Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 423

Lelouch turned around, CC and Yuffi behind him immediately stepped away, exposing Kagura who was planning to hide in front of him.

"It's too much, it's like abandoning my wife to play alone!"

Kagura Ya pouted a small mouth that could almost hang a wine bottle, hands on hips, staring at Lu Lu Xiu dissatisfied.Now that it was exposed, she spoke uprightly.It's really uncomfortable to see my husband finally, and I have to separate after a few words.

"Not alone, there is CC, Yuffi, Karen!"

Looking at Kagura who looked like I was an angry little woman, Lulu Xiu under the mask couldn't help but look at him. CC and Yu Fei next to them also looked at Kagura with affectionate eyes. Disguised smile.

"No, I don't want to. I want to go with you. With my driving skills, I can definitely help you!"

"But unfortunately, your landline is not here. Without her, against the Knights of the Round Table, your chances of winning are not great. Moreover, keeping you here is to protect G1. This is the rear base of our Black Knights. The command center of the entire battle. Once there is a loss, this war will also usher in failure!"

"I know!"

Kagura pouted dissatisfiedly. Although she was dissatisfied, she was not the kind of person who likes to make trouble without reason.Lelouch kept her here just to ensure the safety of this base.

"be good!"

Lelouch walked to the frustrated Kagura, and stroked her little head lightly.

"After the war is over, if G1 is safe, I can promise you a condition as a reward! So obedient! Hmm!"

"Well, I will guard this base!"

Kagura narrowed his eyes comfortably like a kitten when he was gently stroked by the big hand of his sweetheart.Not to mention the conditions, just this gentle touch is already a very rich reward.

Looking at the little princess's comfortable expression, Lelouch under the mask shook his head reproachfully.

After everything is over, we must make good compensation for these girls who have paid silently for themselves.However, it was precisely because he knew their silent contribution that he could not fail even more.

Even knowing that the chance of victory this time is not great.

Without the participation of the Chinese Federation and the EU, relying on the Black Knights and Japan, they want to fight against the rising power of Bunitania, the hope of victory is really too slim.

"This is my good Kagura, this'home' pleases you, wait for me to come back!"

Like a general who was about to leave the battlefield, Lulu Xiu turned around and walked out of the bridge after leaving Kagura a word.

Behind him, Kagura Yeah clasped his fist and looked at Lu Le Xiu's straight back with red eyes, completely falling into the role of his wife.


At this moment, when Lelouch and CC were driving Gawain to fight with Yuffi and Karen, Avalon was also moving towards the Tokyo concession in the dark sky in the distance.

Since returning, Suzaku, who shut herself in the room, has welcomed an unexpected guest.

"Hello, meeting for the first time! Suzaku-kun, I'm VV!"

A child with long golden hair and gorgeous clothing similar to the pope, standing in front of the Suzaku who had become a walking dead, said in a very vicissitudes and indifferent voice.


The existence of the Suzaku Suzaku has been completely erased, but a walking dead Suzaku was left looking at the strange child in front of him, and repeated the name in a muttering voice.


Boom boom boom!

With G1, the defense line constructed by the Bunitan army ambushing in the slum area was easily broken through. Crossing this line of defense, the Black Knights had already breached the outer edge of the Tokyo concession, and confronted the Bunitan army waiting in the distance. .

Lulu Xiu and CC who boarded Gaowen escaped from the G1 battleship and flew to a stop in the sky in front of the outer edge of the Tokyo Concession.

"I am ZERO, a rebel against the powerful. I will wait until zero hour to release the Queen Cornelia, and at the same time surrender and surrender to our army. This is the final letter. I only wait until zero hour to surrender to our army! "

Dorothea, who was arriving at the defensive position on the outer edge of the Tokyo Concession by a transport plane, drove her exclusive plane, and descended from the sky with the seventh knight Chrissy and the tenth knight Bradley, each occupying a triangle and standing in three knights. Before, he confronted Gawain in the sky ahead, the red lotus type two on the left and right sides of G1, and the pink Lancelot.

"A meaningless threat, ZERO! Tokyo Concession is also a fortress city anyway. Even if you have three Knightmare and ace pilots that are no less than the round table, your rabble crowd is your biggest failure!"

As soon as they arrived, when she heard ZREO's arrogant words asking them to surrender, Dorothea finally saw the arrogance of the other party and sneered back.

The imperial vampire on the left, the tenth knight Bradley also showed a cruel bloodthirsty smile.

"That's right, I want to use those mobs to fight us as the Knights of the Round Table. This is the biggest joke I ever heard!"

"The only thing we need to worry about is that we must be careful not to kill the green-haired girl and ZERO in Gawain, and His Royal Highness Euphemia in Lancelotli in red! Although we have committed treason, if we are Kill her on the battlefield!"

Compared to the two colleagues who were full of disdain for the Black Knights and Zero, the seventh knight Krissy was calmer.He carefully reminded the two of the existence of Euphemia.

"...We will be funeral objects too!"

Bradley's expression suddenly became very ugly. If His Royal Highness Euphemia really died in their hands, even if they were the Knights of the Round Table, even if they were given the exact order of the Emperor.

But the Palace of the Virgin, Cornelia, and other royal families, even if they can't be punished on the surface, they can make a trip in the dark.The sudden death of the fiancé of the first emperor Ginevere, one of the eight most famous gates of the empire, the eldest son of the Kurudevsky family, is a living example.

Even later, Grand Duke Kurudevsky died mysteriously, pushing the prestige of the royal family to the extreme.At that time, the opponent was just an imperial family who had not grown up and was even sent to the empire as a proton.

"There is also ZERO. If it is the person under speculation, it will become the biggest scandal in the empire. Therefore, ZERO's true identity must not be exposed. After he is captured, he will be handed over to the empire!"

There is no shortage of clever people among the Knights of the Round Table. Not only are they superior in force, but they are also not stupid.Contacting Cornelia and Euphemia's reaction, and the implied that the Emperor directly issued the order to capture ZERO, Dorothea and Chrissy both vaguely guessed the identity of ZERO.

Bradley already knew her guess from Dorothea's analysis, so he just retreated so simply before.

"I know, I don't want to be hunted down by Bertoris and Nonet!"

"Maybe also add to His Royal Highness Cornelia, His Highness Genivel, His Highness Karin!"

Chrissy added that not only among the knights of the round table, the influence of that person among the prince, even surpassed Schonizel.

"It's really an aggrieved war. It's not enough to let this 11th district become their playground. They can play as they want. Anyway, there are so many ELEVEN! Kill it, you can't kill it!"

This passage was only said by the three Knights of the Round Table through a secret communication, otherwise it would be leaked out and it would definitely cause an uproar.However, in the end, Bradley's anger-like complaint made Dorothea and Krissy couldn't help laughing.


The laughter of the three Knights of the Round Table, symbolizing the most powerful force in the empire, spread through the Knights behind them, raising their morale to the extreme.If Bunitania's army is an invincible army in the world, then the Knights of the Round Table are the strongest at the apex of this invincible army.

The three round tables are the strongest in a quarter of the empire, and they are too big to use against the Black Knights and the group of ELEVEN civilians who have just picked up their weapons.If it weren't for ZERO's terrifying record, maybe they could not even mention the fighting spirit.

Chapter 335 The Collapsed Position

"Have you really decided? Lelouch, now, you can turn around. As long as you show your identity, both you and Yuffi can return to Bunitania upright. With the power you have, it can be upright and upright. To seize the throne of the Bunitanian Empire, together with Lihua and Toria, the whole world is at your fingertips! However, once you attack, the whole world will be stained with blood!"

Looking at the knights of the Round Table and the Knights who were waiting in front of him, CC frowned slightly, hesitated, and looked back at Lelouch.Reminded in a very solemn tone.

The three knights of the round table, plus the knights under them, have far more weight in Bunitania than the average royal family.Even if it is not as good as Cornelia and Euphemia, the impact on the world is no less than a magnitude ten earthquake regardless of victory or defeat.

Enough to subvert everything!

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