, and expose Nitania's conspiracy to the world, and Suzaku's despicable betrayal!"

In Gawain's cockpit, Lelouch's fingers tapped the handle lightly, preventing everyone's urge to chase.

The current situation is unclear. The inauguration ceremony of the administrative special zone-Japan turned out to be a trap for him and CC, and the appearance of the Knights of the Round Table sounded a wake-up call for him.It seemed that his movements were already under the control of that man.

In this case, the only way to conduct a storm before the arrival of the empire's native army.And this unexpected massacre just gave him and the Black Knights the best excuse.

Just set up Japan directly!There is no better excuse than this time.

Chapter 332 The United States-Japan

"Damn it, why did it happen like this!"

In the underground passage of the Fuji mountain area, Taizo Kirahara who was escaping through the elevator roared angrily.With the slaughter, the status and honour that are at your fingertips have become fleeting.Up to now, he also guessed ZERO, or Lelouch's plan.

He should have thought that Euphemia was that person's fiancée, and Cornelia also had a good impression of him, coupled with the other's hidden forces, it took so much effort to create such a scam.

However, when the elevator fell to the lowest level, the figure that appeared in front of him completely stunned him and the leaders of the six Kyoto houses who had fled with the others.

"It's been a long time, Taizo Kirahara!"

Dalton sneered and looked at the group of old dragon bells in front of him, but secretly controlled the entire Japanese chaebol leader.Beside his sturdy body, stood a very petite figure. The beautiful kimono looked very dazzling in this dark space, like an elf in the night.

Kagura, the last member of the Japanese imperial family, a puppet empress secretly manipulated by six Kyoto houses.

"Sure enough, it's you, Your Highness Kagura!"

Taizo Kirahara looked at the innocent little princess, thinking about everything clearly.

"In order to accept the power of Kyoto, did you design this trap together with Zero?"

"Of course, with you old guys here, I can't help ZERO with all my heart. Since you like to block stumbling blocks, then I can only move you away! Of course, I will get rid of some mice!"

Kaguraya smiled, her lovely smile matched her innocent face, just like a princess in a fairy tale.It's a pity that the words she spit out were killing five old people.



"Kill them!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

In the desperate gazes of Tongyuan and others, Dalton drew his pistol.


"Okay, clean up here, I will go to see ZERO, Dalton, you can come back to Sister Cornelia to stand by! I..."

Looking at the corpse on the ground with a smile, Kagura's expression remained unchanged.These old guys have been by her side chirping, so annoying, she seemed to have killed them a long time ago.

Just when Kagura gave Dalton a second order, the communicator in her arms suddenly rang.

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